Chapter 19

Undoubtedly, time passes too quickly and for Anthony, he thought he couldn't put it off any longer, it should be today, he imagined the answer, well actually he already knew the answer but he wanted to hear it come from his boy's own lips and if , today was the day, not the big day because they were not getting married yet but it would be a beautiful day, although if he spoke of marriage for him, he would also ask him today but he knew there was still a long way to go, to be able to form his family, how much he longed for that.

He had everything prepared, although he had changed plans, it was too cliché to ask him in an expensive restaurant, he hated cliché, he preferred to give it his own personal touch so that he will never forget that day.

He adjusted his shirt seeing that he was at least presentable, he wore a white shirt along with black pants and a long jacket of the same color, not as formal as a suit with a tie, nor as casual as a sweatshirt, he rang the bell for a couple sometimes noticing how his beautiful omega opened the door with a smile.

—Where do you plan to take me?

—This is a surprise.

—If you don't tell me, I'll take it as kidnapping.

—Don't spoil my surprise James.

He frowned making an overly adorable pout that was kissed by the omega, they left the apartment towards the alpha's car, yes, his father had given it to him when he went to visit them one weekend, promising that he would soon take his omega to meet them The bad thing is that he had not told James that, he doubted that he would react badly for not telling him, he would surely be happy.

Do not?

A long road awaited them that was only full of entertaining conversations and the occasional scolding from the omega regarding his work team, better to do everything alone, so he did not deny so much.

—Really Thony, they just use me, I do all the work alone and they don't move a finger, I'll tell the teacher.

—Make it love, you know that I will support you if the teacher dares to tell you something.

—I don't want you to get into trouble and less for me, I'll take care of it.

He crossed his arms looking towards the window remembering in the problems that his alpha got just to defend him, a part of him causes him tenderness and happiness because his beloved alpha protected him but the other part was afraid that they would do something, the feeling to lose again was there and did not want to feel it again.

—Can I ask you a favor for today?

—Whatever you want Thony.

—When we're alone I don't want you to wear the scarf, like now and for the rest of the night.

He spoke without taking his eyes off the road just hearing a sigh from the omega, maybe he didn't say it right, he must have put more affection on his words but he calmed down when he turned around for a second and saw his boy nod.

James bit his lip, taking it off without fear, the habit of always wearing it was still present, he had to get into his head that his alpha loved him and accepted him even when he was broken, that he himself was taking care of gluing his pieces together and helping him to Loving yourself was difficult but not impossible and he knew it.

He received a kiss on his neck when he was already exposed, feeling his omega happy when he felt accepted, after twenty more minutes of travel they arrived at a small cabin, far outside the city and somewhat hidden in the forest but it was the perfect place, homey and warm.

The alpha surprised him with having made dinner by himself, surprisingly it was delicious, although the alpha had had some help from his mother who was still excited to meet him.

They had a quiet evening, with compliments for the dinner from James and blushes from Anthony, who only bit his lip and decided to bring his surprise, he couldn't keep waiting, the little anxiety was going to eat him up if he didn't already. He returned to the living room with a pink stuffed rabbit in his hand, he handed it to her with a smile that made his dimples, those that made the omega melt with tenderness just by looking at them.

He grabbed it looking at it with love, it was too pretty but the striking thing was that it had a little piece of paper with the word "Push me" that stood out, he looked up at Anthony looking for an explanation who only told him to pay attention and pressed the doll.

"James Velmond, my precious omega, would you accept being my boyfriend?"

She looked up to find Anthony kneeling in front of him showing him a blue velvet box containing two necklaces, one of a sun and one of a moon.

I explain in detail the meaning of both, he was enthralled by the love he received, by the affection that he once yearned for, the tears of happiness continued to flow down his cheeks, feeling how the years of suffering and the suddenness of constant happiness had rewarded him with that man who looked at him with tenderness and nervousness, adored him.

Sun = You are the sun that rises again in my life

Moon = A reincarnation of my childhood dreams

—You are my serendipity, I was too lucky to find you, valuable for my life and unexpected because I did not think that I was going to fall so deeply in love with you, I think it was by destiny that we met, he united us and I will not allow anyone to separate us , I do not want anything more than you are by my side, so, do you accept?

—I think that even the question offends, yes and a thousand times yes, I feel so happy by your side, that I lack words to express what I feel for you Thony, you became my strength to endure everything bad that touched me, next to you my fear has gone little by little, next to you I have known love, when I am with you, I am in utopia.

They hugged each other sobbing with happiness, sweet words were murmured trying to calm those beautiful feelings they felt, James cried on his chest and then left small kisses on his face, on his cheeks, on his forehead and to finish on his lips, there in the floor sat on his lap without breaking the kiss that started tender and ended in uncontrolled, a fiery kiss where the omega instinctively began to move his hips up and down.

The alpha's hands caressed his waist slowly, lifting his pole, he put these inside his pants, squeezing his butt at will, eliciting moans from the opposite, they barely broke the kiss and began another more intense one, the alpha's fingers stopped at his entrance, consumed For the excitement he introduced a finger, then two causing Jungkook to move away from his lips and hide himself in his neck, squeezing his shoulders while still moaning.

—Tho-thooonyyy ..... no, ah, more.

—Are you sure, precious? I'm not going to stop from now on.

—If it's with you, of course, don't stop.

The alpha smiled and withdrew his fingers obtaining a reproach along with a pout of reddish lips for having been banned, he carried him like a koala listening to the slight gasps that he released against his neck, he took him to the second floor where he was gently laid on the soft bed .

The garments were in the way that were thrown anywhere that would later be collected but not now, now they were needed, only they mattered, the rest was merely secondary, they were naked, completely surrendered, they stopped any action when they saw each other in the eyes.

The dilated pupils, the agitated breaths, the breasts rose and fell, the omega's cheeks were red from the shame he felt for his nakedness but that was erased when the alpha was in charge of leaving small kisses on each part of his body, he shed tears feeling that he was also kissing her scars, the ones he hated so much.

When he reached his belly he opened his legs revealing his pink entrance, the alpha let out gasps when he saw him that way, he brought his mouth to that private place and began to lick him and then introduce his boneless, James was a sea of ​​moans His skin beaded with sweat, his hands traveled to the alpha's hair, he felt that he was not going to resist so much pleasure that without noticing he came on his abdomen.

He tried to regulate his breathing seeing how Anthony aligned his member against his already dilated entrance, the alpha looked into his eyes trying to look for any hint of fear finding only desire in them, he opened his legs a little more as he entered slowly listening to a loud moan with pressure on his shoulders.

—Easy my love, if you want me to stop just tell me.

—N-no, just, that, hmm ~, I-I didn't think it was, ah, t-so big.

Anthony chuckled, hiding himself in James's neck, leaving small bites that distracted him from the pain, concentrating on the pleasure as he entered and left slowly, he went up to his ear biting the lobe of it, the only melody he could hear were his moans , he moved finding his sweet spot violently attacking him, he felt the fucking sky, so much so that he ignored the scratches he received on his back, who in his right mind would even think about it?

Those walls were witnesses of their meeting, that place would take the first time that they joined body and soul, where they swore love to each other's eyes and did not hesitate for a second to know how much they loved each other, how much they wanted each other, how much they wanted that that moment never ends.

The omega was almost reaching the climax, to his precious orgasm but I can't since his alpha came out of him, he looked at him with some annoyance, he wanted to arrive, Anthony smiled for that and kisses his lips, massaging his member in the process, removing thus any hint of anger replacing it with pure pleasure.

—An-Antho ....

—On your knees.

James, as he could, complied with the order feeling his legs tremble, he left his butt raised shaking it from side to side wanting his alpha to enter and split it in two, he felt his back cheek burn, he had been spanked at that provocation, he received a couple of spankings more until finally feel how hard it entered him giving exactly in his sweet spot, which was attacked several times, his chest fell on the bed unable to bear any more and came staining the sheets with his essence, the alpha squeezed his buttocks when he felt as James's interior contracted, only there could he come feeling the knot swell.

The only thing that was heard were his rapid breathing, Anthony stayed in that position rubbing his hips and back, without a doubt that view was beautiful, a mental image that he would never want to erase, he left small kisses on his back as he slowly left him, James he let out a pitiful moan when he felt empty, the alpha just stared as the rest of his essence came out of his entrance that the desire to catch it again was there, he snorted at that thought and took out wet cloths from a drawer to clean the Little mess, she changed the sheets for clean ones and covered the naked body of her lover so she could lie down next to him.

—I feel like tomorrow I'll have trouble walking and there was no second round.

—Excuse me baby but you know I'll take care of you and about the other thing, maybe we can fix it.

—I have work tomorrow, Anthony.

—Don't go then.

—You are a bad influence without a doubt.

They kissed briefly feeling how they fell slowly into the arms of Morpheus, without a doubt it was a beautiful evening.