
After Lie Yuan's body return to the white space. He noticed that all the structures of the white house have become precise and clear. There are new corners and edges that reconstruct in the usual house… His brow rose.

And even he can feel that his soul became strong and purer. And the system in his eyes, also seems like.... he become an oval ball.

[Because the host finished the mission successfully! The world's energy nourished my body and soul of host, and even the white space!] The system jumped and flew towards his daze host. He giggles. It will be a matter of time to get his new body! His invisible eyes drifted to his host, he added: [Host, no need to worry. We can build a house here in host's perspective! We can buy anything the host wants!]

Lie Yuan smiled and nodded. His usual cold face has been replaced by a warm and sincere countenance. His long robe of white flutters as he patted the head of the system.

"So when will be the next mission?" He admits that he likes the quietness of the house. But it was too much that it was making him too dumb if he stays here much longer.

The system gasped, looking like remembering something. He summoned the control panel and type something so fast and just a matter of second a sweet and arrogant voice sounded at their back.

"What's taking you so long!"

The two turned back and saw a juvenile with a gorgeous and sexy face. His hair blonde and soft, some strands covered his forehead. His brow was sharp, and his golden lashes outlined his upturned eyes and beneath those was a striking red eyes. His skin white and smooth, more tender than Su Bein's in the last world. And his body was tall and lean. He was wearing a modern clothes that was making his body more delicate and pretty. A white woolen coat and a pair of black trouser and shirt. His whole demeanor was seductive and dangerous. Just a single word. Pampered.

The new man arrogantly narrowed his upturned eyes on Lie Yuan, "You don't look bad. But I heard that you will use my body to destroy my own world?"his voice suspicious and resistant

Suddenly, both Lie Yuan and the system was dumbfounded. When his eyes was not narrowed, they appeared to be seductive and when he talks, they became chinky and cute. Like a different kind of charms. Contrasting cute and temptress.

Lie Yuan coughed came back to his senses, "Yes. We rebel from the lord god's control..."he paused, "It seems like we are the same. You are also experiencing the unfair treatment of the lord god."

Thus, the young man roared loudly, "Hah! I know right?! That old control freak man was so ew. My life was always good in the beginning and just for a short time, it will become worst?! What the hell, stingy old man."

The system bit his lips. It seems like the host new body will be too dumb. He floated beside the young man and scanned his body. A sound of error and red warning made the house shake.

The young man kicked the system away, glaring for a nonconsent touch, "You get away from me! You can't examine me yet. I am still lying in the bathtub filled with milk and rose petals with no caterpillar bites. I am not dead!"

The system cried. What is this terrifying existence! Wu~wu...he even kicked him! Host will avenge for him, for sure!

Lie Yuan controlled his laughter and patted the system beside him, "That's what you get when you behave too vulgar. Anyway, how come you came here without dying?"

[....] Hence, the system feel so betrayed! Even the host...abandoned him. Wu~wu.

The young man patted his clothes that seems like stained by a dirty creature and smiled provocatively on the beauty, "I used my senses to make my unconsciousness to travel between worlds by worlds. That's why I know your existence. I already met Su Bein that cold and stingy brat." he stopped, sighing and flashing a cold light, "Sadly, he was gone now. I have no fear of being devoured once again, but I was just making sure that you will success in defeating the lord god. Likewise, I already told all the rebel souls about your existence, and they are also waiting for your arrival."

Lie Yuan nodded, his face exhibit a determined and precise physiognomy.

"I am Yeonwoo."the new man introduced, his hands release a light full of words and inject in Lie Yuan's body.

The new world will also set on a modern era. But unlike the last one, this world was weird and strange. There are no woman in this world and only males. Some of the men in this world was called Hermaphrodite. They have the ability to give birth, and they are the new woman in this world. Although their appearance was no different from an actual man, they possess a strange mark kind of different flowers in their neck. That mark will release a faint smell indicating that he was a Hermaphrodite.

The protagonist of this world was Jiyeon. An orphan with a dark past. His mother, a Hermaphrodite, died after he gave birth to him. The orphanage took care of him since the beginning. But life on the orphanage was not good. They will fight just to eat, and they will betray all their friends just to sleep on the bed. Once he reached into his teenage age, he left the orphanage and work as a part-time.

But his days did not go well. He met several men with bad behavior that plotted against him. Of course, with the help of the protagonist's halo, he escaped in the clutches of those men. The result, he grew into a scheming and manipulative youth.

Suddenly, his father who he didn't know perceive his existence. His father immediately take him away to that hell place. His father give all the things that he needed but always neglect him unconsciously. He grew without care from his family. He rebel and became the huge laughingstock in the city. His father was not mad and tolerate his behavior but unlike his father, his half-brother Sobin was different. He tried to contrast Jiyeon's deeds and urge him to become a proper man. But Jiyeon was not willing.

Not until he found out the truth about his mother. The reason why his mother died was not by giving birth to him. The real reason was because of the main wife of his father. When his mother told his existence to the legal wife, the wife not only ignored her but also throw ruthless words at him. His mother went home depress and tried to surpass his emotion by taking care of his child, regaining the happy memories of his father and himself. But the Hermaphrodite was poor and can't take full responsibility for the child. That's the reason why he died.

Jiyeon grew furious. He became a man with a calculative and ruthless character. He used his knowledge to manipulate the mind of his father and finally make him the official heir.

He can't do this alone without the help of the darling of fate. The darling of fate and his love interest was Yunho. A reborn person. He used all his past knowledge to rise and climb all the way to the top in the entertainment industry. In the past, he saw how Jiyeon became a miserable person and used him in this life to avenge all the person who hurt him. But unconsciously, while the two was using each other, their heart can't stop but to fell. They fought and eliminate all the person who caused them harm. Jiyeon get rid of both his half-brother and the main wife. His father was not also excepted.

Jiyeon became the richest and youngest CEO and Yunho became the film emperor. Their love story was well known in the city. And finally Yunho give birth to a beautiful young man.

Both Lie Yuan and the system cringe. The plot was too one-sided. Hence, he already knows that this was the lord god's way to eliminate all the rebel soul.

The identity of Lie Yuan this time was Yeonwoo. The younger half-brother of Jiyeon. He was a Hermaphrodite, born with a peerless and gorgeous appearance. In the plot, there are no scenes that Yeonwoo exhibit. He stayed on abroad because he was mad about his father having an affair. He grew being pampered and love by his family and then suddenly...he had another brother! His naive heart can't take it and just went away.

He was a member of a group N-Zero. There are only four members on the group and all of them was Hermaphrodite. They were famous in both local and international. But because of Yeonwoo's arrogant character, some of their fans disappeared. His other co-members did not blame him for it and continued making songs. But as time passed, no one wants to support them anymore.

The real reason was because of Jiyeon. Even Yeonwoo won't escape in his revenge! He used all methods to bring Yeonwoo down together with his group. Thus, Yeonwoo end his life in the end. In a few days, all of his co-members followed him.

This is the most despicable plot that Lie Yuan encounter. Yeonwoo did not even blame Jiyeon for the destruction of his family, he only blame his father for being not faithful to his mother. His co-members was also pitiful. They were dragged by Yeonwoo's miserable fate.

"So what's the catch?" Lie Yuan nodded attentively.

Yeonwoo grinned sadly, "I just want you to stop Jiyeon becoming the next heir. That's position was my brother's to begin with. He worked hard for that and just because he was so soft-hearted, he did not even try to fight back his right on that position and just respect the decision of my father. I want you to help my brother to take back what he deserves." he closed his eyes and remembering all the painful scenes in his mind, "And I want you to make our group become well known in both local and international. All of my other co-members worked hard for this dream, only to be dragged in my mess."

Lie Yuan nodded.

The system sparkled and a soft robotic sound reverberate in the whole house.

[Ding. Missions:

Fill The Hate Value Of The Darling Of The Fate.

Destroy The Fate Of Yunho.

Help Sobin Become The Next Heir.

Conquer The Entertainment Industry With The N-Zero.]

"I will offer you my body now. I wished you success."Yeonwoo smiled, "I will stay here for the mean time."

Both the system and Lie Yuan nodded. Yeonwoo again released a white light and both their figures was sucked away.

When Lie Yuan regain his consciousness, his body felt warm and wet. The system floated beside him and used Yeonwoo's soul power to make Lie Yuan's soul fused to his body. Therefore, Lie Yuan finally regained his sight. He was lying on the bathtub filled with milk and rose petals. Yeonwoo's usual demeanor again invaded his body. He rolled his eyeballs. He pulled his phone on the table and log in to his social account.

Just what Lie Yuan expected. This time, Yunho and Jiyeon already rolled on bed. Then, Yunho will tell Jiyeon on how his mother died. Yes. Yunho was the one controlling the plot. A darling of fate indeed.

In this present time, Yeonwoo already had a scandal with a foreign actor. They were both seen by a netizen and even taken a picture. It already attracted a lot of attention because the foreign actor was already in a relationship. That made Yeonwoo a third party. But, Yeonwoo did not know this person in the first place. The foreign actor was the one approached him first, and Yeonwoo just ignored him. But the photo that was taken make it looks like Yeonwoo was the one chasing him.

---- I know that young Hermaphrodite was a slut. Just look at his appearance! No one can't escape in his slutty eyes.

---- Duh. I know right. It was just a pity that his co-members was busy working hard in the industry only to be dragged by Yeonwoo's fetishes and hobbies.

---- In the last month, it was Kevin. Now, it was Lance? Who's next?!

--- You stupid dumbass. Yeonwoo is not in a relationship with neither of the men you said. He was busy working hard and had no time for relationship! Only stupid and idiots will believe these rumors. Go Queen!

Of course, the last one was Yeonwoo's alternative account.

Lie Yuan sighed and put the phone back on the table. He gets up and rise from the bathtub. He rinsed his body with water and gently stared at the huge mirror on the bathroom.

Yeonwoo's appearance was truly outstanding. Added with Lie Yuan's also striking features, Yeonwoo's face now became more gorgeous and refined. There was a rose mark on his neck that release a faint fragrance of milk. It was sweet. But something was not right. His eyes drifted down to his body. His eyes widened.

"Why the hell do I have female's genitals?!"


A tall man with a handsome and striking features clasped his hand. His dark eyes narrowed on all the person in the meeting room. His dark skin but exuding manly hormones made his appearance more muscular and rough. He was like a wild beast dress in suit clothes ready to devour anyone who will hinder his plans.

"The meeting will end here." his voice was hoarse and manly.

The individuals present did not question his statement and hurriedly pack their things. They did not forget to bid goodbye to the young CEO and left with a rash manner.

After all the people left, the man opened his laptop and a juvenile singing voice echoed in the quiet room. The man's eyes misty and attentive as his other hand lifted a light stick swaying and following the rhythm of the song. His cold face was now dyed in infatuation as he stared at the monitor.

The secretary beside him coughed. Although he was with his boss, almost all the time. He still can't take it how the boss will act if he was alone with this famous group.

Instantly, the man eyes darkened when an article was sent to him by the other fan. His bias has been insulted!

"Mr. Lee, find out who the hell is this foreign actor!"he roared loudly. But he paused, "And also buy me a ticket to their fan meeting. I heard they will return home this week."his ears was red from embarrassment.

The secretary went silent. Is this really the overbearing CEO who destroyed countless companies?!

He cleared his throat, "Boss. Did you forget? He was already your fiancé."he reminded him.

The young man hide his face in his large hands. But his smile still displayed on his cold face. His heart was beating.

"No. He doesn't know it yet."his expression now gloomy.

The secretary did not ask anymore and followed his instruction.