Chapter 23

James admired the view from that large window, with his hands clasped behind his back, he sighed as people came and went, since his life had changed drastically since his departure, he had founded a small advertising company that had gradually resurfaced thanks to to him, the scarves had returned, his wolf fortunately hadn't left but he remained distant and silent, completely ignoring his foolish human.

I think it goes without saying that his life wasn't pretty, almost five years had passed and he still couldn't forget that alpha with the beautiful dimples, when two years had already passed, which was actually a long time, he couldn't take it anymore and he went to look for him at any cost, but he couldn't find him, Axel didn't want to give him his whereabouts because he didn't know either, but he was so angry with the omega that he only reproached him because the Alpha had left.

He cried helplessly for having lost him, for having said goodbye, his wolf just bowed his head and ignored him, he fell asleep in a corner waiting patiently for his alpha because he would wait a thousand years if he wanted, James just wiped his tears and dedicated himself to trying to continue with his life, with his boring and monotonous life, although everything was so strange for him, nobody knew what had happened with Anthony, he knew that his career had culminated and nothing else, he did not dare to ask his parents, no He wanted no fight because he knew he was going to defend himself but in the end like a coward he gave up.

He returned to his desk, putting on his glasses to be able to read the missing documents, his secretary had come in notifying him that the interviews about the new manager of the Marketing area would begin, he was too thorough with his staff, everyone respected him, whether they were alphas, omegas or betas, he accepted anyone with a thirst for work, with good presence, wisdom and above all with humility, he thanked them by receiving the folders, starting to read the resumes, he made a random pass while he continued looking for the necessary profile according to the characteristics that I needed, I preferred it that way.

—Good afternoon.

He froze when he heard that voice, not wanting to look up knowing what was coming, he swallowed saliva when looking at that profile he had in his hands, without a doubt fate was a son of a bitch with him, for what reason now? Why after so many years? He had looked for him so much that now, when he had given up, he was in front of him, he tried to mentalize that he was fine, that his life was going well and that finally everything was on the right track, without ridicule or fear, without so much daily shit. but as fate emphasized she was a fucking girl who wanted to make her life miserable.

—Excuse me, can we start the interview?

He blinked a couple of times trying to calm down, come on, he was already an adult, he would know how to resolve the situation as it should be and he would resist the urge to want to hug him, kiss him, well do everything he hasn't been able to do in a long time but no, he was an adult, he cleared his throat and readjusted his glasses carefully reading that folder where his resume was and he hadn't suspected it, maybe sometimes, but no, now he made sense of why he hadn't found it, the alpha was abroad in England to be exact, five years working there and it was a very good company, but what was I doing here?


His hands were shaking, what the hell was he doing? Why had he stuttered himself? He took off his glasses without wanting to look the alpha in the eye, he cleared his throat without taking his eyes off the papers, an adult my nonsense, he couldn't even look him in the eye because he knew that if he did, he would get up and cry in his eyes. arms for having missed him so much, for having cried so many nights begging him to come back and asking for his forgiveness, yes, he had become so submissive only for an alpha.

—Well, Mr. Yang, tell me why he wants to work for my company.

—Because I am the right person for the position, you will see that I can prove it to you, just put me to the test and you will see what I am capable of.

—Has family?

—Yes, a son.

He frowned listening to it, it seemed strange to him that he only emphasized that and not about his husband or wife, he denied not wanting to know, moreover, he behaved so naturally, as if he really wanted to seem like a stranger to him, as if they had no past together , he felt hurt by it, his wolf only raised his head when he felt that smell, he knew that it would come back for him.

—Well, I see that you have the right profile and very good references, I will talk to your previous boss so that he can give me more details but for now I will put him to the test, one month, he will have the base salary and if he can convince me that he is suitable for the position It will depend on you, what do you think?

—I think it's perfect, but I only have one question.

—And what would Mr. Yang be?

—Why doesn't he dare look at me?

He tensed at that question, for a devil, he couldn't even look up and see his old love, his only love, after five long years, after so many tears he deigned to do it, he looked up to meet that Alpha, more mature, he had completely changed his appearance, he looked more imposing, damn how much he wanted to be fucked right here. She blamed the feverish wolf of hers for wanting that and she only deigned to wake up because of it, why the hell?!

—Why do you treat me like you don't know me, Velmond?

—You too, I was only followed by the role, Yang.

—I see you've done very well, I knew you would but you haven't kicked that habit.

He raised his hand pointing to his scarf, pathetic, that's how he felt, he had been able to face his fears, to impose himself in the business world, to persuade his investors, his shareholders, he had been able to conquer the world. little by little but he had not been able to get rid of them. Damn scarves, the word "Pathetic" shone on his forehead, he only had an excuse that served him "Society" it would have been very difficult to get where he was if he discovered his neck, he wasn't ashamed of that but his reasons hurt.

—It's for my own safety, otherwise it was on my own merit and I congratulate you on your family.

For a moment she noticed that the brightness of the alpha's eyes faded but she shone again along with a smile, what had happened in all this time? She wondered what it had been like, what she had done in all this time away from him. him, had she fulfilled her dreams?

—Thank you, my baby has just been born and I need this job to pay for her needs.

—I see, as I told you, that month is necessary to test her skills.

I understand perfectly and thank you.

—If she has any questions, please inform my secretary, she will give you her duties.


He got up shaking hands with the omega, who got up to unite it with his, a strange feeling settled in his chest when he felt his touch, even if it was minimal, he couldn't deny that he still felt that current that drove him. of wanting to touch him more, the Alpha smiled at him and walked towards the door, his wolf was scratching himself to get out and jump on top of the alpha, he had to control him otherwise his sanity would go to hell, for a damn demon he still loved him, even he wanted to take refuge in her neck like a desperate puppy, he wanted to feel her exquisite aroma that calmed him and filled him with peace, how much he needed it.


—Tell me.

—I knew you'd make it.

Saying those words he closed the door to his office, gasping at the faint scent of the alpha, if he was screwed, he was still screwed by him, how much he had missed him and how he had been a complete coward to leave him. but at least he was a little calm, the alpha did what he had told him the last time he saw him.

That he will look for someone who deserves it, who bears his mark and his puppies while he was left alone, completely alone and with the pain in his chest for having lost his only love.