
Ai Zhiyi boarded the morning train. Passing another station, there were about fifteen minutes left to arrive at his destination station. 

Ai Zhiyi coughed occasionally behind the mask he was wearing. He still had the flu but his fever had gone down. Ai Zhiyi could say he got well already. Since he thought that his condition had gotten a little better, he decided not to take a day off today.

Chu Weixu had forced him to stay at home for a few days until his condition was totally recovered, but Ai Zhiyi refused. Ai Zhiyi kept insisting on attending class. He thought that staying at home would only make his condition get worse.

To pass the time on the train, Ai Zhiyi chose to read the news on Weibo. Yet, something was different about him this morning. Ever since he left the house, he couldn't stop smiling. He looked like he had just won the one million yuan lottery.