A Song By Chu Weixu

Ai Zhiyi smiled, shaking his head weakly. "No. He just wants to go out to meet up with his friends."

Ai Zhiyi knew clearly, that what he just said wasn't wholly true. Since he had no more plausible reason, he could only say that answer.

Still, for Chu Baiyu, those words sounded serious, so he nodded slowly, then asked again, "Then why do you look so sad? Is it because Uncle Wei scolded you for asking?"

Hearing the question, Ai Zhiyi reasoned, "No. Not at all. He didn't scold me. That's his way of talking to people though."

Ai Zhiyi often said bad things directly in front of Chu Weixu, but he never wanted to say any bad things about him in front of others, even if it was Chu Baiyu. It was impossible for him to vilify Chu Weixu behind. It certainly violated their marriage etiquette.

Not wanting to make Chu Baiyu bring it up again, Ai Zhiyi patted the boy's head as he said, "Now, quickly finish your dumplings."