Chapter 27

He felt his heart in his mouth, perhaps it is a widely used expression but it is the one that most resembled in this situation, his wolf was restless for his omega, he ran from one place to another avoiding the employees who looked at him in horror, one that another tried to stop him to help him but this one just growled and shooed them away, he was nervous and the road seemed endless, he felt guilty for the situation, he had caused it, maybe he was too rude, maybe he shouldn't have marked it without his consent , he hated himself so much at that moment that he only prayed that the omega was alright, tears of helplessness fell from his eyes moistening his cheeks as he continued on his way.

He got to his car feeling a momentary glimmer of relief that brought him back to reality, he quickly unlocked and carefully settled his body in the back, his nerves frayed, he tried to drive straight to the hospital, denying that he almost crashed with two cars it would be a complete lie, but who would judge him in that situation?

He wiped away the tears that clouded his field of vision as he internally punished himself and prayed that nothing bad had happened, he just wanted to get to the hospital as soon as possible, even with every obstacle he was able to get there in record time, he got it. He got out of the car screaming for help, wanting someone to pay attention to him, he opened the back door taking Jungkook out of the car very carefully, with him in his arms he walked again seeing how they approached him with a stretcher, he saw how they checked him and they told him things that he could not understand, the only thing he did was grab the omega's hand with force without the intention of letting go, he wanted him to be okay, he wanted him to open his eyes and scold him for doing that, he wanted many things that he could not make come true, he questioned how mean she had been to him while doing it. He lost sight of it as the doors to another room unknown to him closed.

He was not exaggerating, what he had done was not wrong, he will never be wrong but he felt guilty, he knew what he had done and he would never forgive himself if something happened to him, he sat on the waiting bench looking at each other hands. that they were squeezing his knees, what would he do now?

Waiting... the wait was an eternity, the doctors and nurses passed by, they went from one place to another but nobody stopped to tell him about his omega because yes, now it was his omega, only his, it always was but because of the circumstances, he couldn't make it clear, at the moment he didn't feel anything through the bond and that was worrying him, he felt overwhelmed.

He raised his head leaning it against the wall as he looked at the ceiling, his gaze lost in thought of all the things that had happened, at this moment he was punishing himself for having returned to Korea, he would have stayed outside, he would have raised alone her puppy but she knew she couldn't, she needed help and her parents had offered it to her, remembering how everything had happened was melancholic.


Namjoon did not have it easy, well, in this world nothing is easy, unless you were born in a golden cradle but even the rich cry and do not be naive, after that painful departure and having cried like crazy in the street, despite the looks of pity he received, after all that drama he had to rebuild his life again, but how do you do it if you feel as if a part of you had been torn away from you?

As soon as he finished his degree his uncle who lived in England offered him a stable job in his company, with the painful event of having lost his omega, he accepted without hesitation even when his parents tried to stop him, he was angry with his mother but could not get to hating her, he knew that deep down he was only looking for the best for himself, without realizing that he had completely destroyed him.

The first months were hard, he tried to clear himself in one way or another, he always frequented a bar of his preference and one that sometimes satisfied himself with one or an omega of his liking,

He regretted not having gone to that bar that Friday night, even when his uncle offered him a family dinner, which he refused because he did not want to get bored while they talked about work or told him about the lives of his cousins, he must have reconsider, he should have but that almond-eyed boy who kept looking at him and provoking him by moving his hips to the beat of the music, prompting him to get closer to him.

It is not enough to ask or talk, just by looking at each other they knew where all this was going but since he did not imagine that it was not just one night, it ended up becoming something more since that boy left his number on his phone before to leave, from the first call, the first date, the first kiss I knew it was going to be different although as they say, you cannot trust people.

SeokJin was always a beautiful omega, dramatic, affectionate and other good adjectives to qualify him but he did not understand why he had left overnight, after almost half a year of starting their relationship, that omega left him a simple note of that he was sorry, he thought that maybe he was not made for love, they had abandoned him, again, they had done it, What else was he going to do? Cry again? No, he just continued as if nothing had happened, I don't know He was going to allow himself to break up again without knowing if he did wrong or not, he was very clear that he did the best he could, that he gave him all the love he could and that he deserved, if he left then he was not who he was looking for or what he expected .

That was forgotten but I do not expect that after almost eight months since they finished, he received a call from the hospital, saying that he was surprised was not enough, because who would not be surprised when they call you because your "omega" is giving birth, he only thought in SeokJin but he didn't think it was from him, no, he couldn't believe it but while doing the math and thinking on the way to the hospital, he realized that many things agreed.

As soon as she arrived and asked for information about him, they told her that she was in labor, with bristling skin, she put on the implements and entered the delivery room listening to his screams, she came holding his hand trying to convey all the support that he could, the omega just turned to look at him with teary and tired eyes trying to tell him everything and at the same time nothing.

Anthony did not have it easy, well, in this world nothing is easy, unless you were born in a cradle of gold but even the rich cry and do not be naive, after that painful departure and having cried like crazy in the street for having been left behind by James, despite the pitying looks he got, after all that drama he had to rebuild his life all over again, but how do you do that if you feel like a part of you has been ripped away?

As soon as he finished his degree his uncle who lived in England offered him a stable job in his company, with the painful event of having lost his omega, he accepted without hesitation even when his parents tried to stop him, he was angry with his mother but he couldn't get there to hate her, he knew that deep down he was only looking for the best for himself, without realizing that he had completely destroyed him.

The first months were hard, he tried to clear himself in one way or another, he always frequented a bar of his choice and sometimes he settled for one or an omega of his liking.

He regretted it and at the same time he didn't, for having gone to that bar that Friday night, even when his uncle offered him a family dinner, which he refused because he didn't want to get bored while they talked about work or told him about the lives of his cousins. He should have made him reconsider, he should have, but that slanted-eyed boy with pompous lips who kept looking at him and teasing him by moving his hips to the beat of the music, inciting him to get closer to him.

It wasn't enough to ask or talk, just by looking at each other they knew where all this was going but he imagined it would be something for one night, he was totally wrong and it ended up becoming something else; Since that boy left his number on his phone before leaving the room, from the first call, the first date, the first kiss, he knew it was going to be different, although as they say, people cannot be trusted.

Ariam was always a beautiful, dramatic, affectionate omega and other good adjectives to describe him but he did not understand why he had left overnight, after almost half a year of having started their relationship, that omega left him a simple note of that he was sorry, he thought that maybe he was not made for love, they had abandoned him, again, they had done it, what else was he going to do? Are you crying again? No, he just continued as if nothing had happened, he was not going to allow himself to cry again without knowing if he did wrong or not, he was very clear that he did the best he could, that he gave all the love he could and that he deserved, if he left then It was not who he was looking for or what he expected.

That was forgotten but I do not expect that after almost eight months since they broke up, he received a call from a hospital, saying that he was surprised was not enough, because who would not be surprised when they call you because your "omega" is giving birth, just he thought about Ariam but he didn't think it was his, no, he couldn't believe it but as he did the math and thought on the way to the hospital, he realized that many things coincided.

As soon as he arrived and asked for information about him, they told him that he was in labor, with goose bumps, he put on the implements and entered the delivery room listening to his screams, he arrived and grabbed his hand trying to convey all the support he could Saying encouraging words to him, and then he could solve his doubts about why he left and why he hid something as important as his baby from him, the omega just turned to look at him with teary and tired eyes trying to tell him everything and at the same time nothing.

He felt his hand being squeezed tightly, the screams and cries were the only thing that was heard besides the doctor's instructions, the minutes were an eternity and he just wanted to calm the omega, relieve his pain and it ended when he heard the cry of a baby It was beautiful, having him for a moment in his arms, his features so small, he couldn't believe it, he turned to see the omega who was looking at them with tenderness, he looked tired, he approached leaving a kiss on his forehead and bringing him closer to his baby , Ariam kissed her baby's head looking at him with love, he sighed exhausted looking at Anthony who approached him and was able to whisper something to him, it seemed his last breath and it was because after that a deafening beep was heard and as they took him out of the room the doctors who ran in alarm.

Do not.....

Life sucks, yes it is, normally it is always said by a person who had a bad day, actually, from my point of view, I don't know what living is, I don't know what is beyond my four walls which I call as "my cave", I have always wanted to know what lies beyond but.

What did Anthony know about life?

He cannot deny that he had a peaceful and precious childhood thanks to his loving parents, the townspeople who saw him as just another son, his classmates with whom he always got along. Beautiful, right? We all would have liked that, his adolescence, normal like any other, nothing out of place or overwhelming as it usually is, conclusion, we all would have liked to have had Anthony's life until he was 18 years old, youth knocked him down, adulthood made to see what life was really like, shit wrapped in cotton candy, maybe it's a somewhat disgusting reference but that's right, there are good days when we want them to repeat themselves over and over again and other days when we just want to disappear, he saw his life go by at the moment he heard the first cry of a baby, but that news depressed him so much that he wished what he was told was a lie.

He looked towards the incubator where his baby was, knowing that just a few minutes before he had been informed that his omega had not resisted any longer and sadly passed away. He remembered his relationship with Ariam and wondered. Why had he kept it from her? What was he looking for or did he gain by not telling her? Maybe if I had told him I would have taken care of him, I would have been there for him, maybe all this would not have happened, maybe he would still be alive crying because he gave birth to a beautiful puppy but the "maybe" and "would have" were gone they existed, he only had the beautiful memories they lived together, the last words he said to her before he could leave.

—Under what name are you going to register it sir?

He turned around looking at the person who was speaking to him, the same nurse who had given him the news, now she was looking at him with pity, she noticed how her hand trembled on the pen, perhaps thinking that her alpha would treat her . wrong but she knew that she was not to blame for anything, besides he was not angry, he was sad and confused by everything that had happened, he looked forward again noticing how his baby was breathing calmly, so small, so fragile, he smiled briefly remembering that day where he was with Ariam in bed and out of nowhere they brought up the subject of baby names, at that moment he wanted to go back to that day.

—Ji-hoon, Yang Ji-hoon

The nurse wrote it down correctly and gave a short respectful greeting, Anthony sighed, walking away from the window knowing that now everything would be different, now he had a little person who would depend on him one hundred percent, he was not going to be sad or nervous, he had to stand firm, his baby now had only him and he would give her twice the love she deserved.

"Take care of it please, it's ours, forgive me if I said it late"

—It was a promise, Ariam, I will take care of our baby no matter what.