
Time passes too fast or maybe I don't realize it, plus seeing him play with my baby, seeing his bright smile and how his eyes shine while holding him, I feel as if everything stopped just in that precious moment. It's been almost two years since we started a new life again, everything has been perfect until my precious omega began to feel bad, I had too much nausea, constant headaches and quite a lot of fatigue.

He told me that everything was fine, that with a pill and a rest it would pass, I believed in him faithfully and was always aware of how he was, checking that he was resting properly, picking him up from work and watching over his food, just like when we were younger, James always had a bad habit of not eating, he would concentrate on something and completely forget to eat, at least he drank water and went to the bathroom but food is always important.

I noticed he was more haggard, I thought it was because he spent a lot of time on the computer and I begged him to reduce his working hours but he was the boss, he couldn't leave his job, I had to persuade him to rest even if he was the head of the company, he needed to sleep at his hours, eat at his hours and although it sounded selfish, I wanted him to pay attention to me even for a few hours, I took charge of the company for several weeks seeing the improvement of my omega little by little but the straw that broke the camel's back was when we went to buy for the pantry, several implements were needed for our food, I had put Ji-hoon in the cart while James looked for what was on the list, I turned to see some cans of potatoes that I wanted to buy, I was undecided about how many cans I was supposed to wear, I heard a dry hit causing me to turn quickly looking for the origin of said sound.

I opened my eyes in alarm, James fainted in front of me, a feeling of terror came over me, the same fear that when I dialed him came back, trying to erase the words of that frivolous doctor but they wouldn't go away, with trembling hands I dialed the number emergency, I was shaking, how could I take it? Honnie started crying when I felt tense, I carried him in my arms and tried to carry my omega on my shoulder, when I left the supermarket, thank God the ambulance had already arrived but my face was neutral, with the same fear as that time .

I just hugged my son trying to calm down with his aroma of milk, praying that it was nothing bad, it was just tiredness, I knew that he was working more in the company, despite having helped him, I should have done more, I should have left him I went home to rest, I cried helplessly as I put my baby in my car, the ambulance had taken James to the hospital, I didn't want my son to be scared, feeling terrified.

I arrived at my mother's house, I cannot fully confirm that now everything was going well with her but I feel that little by little she is accepting it, because a few months ago she arrived for her grandson's second birthday with a present in her arms and a huge smile, she didn't look at James but at least I greeted him correctly when entering, there were no words after that but at least they were advances, I just told her that I had to go to the hospital and that my omega had gotten very bad, I don't wonder what it had happened, he just hugged me reassuringly, I sighed calmly and he walked away wiping my tears, my mother was a wonderful woman but she didn't understand why she had such a bad thought, she kissed my cheek and went with Honnie to her house, without telling me more, words are not necessary if it is demonstrated with actions and my mother had given me her support without saying more.

I went to my car, driving to the hospital, I took a deep breath trying to think positive, that James was fine, that maybe he only had a minor pain, that with a couple of pills and total rest he would be the smiling omega again and always energetic, in all these years there is not a single day that I do not live in love with him, my mind was lost every time I admired him in anything he did, I loved him infinitely that it would hurt horribly if he was no longer with me, I could accept that he was out of my life but I would not accept that he was out of this world.

I arrived at the hospital asking the receptionist about James, I was anxious and she just did it slowly like a turtle, she was in a hurry and it was noticeable even in my movements, she put me in a bad mood so I started flirting with him. him at that time.

—Miss, I have a partner, please understand, I'm not interested at all in wanting to cheat on you because it's the best thing that's ever happened to me, I'd like you to hurry up instead of wanting to give me your ass, if you continue with your ineptitude I swear you won't come back to work here, tell me what room it is in.

I saw how her partner next door chuckled as she reluctantly told me the number, although the threat was not a lie, I had my contacts and could do it, I quickly reached the right room, as soon as I opened the door the soul returned to my body, James was awake and grumbling about being there, he didn't like hospitals and I knew he wanted to leave as soon as he opened his eyes, I knew it, I knew him perfectly, I know it brought back terrible memories that little by little he has been overcoming, my omega was undoubtedly very strong and I was proud of him, but knowing that he was in poor health and that perhaps it was because he was neglecting himself made me feel like a bad alpha who did not take care of his omega, his destiny, the love of his life, as it should, that made my wolf drop his ears in scolding.

—Anthony my love, you can tell this inept that I'm fine now and I can go.

—Love, you know I never say no to anything but I inform you that you fainted out of nowhere in the supermarket, you almost scared me to death and I'm not lying.

—Aish, I just fainted, I'm very tired lately, you know that work has me like this, I know you help me but everything happens, I want to get out of here please, I want to go to my bed to rest, love please tell them that already I'm fine, yes?

I denied while I saw how he looked at me with his sweet eyes and a pout begging me without words to leave there, I loved him infinitely and he himself knew how to persuade me, that was playing dirty, he knows I can't resist his charms, I sighed about to giving up, it was my greatest weakness I couldn't say no to my omega and I was going to fall for it, but I was saved when the door was opened and the doctor entered through it, well, I was saved by the bell, I looked at James with a smile while he just snorted looking at the doctor.

—Doctor, I'm tired of bad news, just tell me I have a simple stomach ache and give me pills, okay?


I looked at him annoyed, sometimes he could be so childish that he didn't think about the risk of things, for the love of everything he fainted out of nowhere, he's had days with out of place symptoms and he just thinks it's a little pain, I grabbed the bridge of my nose trying to calm me down, I didn't want to get mad at him for his attitude but it was almost impossible for me not to.

—It's the opposite of a simple pain Mr. Velmond, this is something much bigger, this...

—What do you mean doctor? Don't tell me I have cancer!

James opened his eyes wide wanting to get up and get out of there, he didn't even let the doctor finish talking, I grabbed his arm trying to sit him back on the stretcher, the very idea terrified him, through the tie I could feel all his terror, I looked at the doctor looking at the nurse, i looked at james trying to calm him down, i feel like i'm going crazy and we don't even know what's wrong with him, mother moon, save me from this.

—Than? No no no, please calm down sir, I don't think the news is sad, but I will prescribe you pills for this, please calm down first.

I glared at the doctor when I got James to calm down and sit back down, I watched as the nurse prepared a syringe, I knew she would put him to sleep if he didn't calm down, I sighed tired wanting to kill the doctor myself, fuck the situation was so tense And they only made it longer.

—Doctor, for the love of everything, don't delay any longer, I'm even scaring myself, can you hurry up please?

The doctor smiled nervously as he went back to check his papers, wanting to confirm something he wasn't telling us in a hurry, he looked at the nurse who came over and told her to prepare the syringe for anything, hell why did she go out of her way to tell us what was going on.

—Well, I don't want to worry you any more, Congratulations! You'll be parents, you're pregnant.

Now I understand why he thought about the matter so much, it left me with my mouth open just listening to it, my jaw hurt when I closed it, I turned to see my omega who had a neutral face before him, he looked at the doctor, perhaps with the Hoping he would say it was a stupid joke, I doubted too much that this doctor was a natural prankster.

—Than? How? Why? It must be a fucking joke.

—No, Mr. Velmod, the tests don't lie, he's two months pregnant.

—No, it can't be, I can't have children, they told me, I...

—Look, listen to me, if I am informed of your case and let me tell you that sometimes the wolf looks for a defense mechanism against any danger to which it is exposed, do you understand me? We have already carried out all the necessary studies and everything is perfect , we do not validate that you will have complications, however you must come to your check-ups without fail to verify that everything is going well in your pregnancy, remember that no strong emotions, a balanced diet and other things that will be told later, your appointment will be in two weeks, now if they can be withdrawn.

The nurse left everything on the rolling table, there was no need to sedate him thanks to the moon, she and the doctor left the room leaving us alone, a couple of minutes passed and I turned to look at my omega who had a lost look in his hands I felt through the tie that he was terrified, I sighed, approaching him and wrapping him in my arms, leaving kisses on his cheek trying to calm him down a bit, I needed to convey all the affection possible so that he could process the news.


I heard his call almost breaking his voice, I sat next to him drawing him into my arms, I let my pheromones release so he would calm down, he was still in shock, I knew that the tormenting memories of his past still overwhelmed him, I wish I could erase them for good. complete, erase every pain caused, I was facing it, of course I was doing it but the memories were still there, latent and expectant of everything.

—Honey, we're having a baby.

I felt that he was beginning to cry, letting out low sounds, he hid in my chest while I listened to his sobs, I distributed kisses on his crown, I know that it was difficult to assimilate, too much for him, after everything that had happened but I wanted to make him feel good, make him feel good. knowing that he was not alone and that she would always be there for him no matter what.

—I, I, I still can't, I can't, I...

I bit my lip and pulled him out of hiding looking at his teary eyes, he looked down noticing how he trembled, I left a kiss on his forehead looking at him tenderly, sometimes he could be so fragile in my arms that it scares me, he knew how much I loved him and that I couldn't leave him, he was the love of my life and this news made me so happy that I wanted to pass it on to him, calm him down so that he could assimilate it, the doctor wasn't lying when he said that it wasn't anything bad, rather it was like a blessing from the goddess .

—My love, look at me, don't worry, I'm here for you, but what the doctor said is partly right, what if your she-wolf didn't want to have puppies with those alphas? It must be for something, darling, everything is fine now and we will come to see how our little piece of love is growing, I am very grateful to you, you have made me the happiest man in the world, you do not know how much I love you and I thank fate for giving us we found acquaintance.

I dried his tears noticing how he stopped shaking, he hugged me again feeling how he smelled me looking for comfort in my aroma, I wrapped my arms around his waist feeling him a little calmer.

—Anthony, my wolf was waiting for you, I also love you like you can't imagine, although I regret having treated you badly when we met, I don't regret having stripped my soul before you, trusting you, I thank the moon for having you put in my way.

—We will be parents my love, we will have a beautiful puppy my sweet omega, you don't know how happy I feel, I hope he will become like you, beautiful he would become.

It is so difficult to believe again that there are good people, people worth knowing, I believed that the world had failed, that it no longer made sense but you came, the little petal of the tree, the last one that does not fall just because you do not want to to belong to the bunch, I don't even want to forget the color of your lips but let me continue exploring you, I don't want you to become a stranger to me, I want a life and a future with you alone, just help me try, you taught me what love is You taught me to love and I don't regret the day I met you.

James Velmond coming soon James Yang.