Chapter 28

He laughed briefly thinking that he shouldn't regret anything, he had a beautiful puppy who waited for him every day and taught him to see life differently, he had to change his mind and not continue to be melancholy because of it, everything had already been left in the past and he should only be glad of the present, of what he had, he felt his wolf alert when he perceived that aroma that he had recently met, an aroma that disgusted him, he even wanted to vomit, he turned around watching how that alpha came walking towards him, his expression was indecipherable Between worry, annoyance, and arrogance, who the hell did this alpha think he was? No, even worse. What was that alpha doing here?

—Where is my omega?"


—I accept your apology, but tell me where my omega is right now.

—Look I really don't want to start a fight here just because it's a hospital so he get out of here right now he's not your omega."

—Yes, of course, as you say, I don't know what the hell you did to James to end up in the hospital but I swear you're going to pay for it, no one has the right to touch my omega, much less you, a fourth class alpha.

Anthony clenched his fists all the time since he had started speaking the alpha, there was no lack of desire to break his face but this was the last straw. How dare he speak to her like that? He was nobody here, it was nothing for James, he considered it even a simple adventure on his part, he couldn't take it anymore and grabbed his shirt, crashing him against the wall being lifted by him, Sergio looked at him angry and terrified by the sudden movement , his feet did not touch the ground, he looked up noticing how Anthony's eyes were golden, he swallowed hard, it was the first time he felt intimidated by an alpha, it was the first time he felt fear, he did not try to make any movement, because he knew that with that alone he could even kill him.

—I tell you to go forever but you don't understand he is my omega, he is marked by me, so if you don't want to die right now I recommend you go, he is already a claimed omega.

When he finished saying it, he released him without taking his eyes off him furiously, Sergio only looked at him with hatred and with some relief at feeling freed from him, he found himself wishing that what he had said was a complete lie but he had heard what they had said. said the employees were gossiping about what happened, he didn't think it was true, he wanted James for himself, he cursed the day that stupid alpha showed up, everything was so perfect until he deigned to show up, he adjusted his suit looking decent, he looked more Picking up the little dignity he had left, he left there not wanting to tarnish his image by fighting an alpha who didn't deserve it. Than? Without a doubt, Sergio lacked a screw to think like that, but hey, the story is not about him.

Anthony stared as the alpha left his field of vision, he sighed dejectedly when he saw him, he didn't know what the hell was going through his head, he shook his head returning to his initial place, the waiting bench, hours had passed since he arrived here and no one had come or heard from his omega, he was already getting impatient his foot moved without stopping, he stopped looking at the ceiling and looked towards the corridor, he noticed that a doctor was reviewing some papers together with a pen, while he walked towards him.

—Relatives of James Velmond?

He got up quickly reaching for him, feeling a little hopeful that he was alright; since the doctor's expression was neutral. How could he figure it out like that? It was complete torture and he wanted it to be more expressive, however he dismissed that idea and looked at it carefully, hoping that everything was alright.

—I am his alpha.

The doctor looked him up and down and took a long breath writing something on the row of papers in his hand, he took off his glasses leaving them in his pocket, looking at the alpha again.

—The omega is stable, only that he has already had several previous ties and that has weakened him, this always happens with this type of omega, luckily his wolf accepted the mark if he hadn't died.

Just hearing that word made him feel like he was going to faint, how could he say it so easily? He didn't understand it but he didn't judge it either, his job was that, not to give people false hope. He thanked her and at the same time hated that she was so direct but that wasn't the point here.

—Can I see it now?

—He is asleep right now, he's in room 507, good afternoon I'm leaving.

Without further ado, the doctor left him alone in the corridor, he began to walk as he assimilated what was said, he was looking from door to door for the number he had indicated, had he done wrong? Why did he do it in the first place? Jealousy?. Remorse for what happened in the past? He sincerely did not know and tried to find the answers to his questions but he simply could not find them and that bothered him too much, he stopped when he correctly visualized the numbers indicated by the doctor, he breathed deeply slightly feeling the aroma of his omega.

He slowly opened the door, entering little by little, hoping to find him asleep as the doctor said, but no, as soon as he entered he saw how James was watching him carefully trying to decipher him, he already knew that he had arrived from the moment he stood in front of the door, he was waiting, he had no doubt that he would come to see him, he swallowed saliva walking slowly towards him afraid of what he would say, maybe he would even hit him for what happened, he sat down on the chair that was next to him slowly and lowered his head looking at his hands She was afraid to face him, even to look him in the eye. What could he say? Sorry for almost killing you? No, even reading it sounded terrible.

—It had been a long time since I remembered what it felt like to have a bond, but what I remember perfectly is how one breaks.

—I'm sorry...

—Do you know what it means now?

She looked up when he was interrupted, met his that was looking at him attentively, James was looking at him with sadness and tenderness, what did that strange combination of emotions mean? Was I going to hit him? Or worse, he thought he would leave him, he wouldn't blame him for making that decision but he remembered what the doctor said but he didn't want to believe it, it wouldn't happen.

—What thing?

The omega looked out the window looking so fragile, so vulnerable, he closed his eyes slowly, sighing heavily, he had wanted this more than anything, in the past he had imagined it so many times but in all of them he felt that fear of rejection, disgust he could have felt seeing his marks, knowing that he was a dirty omega, he still didn't believe it, he still thought he would open his eyes and find himself at home seeing that it was just a bad dream, but that didn't happen, because when he opened his eyes he kept seeing the room white and clean, he turned to look at the alpha in front of him, it wasn't a dream, he was there, he was always there for him.

—It will be my last chance in life, my wolf would not bear one last rejection, I have always thought why so many things have happened to me if I never did anything bad to anyone, I suffered too much, I regret having been so weak, I still think that I'm not enough for you and I still want you to be happy with someone who deserves you but I'm also afraid of losing you Anthony, I don't want to anymore, I can't stand being away from you anymore, I want you here, I want you in my life, please Forgive me, forgive me for everything, forgive me for leaving you, forgive me for being like this, forgive me for being a stained omega, I apologize for everything.

He shed tears as he spoke feeling pathetic, so miserable that he didn't even deserve a single touch from the alpha in front of him, while Anthony could feel his emotions through the bond, how he felt, how he thought, he understood, fuck now he understood everything, why he did it, because he left him, it was never for himself, it was nothing like that, he held him in his arms trying to comfort him, he knew that that would not be enough but at least he wanted to make him feel good, he left kisses on the top of his head without wanting to never let go of him, it would be a complete lie to say that he hadn't missed him because damn he missed him like hell and now nobody would take it away from him, nobody would take it away from him, not again, it won't happen again even if he rejects it himself, he would look for it so many times times as needed.

—I'm so sorry James, forgive me for what I've done, I should have looked for you, I should have done so many things but I was a coward all this time.

—No, don't say that, what's done is done, I ask you not to leave me, don't do it, I made many mistakes in the past and one of them was leaving you instead of facing it. The biggest flaw was me, Anthony I...

—I am not going to leave you, neither now nor ever, be clear please, now you are completely mine, now we are one and I do not want you to denigrate yourself again, I do not want that for you, forget about the past, forget it because the important thing now is the future and I want you in mine. Can I be part of yours?

—I love you, I always have and I definitely want you to be in my future Anthony.

They both smiled tenderly, after so many years of waiting they put their lips together in a tender kiss without wanting to separate for a second, no one could deny that they are a beautiful couple although for society that is an aberration, but. What did that matter now? Fuck the damn stereotypes, love will always win and no one has any doubts about what was said.