His Own Words Made Him Regret

When Wen Qi arrived in front of his rented house, Chun Zhen was seen standing there while looking at the floor of Wen Qi's house. He seemed to be waiting for someone and Wen Qi knew that the person he was waiting for was him.

Wen Qi was shocked. He seemed hesitant to take a step. But, after considering it over and over again, he finally decided to force his legs to walk forward, slowly but surely. He didn't want to just stand around like a coward to wait for the man to leave. It was a waste because he knew that Chun Zhen was a persistent type of man.

Yesterday, after Chun Zhen drove Wen Qi home, Chun Zhen remained downstairs until dawn. If it weren't for a neighbor who found him asleep on the bench, he would have stayed there until the sun was up.

Sleeping in the mid of winter, no one was crazier than Chun Zhen!