Chapter 22

She finally reached her apartment, finding it dark and with the slight smell of both of them, she dried her tears heading towards her room, Anthony had his clothes, not all of them but he had some, he was thanking himself for not having packed so many clothes, because if he didn't now what would he go with?

He put all his belongings in a suitcase, leaving everything that had to do with his things completely empty, he looked with melancholy at the room where they had shared so many memories and intimate encounters, memories as Anthony delicately caressed his skin as if he was afraid of breaking it, all the damn moans that she had given for him, while he screamed her name begging for more, the loving moments where they just looked at each other and kissed to finally sleep in peace.

I would certainly miss it.

He left that apartment full of memories heading to the bus station like this, he would not go to another country and much less to another city, but he would be as far away from him as possible.

I look at the phone of him contacting a landlord about an apartment she had seen a long time ago, she wanted to move to one a little bigger and more beautiful for both of them, but now it would be just him, without Anthony.


He turned to where that voice was heading, it sounded hurt and sharp as if he had cried for hours, at some point he thought it was his alpha but, he would recognize her voice from wherever he was and from that woman who looked at him with pain, he didn't. it was.

—I found you, I can't believe it, after so long my little boy.


—You have no idea how much I miss you.

—Sure, it shows.

James rolled his eyes, looked at his cell phone again, quickly contacted the man, scheduled an appointment for early tomorrow, today he had to sleep in a hotel, he was purposely ignoring that woman, the one who promised to take care of him no matter what.

—Why are you mad? I swear I went looking for you, but dad said you ran off with some guy, he was your alpha, and you insulted him before you left.

—I already imagined it, I couldn't expect anything more from that man, since he already saw me, I'm leaving.

He put away his phone already annoyed by his words, his father had no blood on his face, as if to invent that lie instead of telling him the whole miserable truth, he was going to call a taxi, he couldn't wait for the bus to arrive for a long time , but his sister's voice stopped him.

—James, I really wanted to take you with me but understand me, I had to take care of my baby, I couldn't leave Jostin alone.

—And I'll be struck by lightning, look, seriously, nothing happens, just pretend you haven't seen me and think I'm fine, okay?

—James forgive me, I really want to hear from you, how you were or how you are doing, I missed you so much my little boy.

—Stop calling me that, I'm not your son, I'm your fucking brother whom you abandoned, whom you left with those stupid alphas, whom you left without looking back, whom you promised to take care of me despite everything, you can't imagine what they did to me , you can't imagine the suffering I'm going through now because of your stupid fault, this would never have happened if I had died instead of mom, if you were so fed up with me then, continue with your life as you have been until now, with your fucking family and leave me alone.

—James ...

—No, if you want, believe your father, do what you want but don't fuck with me, I already have enough problems.

He walked away from her quickly, he stopped in front of her apartment to call a taxi, they told him that they would arrive in less than ten minutes, he sighed heavily feeling his skin goosebumps when he smelled that aroma he loved so much, his whole body trembled She couldn't even get away from him.

—What are you doing?

—It is not obvious? get out of here

—James, no...

—No, nothing you say to me will change what I think, leave me, this should never have happened, I was born to be alone and that's how it will be, as much as it hurts, you must be with someone who truly deserves your love, who can bear your mark , who can take your puppies, who can show off on the street without feeling ashamed for others.

—There are solutions, we can think of many things, you can't live on what others say, I love you and I know you love me too, we can adopt, we can do many things, haven't you thought about what I feel?

—And what? That the little ones suffer the ridicule for having a father like me? Step aside, goodbye Anthony.

The taxi arrived and put his suitcase in the trunk and then got into the car, I saw how the alpha had his eyes swollen from crying so much, his lips reddened from the cold, from biting them, he had an immense desire to hug him and apologize for doing it cry but he knew he was doing the right thing, well he thought he was doing the right thing.

—James, please think about it a little more, don't do this to me, I love you too much, don't leave me, please think of me, of us, are you going to throw it all away so easily?

Little tears ran down his cheeks as he looked at him, he wanted to hug him hugely and hide in his neck, he felt so safe, so warm, where he could sleep peacefully without remembering the past he carries but he couldn't, it will. she wouldn't keep dragging him with him, she wouldn't do that to the only person she loves and will love, she slowly approached and placed the scarf around his neck, kissed her briefly on the lips and walked away from him smiling weakly.

—Goodbye, alpha.

Just saying that he got into the taxi which started without further ado, he was left with the image of Anthony kneeling on the ground while crying, screaming and trying to think that it was just a fucking nightmare, a part of him hated the omega, he hated him for abandon him, hated him for not thinking about him, hated him for getting carried away by the comments, by the damned society.

The other part of him understood, he understood why he did it, even though they didn't have a specific bond, he felt his pain and didn't want to make him suffer, he didn't want to, he got up as best he could and left. Going up to his apartment, he found no trace of anything from his omega. Just a faint scent and his scarf.

He lay down on the bed hugging that garment, only with that he could sleep even a little and no, that night for the first time he did not sleep soundly, nobody could.

He felt that this would be the end.