Hard Slap!

Moreover, there were risks that he had to confront if he did it. That's why he had never discussed the matter with Chu Weixu until now. 

Ai Zhiyi never thought that Chu Weixu would agree, but he would never know if he never tried it. He just looked for the right time to say it.

Chu Xinian snorted coldly. She knew that Ai Zhiyi had doubts about what she had said. Yet, she just didn't want to give any comment until none of them spoke to each other.

In a long pause, Chu Xinian made a voice, "Think twice. This is the chance."

However, Ai Zhiyi was someone who didn't care or was even too obedient in a relationship with Chu Weixu.

The corners of his lips lifted slightly, and then he replied calmly, "I've decided to discuss this with him first."

Chu Xinian looked annoyed when she heard Ai Zhiyi's words. She scolded him without hesitation, "Pig-headed! You aren't that different from him. No wonder you agreed to elope with him."

Ai Zhiyi pretended to be calm even though he felt like he wanted to smack himself.

After eating and having a little talk, both of them immediately got up and left the place.

In the driver's seat, Chu Xinian fastened the seat belt and Ai Zhiyi did the same on the side. After that, Chu Xinian didn't start the car engine, only gripped the steering wheel for a long time, and seemed thinking about something restlessly.

Ai Zhiyi, who had been eyeing Chu Xinian and been silent since earlier, frowned tightly at her in confusion. He asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Hearing Ai Zhiyi's voice, Chu Xinian turned toward Ai Zhiyi very carefully. As soon as their eyes met, Ai Zhiyi saw a clear concern slowly emerge within Chu Xinian's dim eyes. With great surprise, he asked once again, "What happened?"

Chu Xinian didn't answer soon. She took a deep breath before saying, "Your mother is unhealthy."

Frowning, Ai Zhiyi instantly froze in silence. He looked at Chu Xinian with disbelief in his eyes without a word. He thought that he misheard, so he asked to confirm, "Wh-what was that?"

Chu Xinian sighed again, then tried to say her words clearly, "She gets sick."

Ai Zhiyi still couldn't believe her. He shook his head, laughing sillily. He said stubbornly, "How did you know that? Wen Qi [Qi = to hope] just said that my family is okay."

"He's lying. I asked him to lie to you because I wanted to tell you this by myself."

Ai Zhiyi fell silent, flabbergasted at the words, and went numb.

Chu Xinian explained, "A few days ago, I visited your parents while I was in Guangzhou. But, when I came to your house, your father said that your mother was sick, so I decided to see her, and do you know what her condition was?"

"How is she?" Ai Zhiyi asked anxiously, even trying to keep his heart from jumping out of his throat.

Hearing his question, Chu Xinian flashed a smile. "I don't want to worry you, but your mother's condition is really bad. She can only be lying on the bed. Wen Qi was also there and you can ask him the truth."

"I tried to help them by taking her to the hospital but they refused. Seems like your family still holds a grudge against my family, they don't even want to accept any help from me and throw me out," paused for a moment, and she continued in a disappointed tone, "But, your mother asked me a favor. You have to back home to see her for a few days. Wen Qi will also return next week. You should go with him."

Ai Zhiyi lowered his head limply as soon as he heard the words. He was frustrated with his situation. Besides, he was embarrassed to see his family after many years of running away, Chu Weixu would also never allow him to go and it would cause an argument between them.

Although Chu Weixu always gave in to him, they had to argue first which made Ai Zhiyi have to act more grown-up to deal with Chu Weixu's childish attitude.

Chu Xinian knew what he was thinking about, so she tried to convince Ai Zhiyi by saying, "Don't mind Weixu. Your mother wants to see you, so you should go see her right away."

Without lifting his head, Ai Zhiyi smiled, revealing the tension in his heart. "But, I promised Weixu that I would never return. I was afraid that he would—"

"Zhiyi!" Chu Xinian yelled loudly all of a sudden.

Ai Zhiyi gasped in shock. He slowly lifted his face and turned sideways at Chu Xinian beside him. But at that instant, Chu Xinian with bursting anger quickly gave Ai Zhiyi a hard slap across his face!

Ai Zhiyi felt the woman's hand landing with a great force on his face.

When Chu Xinian put her hand away, Ai Zhiyi could still sense the woman's palm was left on his face. It truly hurt. There was a piercing stinging, which shortly entered his heart and made him cry.

However, Chu Xinian didn't have any pity at all and didn't even look apologetic. Even if she could slap him one more time, then she would.

Ai Zhiyi didn't dare to say a word to defend himself, so Chu Xinian felt that she had no reason to give him another slap. So, Chu Xinian said in an irritated tone, "I've told you, don't mind him! Are you deaf?! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Chu Xinian forced Ai Zhiyi to look into her eyes by grabbing his chin and squeezing it. She didn't even care about the tears—even if Ai Zhiyi was going to pit Chu Weixu, she kept yelling at him mercilessly.

"Your mother is sick and you still care about your stupid promise, you bastard?! Is Weixu more meaningful than anything to you, even if it's your sick mother?! What kind of poison did he share with you? Tell me, do I need to come over and tie Weixu up so he can't prevent you?!"

Ai Zhiyi tried to hold back the tears that kept flowing down his face, like a river that was rushing to bring pain from his heart but in vain. There were too many tears in his eyes and had settled in for too long.