A Very Complicated Person

Ai Zhiyi gulped hard as if it were a shard of glass that had entered his neck, causing a tear in his vocal cords; so that every word that spitted out seemed to come out of his sore throat, "I'll tell Weixu about it soon. But, I need more time by now. I know that I've been stalling for too long but I have to prioritize some more urgent matters."

Li Baihe took a deep breath. She knew that under a such situation, she couldn't say many things that could corner Ai Zhiyi into doing something against his own choice, so she tried to quiet the young man down with the words, "I see. I can understand it. Then, do what you think you need to do right now. As long as you've thought about it carefully, then it's fine. But, don't forget to tell him quickly, okay?"