A Question He Wanted to Avoid

Ai Zhiyi was confused for a while. He wanted to refuse but couldn't find the right way to say his refusal.

Until Chu Xinian spoke again in a begging tone, "I also want to talk about many things with you—I want to know how is Weixu now—the point is that I want to hear a lot from you."

The corners of Ai Zhiyi's lips lifted slightly, trying to smile but ending up badly. The amusement that had filled his heart before slowly dried up.

From the start, he had guessed that Chu Xinian came just to dig out the same things over and over again.

Ai Zhiyi had a hard time finding a good reason to escape but he could only nod in complete resignation.

While Chu Xinian looked indifferent. She kept walking out while dragging Ai Zhiyi like forcing her child to back home.

When both of them were in front of a red Volkswagen Jetta, Chu Xinian directly got inside followed by Ai Zhiyi hesitantly.

At the midway, Ai Zhiyi kept his gaze out the window as he thought of how to merge their thoughts, but to no avail. There was only silence until they arrived.

This fancy restaurant was crowded with many guests.

After parking the car, Chu Xinian soon stepped in gracefully followed by Ai Zhiyi behind.

But for some reason, Ai Zhiyi slowly felt something different. He felt that the atmosphere felt unusual from before, was cold and strange.

They sat by the window, so people could directly see them from outside.

Momentarily, A waitress came over. Chu Xinian reached for the menu. She didn't read it but instead handed it to Ai Zhiyi while telling him in a friendly tone, "You need to order something to eat."

Without saying anything, Ai Zhiyi grabbed the menu and ordered food randomly.

The fact is he didn't need food besides some rest.

When they sat there silently, a second later Ai Zhiyi noticed that Chu Xinian looked annoyed.

As Chu Xinian opened her black leather bag, Ai Zhiyi couldn't help but ask, "Is there anything wrong?"

Chu Xinian gasped. She had a smile on her face at that instant but Ai Zhiyi had seen the uncomfortable look on her face, so he asked once again, "What's wrong?"

Chu Xinian reluctantly answered at first. But after much thought she had, she decided to tell a statement. Sighing sorely, she said exasperatedly, "An assistant of my dad's colleague came to the company this morning and asked for the cooperation sheet they had sent. I thought my assistant had already given it to them, but she hasn't." Paused, she shook her head while beginning again, "I forgot about it, but somehow I suddenly remember again."

Hearing the complaint, Ai Zhiyi was open-mouthed. He had no idea about such matters, so he couldn't come up with any solution.

"Seems like I need to fire her," Chu Xinian whispered to herself but she didn't mean it for sure.

Chu Xinian grumbled in annoyance as she pulled out her black gloves and flung them beside the table. She thought about not bringing up her business affairs with Ai Zhiyi, so she said, "Drop it. It doesn't matter."

No one spoke after that, yet one minute later Chu Xinian came over with a different topic, "Oh, actually I had been planning to see you since a week ago. But due to urgent business, I just got the chance today. You know, I thought you weren't working there anymore. But after asking one of the students, he said you're still there, so I went straight to your class."

Ai Zhiyi lowered his gaze slightly. He short recalled something. Frowning, he took a serious look at Chu Xinian before begging, "Then, don't you want to see Weixu?"

Chu Xinian, who seemed to be enjoying their conversation first, fell silent.

As soon as she heard that, her bright eyes instantly uncovered a fierce cold gaze. She glared at Ai Zhiyi before her and still wordlessly.

Ai Zhiyi glimpsed the change quite clearly in her, but he ignored it, and continued, "Um, probably ... Weixu will change his mind this time."

Finishing his words, a mysterious smile abruptly appeared on Chu Xinian's face. But sooner the look on her face became quieter.

Chu Xinian took a deep breath, then talked in a nostalgic tone, "No way. Weixu will never want to do that. I know him very well. Back then, he was a pig-headed kid till this time. I still plainly remember how he avoided me that time. He didn't even want to see me," pausing for a moment, she suddenly laughed hollowly. "I don't know what made him hate me. I tried to be nice to him every time, but he still wouldn't talk to me."

Ai Zhiyi slightly turned his head sideways. He didn't want to set his eyes on the woman who had just said those words so deeply due to feeling guilty.

While Chu Xinian was staring at Ai Zhiyi secretly. She could find out how Ai Zhiyi had suffered that burden over the years because of her own young brother's foolishness.

On the other side, Ai Zhiyi was about to comfort Chu Xinian with words, but the ringing phone made him stop.

Ai Zhiyi fumbled in his pocket and then took out his phone. He glanced at his phone screen and saw a number he recognized, then answered, "Hi, what's up?"

On the other line of the phone, Chu Weixu was making cream tea for a customer. He clamped his phone. By his voice, he was heard worried, "Xiaoyi, a few minutes left and we're close but why don't you get home already?"

Ai Zhiyi didn't instantly answer. He was speechless for a second and quietly glanced at Chu Xinian who was welcoming food that had just been delivered restlessly, then gave an excuse, "I catch up with my friend. I'll be a little late to go home."

There was a long pause before Chu Weixu replied in a low voice, "Oh, alright. Be careful."

As soon as Chu Weixu ended his words, their phone was also cut off.

Ai Zhiyi eyed his phone screen for a while with a concerned look.

Although Chu Weixu didn't say any complaints, Ai Zhiyi could tell that Chu Weixu was displeased.

Still, he also couldn't ignore Chu Xinian, so he decided to put this matter aside.

On the other side, Chu Xinian watched him quietly while eating.

From the start, she knew that it was Chu Weixu, so she asked to confirm, "Weixu?"

Without lifting his gaze, Ai Zhiyi nodded slowly.

Chu Xinian smirked. "He hasn't changed ...." With a pause, she continued, "It's better if you eat your warm food."

Ai Zhiyi was very obedient. He did what Chu Xinian said immediately.

Chu Xinian wiped her lips with a tissue and asked, "His hemophilia isn't getting worse, is it?"

Hearing that question, Ai Zhiyi was surprised, even though he couldn't chew the food. He froze for a long pause before replying, "Yeah, he's alright ...."