Chapter 18

Anthony sat on the couch before that revelation, he felt completely stupid, an idiot, how had he been able to mistrust him? His omega, now he understood the reason for his fears, his fears, so cold and distant At first, his tears would not stop and he kept breaking right there, he could not imagine all the pain he had suffered, he feverishly doubted that he had made up all that story, the pain in his eyes gave him away, he got up hugging him head on, squeezing him in his arms trying to calm their cries and their own.

—I'm sorry my love, I am so sorry, please forgive me, I was a selfish idiot, I do not deserve or do not deserve your forgiveness.

The Omega took refuge in his arms, feeling so protected, her aroma calmed him so much, he had missed him, snuggling into his neck when he had nightmares, he was the only one who could calm him down and remind him that if there were good things in life, He was a clear example of it, that's why he was so afraid of losing him, of disappointing him, he was not going to run away anymore, if he was with him he could do everything, as he always had.

—You are all I need Thony, I was so afraid of losing you but I knew that I could not keep hiding, I could not, excuse me for not being enough, for being stained, for not being able to be the omega you deserve.

Both were with tears in their eyes, the pain was reflected in them but the flash of love still persisted there, their wolves were calm, playing in peace that they were finally together, the only thing missing was to unite as the moon dictates but the Omega still felt ashamed to be so tainted for his Alpha, that he hung his head in shame.

—Since I saw you I knew that you were different, that you were going to drive me crazy, that no matter what I was going to be there for you because I love you, fuck I love you James as you have no idea, I know it's too soon but I can't be without you these days without your presence were a real torture.

James ran his hands over his cheeks, cleaning the trail of tears that kept coming out, he looked at him tenderly, his half-nakedness taking a backseat, that didn't matter to him, he slowly approached to finally bring his lips together in such a long-awaited kiss, Anthony passed his hands by her small waist caressing it, her aroma was so sweet that the desire to want to mark it as her own was not lacking.

His tongues played and battled for whoever took command of him, his hands fell to his thighs, lifting him up causing him to let out a moan that died between his mouths, he felt the hard member of the alpha rise and crash against her butt of him.

—My alpha, take me, do it, I need to know that I am yours and only you are capable of doing it

The kiss was broken as they looked at each other and their breaths were accelerating, their pupils were dilated looking at each other with desire, the alpha's hands squeezed his butt causing the Omega to release a shameful moan that for Thony was the bell to continue advancing.

—I love you, I need you, please, I know I'm too damaged but I want to feel that I can rebuild myself for you."

The alpha sighed and then smiled at him and left a kiss on his forehead, he began to walk towards his room of the omega who only hid in his neck waiting for his alpha and at the same time still feeling the fear that he did not want him, that he would disgust him just seeing it.

—Are you afraid?

—I'm afraid that you will reject me, that it won't be enough, if even I feel disgusted by my body, that's why I don't like mirrors.

—You are precious, whatever you say before my eyes, you are the most beautiful person I have ever known, I don't care what happened, I would love any part of your body, it's okay if you're afraid, it's not the time yet, you know I can wait a lifetime if necessary, I just want you to feel comfortable and know that everything you say to me is the opposite.

—I love you Anthony.

He left him on the bed gently looking at him tenderly, he left a short kiss on his lips and then went to his closet and looked for a polo shirt, he found a black one thinking that whatever he put on would look beautiful, he placed it as soon as he reached his On the other hand, he could not describe exactly what they felt at that moment, Warmth? Tranquility? It could not be defined exactly in a single word but with looking into each other's eyes they knew that their problems would go away, just by kissing they felt that his wounds were healed.

They curled up on the bed feeling full, the alpha's chest joined the opposite back, staying in that position so well known but that they always wanted to do, "the spoon", he took refuge in his neck inhaling its sweet aroma, they were in a bubble of tranquility that was only broken by the sound of the alpha's cell phone, he took it out by answering a couple of messages somewhat angry at Marcos's attitude, he still did not understand what was happening to him, he tried to ignore it to quickly return to his initial position but it was almost impossible I couldn't leave it and that's it.

*Cell phone conversation*

(M: Are you coming? Tell me for the love of everything, yes)

(A: No...)

(M: Don't tell me ... I knew I was going to cajole you! ... Give me the address now that I'm going to look for you)

(A: No Marc, I am not a baby for you to take care of me, I love James and I do not want you to go back to him like that, he is my omega whether you like it or not ...)

(M: I'm just trying to protect you, I'm not doing it for bad and you know it)

—I think he thinks I kidnapped you, right?

The voice of his omega made him look away from the cell phone and remove his frown, he left it on the table next to the bed, putting his hands on his waist again but this time turning him and facing him, he left a little kiss on his nose to look at him.

—I like that idea better but no, I was just worried.

—I'm going to be jealous about that.

—My precious jealous omega.

The afternoon was summed up to that, to tender smiles and tickling, with words of love along with mischievous kisses, they couldn't skip lunch, of course not, they cooked together playing with it, because the alpha was not a complete expert in art culinary but trying it just for him was a complete pride.

He left the salad in a glass bowl and placed it on the table to be able to accompany him at lunch, sigh watching as James continued cooking, he melted when he saw that image, he imagined waking up every day with the sweet aroma of his food and a little boy pulling him towards the table to be able to eat together, a small family, smiled for it and went looking for his cell phone to the room.

Perhaps it was too early to have children, they hadn't even finished their degree, much less had he asked to be a boyfriend and it was already taking too long, he snorted at it, if it was possible better he would do it now, bluntly, without ties, unlocking his cell phone seeing that he had not yet responded to his friend.

*Cell phone conversation*

(A: I know friend but please understand me, I don't like being with you like this, you know I appreciated you and I appreciate what you do for me but I love him)

(M: Okay, I'll let you keep fucking your life then, bye)

(A: Marc, don't be like that, I thank you for worrying and everything but you are my best friend, you should support me)

(M: Well then I'll stop being it from now on, your things will wait for you outside)

(A: Uh ok)

To say that he was disappointed, it was little, when had Marcos changed so much? He did not recognize his friend but he could not judge him either, the others had given him a wrong and stupid idea of ​​his omega, he was not going to try to change his thinking but neither he was going to allow them to speak ill of him.

He put his phone in his pocket and went to the room where James was leaving the last plate, he hugged him from behind him distributing little kisses around his neck causing laughter to be heard from the opposite.

—I think I no longer have a place to stay.

The omega moved away when he heard him, he turned to face him, his alpha seemed calm but at the same time sorry, he had fought with his friend because of him.

—Why? Did I do something wrong?

—No precious, you're not to blame for anything, just that Marcos threw me out but I don't care, I'll see a hotel near the university although I also have a part-time job and .....

—Are you going to stay with me.

He cut off what he was going to say to say that, Live together? They had barely reconciled, Wasn't something going to go wrong with it? Shouldn't they take time in that aspect? What should I do or if had I done something wrong?

—What? No, I don't want to be a bother, you know I can and ...

—And you spend more time here than living with Marcos, come on, you even have your drawer of clothes, or do you want proof of that?

He blushed when he heard what he said, it was true that he spent more time in his apartment than in Marcos's, it was true that sometimes he stayed to sleep, it was true that ... oh for a demon they practically already lived together only that the alpha fool didn't realize it but, he has his excuse, it all felt so natural that there was no need to be scared about it.

—No ..... but if or if I must continue working, to help you.

—Bobo, it's okay.

He kissed her lips smiling, they sat at the table starting to eat, and then he would go to collect his things, he would live completely with his omega, that encourages him more, seeing him every morning for him was a dream, now that he felt a little more Free for having released his burden, he knew that everything would improve and he had something very clear.

That I would trust him fully no matter what, everything had a solution and explanation.