Chapter 21

Anthony was a little sad because he didn't see his omega so often anymore, he missed when he chased him through the corridors to steal a goodbye kiss and go to his next class but, at least it was worth it, he no longer heard the insatiable teasing towards his beloved Omega, now working in a good company and was more cheerful, brighter.

Every time he came home from college, he would find him in his apron after he finished cooking dinner, he would hug him from behind, resting his chin on his shoulder, and sometimes he would sit on the counter watching him spellbound.

He only had a year left to finish his degree but as for their relationship, everything was going well, perfect, everything was in place, as it should be, although something curious had happened those days, Anthony received constant calls from his mother about why why he still hadn't brought his omega home to meet him.

They had been in a relationship for more than a year, which was not enough for him but for many it was already a good time, he told James who only looked at him with some fear for how his family would react, reassuring him by telling him that they would love him and that they wouldn't mind that stormy past, so they took the first train to Anthony and James's hometown without their hateful scarf that overshadowed their sweet scent.


He showed him some places that were his favorites, some people looked at them strangely but James was used to it but he wasn't afraid, his alpha kissed his hand transmitting that beautiful love, that confidence that reassured him.

As soon as they arrived at his house, his mother received him with a big hug and sobbing for having missed him so much, she kissed him on the cheeks, somewhat excited to see him there, wishing he would stay in the house for life, her smile was brilliant but it was erased when he saw his son's mate.

An Omega but not just any Omega, a stained one.

He extended his hand out of courtesy but you could tell from a distance that his smile was fake, that James didn't ignore it, he just sighed and tried to mentalize that everything would get better or that he would be fine for today.

The dinner was quiet at that time, his parents were charismatic, now he understood why Anthony was so beautiful in attitude and physique, his father was quite kind, he couldn't say the same about his mother who looked at him as if he did. was analyzing. , he only responded with nervous smiles.

Anthony got up for a moment as soon as they finished eating to be able to go to the toilets, with that excuse to retire, his father kept talking to Omega asking him basic questions, in order to lighten the atmosphere, everything was so homely, the place denoted "family" on every corner but the atmosphere became tense when he heard the mother speak.

—I don't understand how my son could mess with someone like... you.

—What do you mean, ma'am?" I never did anything wrong to your son, I love him too much.

Anthony's mother looked at him in disbelief, as if he had said the stupidest thing of his life, he tried to stay calm, maybe she was just testing him or maybe she was upset about something but everything could be clarified, it couldn't be like that of negative.

—And that's enough?" What do you think the others will say when they see them go out on the street? An excellent alpha and from a good family with an omega that is not known where it came from or if it is sold at night. Do you not think about my son's reputation? You are very little for him, he deserves someone much better.

James clenched his jaw swallowing the tears that came out, he was right, he was so right that it hurt him just to think that, he bowed his head looking at his hands on his knees, he couldn't cry, he couldn't break in front of her he just wanted to make him feel wrong, he loved Anthony and he was not going to abandon him just because of his mother's stupid comments, no, he couldn't, he had survived so much shit that they had said to him for years that he couldn't lower himself for a few words that lady had said to him I wasn't going to let him.

—Did you think about his pups?

The omega raised his head scared to hear it, he wouldn't dare, that wound, that painful wound had opened, the episodes of that day were repeated in his mind, the hospital, the doctor, the news, the coldness of his father, that cruel day, I was in so much pain that I wanted to vomit.

—It would be the constant ridicule, I can't imagine how many insults they will receive every day anywhere, just for being children of an omega father who is more stained than a white handkerchief, how cheeky, I would never do that to my son because I really love him .

His hands were trembling and the tears that he had contained slid down his cheeks, without saying anything he got up and grabbed his jacket leaving that place, what else could he say to that woman? Keep fighting? He couldn't, he didn't have the strength to do it.



My puppy....

The alpha went down to the first floor shortly after, he had a smile of satisfaction thinking that his parents would accept his omega, because of how the afternoon had passed, he felt good, he felt everything calm but his smile disappeared when he only found his father glaring with the look at his mother who denied, giving him one or another explanation of what he did not know.

—Where's James?

—He came out.

—What? Where? Why did they let him go? Mom, what did you do?

—I didn't do anything, I just told him the truth, that he didn't deserve you, please son, do you think an omega like him will be accepted just like that? He deserves to go back to where he came from, a brothel.

Anthony glared at his mother without wanting to say anything, he couldn't disrespect her even when she had said a series of stupid things, after all, she was still his mother, with his fists he pushed his way towards the main entrance, silencing one or the other. insult and begging to find his omega fast.

He grabbed his jacket going out to look for him, he imagined a little where he would be, he knew him well enough to do it, he got in his car driving straight to the train station.

He parked finding him there, standing waiting with dry tears on his cheeks, he couldn't take it anymore before that painful image, he ran towards him and hugged him, inhaling his aroma that denoted sadness, he shouldn't have left him alone, he should have been attentive to any uncomfortable situation to be presented to him. She turned away from her looking into her eyes, so empty, dull, it hurt so much to see him like that.

—James, don't listen to my mother, you know you're very important to me, don't believe anything she told you, if you want we won't go back, we'll go to the apartment, okay?

The omega swallowed hard, deigning to look at him, it still hurt him, he felt so hurt by it, he hadn't told lies, he had only told him the miserable truth, it was worth nothing, his father's words nailed him like stakes in the chest, his father was right, Anthony's mother was right, the whole fucking world was right, the only blind man was his alpha, all for love but he was willing to remove the blindfold and not keep tying him to him, for a simple defect.

—No Anthony, you don't understand, she's right, you deserve someone better, me, I'm not, understand, I always knew it from the beginning and I told you, everyone...

—James don't talk nonsense, I love you, I...

—I can't have children Anthony!

He had yelled, drawing other people's attention, new tears had welled up just seeing his alpha's blank stare at that revelation. The day he decided not to hide again, where he told her the whole truth, he had left out that detail, that crucial detail that hurt just remembering it, she hadn't told him.

—I can't, they took that privilege away from me a long time ago, I'm a flawed Omega, look at me, I almost became delta stupid, you can't mark me, you can't have children with me, I'm useless, I'm just a disgusting pleasure toy, don't you I deserve, no...

His sobs were introduced while the alpha just froze, he didn't realize that the train had arrived, he didn't do anything when he saw him get on and leave he doesn't know where, he didn't reach him, he didn't do anything to stop him, he went back to his parents for his things still with a lost look, he had reacted too late.

—Son, it's good that you came, I was just telling your father that we can visit Mirell, do you remember her right? She is still a precious omega, she will definitely like you, tomorrow we can go.

He turned to look at his mother, with an empty gaze he saw how she smiled from ear to ear but with some fear when he saw his son, he did not understand, he would never understand that he only saw how the love of his life left on that train and he had done nothing to stop it.

—Surely, I do not know you, mother.

He picked up both suitcases from his room and left the house to put them in his car, he was stopped by his mother who looked at him strangely, noticing how his father was walking towards them.

—What's wrong Anthony?" I didn't say anything that wasn't true, you deserve someone good, not someone so dirty, don't you think?

—No, you are the one who doesn't think, you don't know anything, you don't know James to say something about his past, he is not what you think, he has suffered so much that he himself would not want to wish it on someone, he is such a pure and fragile person that he never had anyone to protect him, it's me who doesn't deserve him and you'll never know because you just let yourself be carried away by damned society, he's my omega whether you like it or not and I won't care what you tell me because I know very well what I make.

He closed the back door and went to the driver's door, started the car and finally left that house, leaving his mother crying and his father smiling at his son's words, silently wishing to reconcile with that boy because in no time he realized that it was bad, he never saw malice in James.

He only saw a boy afraid of meeting him and happy to be with his son, in his eyes it denoted an incomparable shine every time he turned to see his precious son, without a doubt they were made to be together .
