Chapter 29

After several weeks of facing everything, constant talks and endless forgiveness, Anthony decided to take him home, they weren't going so fast, why waste time? They were separated for a long time and now that they were officially alpha-omega nothing mattered anymore, it was time to take charge of the relationship and let everything take its course. He opened the door to meet his mother who gave him a big smile when she looked at him, but she erased it when she saw James next to her, it was time to fix this root problem.

—Hello mom, how did Hoonie behave?

—Well-well son...erm...I...what is he doing here?

—Oh right, I almost forgot mom, he is James my omega, James my mom, I thought it would be better to start over so there are no misunderstandings.

Mrs. Yang looked at James from head to toe, without even wanting to see it in painting, she had made her son suffer, she had made him leave and had the nerve to return as if nothing had happened, what an insult, she thought she was manipulating her son again. How dare she come back?

—How are you going to bring him to your house? Where is Jihoon, this omega doesn't even deserve you to talk to him, what moral are you giving your son Anthony?

The alpha sighed resignedly feeling a slight squeeze on his hand, he turned looking at James who only stared at his mother, however through the bond he could perfectly feel his beloved's fear, he tried to calm him down by releasing pheromones to calm him down, this Maybe he wouldn't let him go for anything, he wouldn't let anyone hurt him, starting with his mother's injuries.

—I had the slight hope that you would accept my decision but now I confirm that you did not, mom I thank you for everything you have done and what you do for me but it is time for you to respect my decisions, I love James, he is officially my omega, for neither you nor anyone else is going to change it, if you do not accept it only because of your retrograde thoughts, unfortunately with the pain of my heart, I will lose you not to come, but what I teach my son or does not concern only me.

He grabbed his baby out of his mother's arms, he smiled enormously when he had him, looking at him with his big bright eyes trying to pull his platinum hair, the alpha smiled turning to see James who was still looking at Mrs. Yang without any expression. , he knew that he was not going to accept it but at least he had to respect it, it was the only thing he asked for, although something told him that he would not see his mother for a long time and that hurt him, he noticed that he went to the second floor and went down quickly with the small suitcase with which he had arrived, he stared at him, perhaps waiting for the words he wanted to hear, that he would throw the omega away and they would pretend that nothing had happened, but he just smiled at his mother, making her understand that her decision had already been made and went out the door without looking at him slamming the door, he thought he would get over it, he just had to give him time.


He turned to see James who was looking curiously at the baby he had in his arms, he just looked at him smiling making the omega smile, it was a beautiful image that gave him more hope that everything would be fine from now on.

—Yes, it was the name that Ariam gave him, once he told me that when he had a baby he was going to give him that name, I don't know how I remembered that but it was a good thing.

—May I ask where he is?

He watched as the omega erased his smile but kept looking at the baby, he touched his little hand that fit in a finger while Anthony swallowed saliva feeling a little sadness when thinking about him but it didn't hurt anymore, Ariam and he were not to blame for anything, neither even his baby, he had already noticed that and now everything was fine, everything would be fine.

—He died having Jihoon

—Oh sorry I shouldn't have asked.

—Not as you think? You are my boyfriend James and I hope you don't mind but I can't leave him, he is my son.

—I would never ask you to do that, I understand you and I don't judge you either, I'm the one who did wrong, you know I...

—I don't expect you to see Hoonie as your son or your responsibility, I just hope you accept me completely because he is part of my life just like you and I also want you to be part of it.

The omega smiled broadly and came over to leave a sweet kiss on the alpha's cheek, sometimes things don't happen as one expects, it's just a matter of accepting them. Never make a hasty decision, despite the obstacles that prevent you from moving forward, do not give up, do not listen, deaf ears, if you want to survive in this world you cannot listen to others, you cannot let yourself be defeated, you cannot behave like a hero if you came back as a loser, you can't cry for the bad times, if you don't smile at them and show them that you are strong, that you are capable, because if you give up it means that they achieved their goal, which is to hurt you.



























・゜゚・:.。..。.:・'(°The end, or not?°)'・:.。. .。.:・゜゚・