
It feels like the whole area was completely frozen, as the prince rashly ran towards the Emperor.

Eyes widened and completely stupefied, Qiao Chen who watched this scene caused his mouth entirely hanging. It was like a slow kind of pictures of misfortune that has yet to occurred. His heart was beating nervously, as Yong Guan who held a sharp dagger in his hands finally approached them.

But before that sharp object penetrate the Emperor's body, several shadow guards, well-trained and veteran appeared before their eyes, gradually stopping the incoming attack. It was a huge force that causes two shadow guards to pull the Emperor into their sides, while the Emperor's huge hands clutched the waist of Qiao Chen, abruptly dragging him beside.

Yong Guan who was restricted by few shadow guards roared loudly, eyes that was glowing intensely scrambled code running through the two figures only, a few seconds of suffocating struggles, Yong Guan dropped his eyes, detecting the furious glared of the youth beside the Emperor. His senses slowly came back, and his mind was instantly cleared out.

W-What did he do?...

How come he went out of control?..

Regret and dismay floated in his unprepossessing face running through the surface and to the edges of his skin gently overflowing into his blood vessels, as the shadow guard forced him to kneel into the floor, and rapidly pick up the dagger in his hands.

"You dare attack the Emperor!"

The Emperor's thunderous voice was like a bottomless knife apparently piercing through Yong Guan's body, breaking the illusion that he, indeed, attack the Emperor. His sharp like eyes was lowered, and vast penitence formed on his face.

It was no use.

He made an unacceptable mistake!

The Emperor's eyes was furious as it lay on the fourth prince's side. His grip unconsciously tightened on Qiao Chen's waist. Encountering countless assassination, the Emperor was not novice in this kind of plot. But experiencing this kind of aspect with in the hands of his own blood and flesh, it made his mood abruptly darkened. His hands left the waist of the sparrow and slowly approached the kneeling man.

"You dare plot something against this majesty?"his voice sounded superior and dignified, as his palms forcibly lifted the face of the young man, when his eyes saw his appearance, his anger rose more. "Disgusting!"

His strong hand landed on the cheeks of the latter, producing a blaring noise.

He remembered the mistake he made that night. He was drunk and confusingly dragged a palace maid towards his chamber. And...the unforeseen past resulted this black wolf.

The amount of force was very severe, making a heavy bruise on Yong Guan's face. He spit out some blood and was again dragged by the shadow guards and was firmly force to kneel on the Emperor's feet.

The Emperor was not satisfied by the punishment and at once cupped harshly the chin of Yong Guan and was involuntarily lifted to his eye level. An amusement flashed on the Emperor's eyes as it touches the eyelids of the other with interest.

A pitch black orbs that was deep and brilliant. Like an abyss with endless surprises, now looking dull...and lifeless.

The Emperor's eyes was very identical to the kneeling prince, making his anger slightly deceased. His one line lips gently curved…into a dangerous arc as he shifted his gaze on the shadow guards.

"The fourth prince is very young...yet already had a wicked mind. A punishment will be his retribution."

Qiao Chen, who was in silence pursed his lips in dismay. His beautiful face become distorted and exuding deep fire of fury. His pale green eyes travelled from time to time as it was observing the whole ambience.


How can the usually collected prince be reckless?!

Now, his plan abruptly turned three hundred and sixty degree left, inside out.

He closed his eyes for a moment. His fist repeatedly clenched as he controlled his anger. He then opened his eyes and calmly stared at the helpless prince.

It will be a miracle if this idiot can survive.

Feeling a soft gaze, Yong Guan tilted his head and saw the expressionless pale eyes of Qiao Chen. His muscles tense up and his eyes glowed darkly. It was unknown what his mind was thinking.

Suddenly, the firm voice of the Emperor sounded, "Kill this bastard!"

Yong Guan only lowered his head, presenting his neck to the front. One of the shadow guard pulled his sword directly and was about to slice the neck of the young prince when a cold voice echoed.

"Your majesty..." Qiao Chen's face appeared to be serene and peaceful without a bit of distraction as he walks towards the Emperor with elegant steps and graceful moves. His red lips lightly curved, producing a natural charm as his sweet melted voice continued, "It was the natural rule of the kingdom that, no one, even the Emperor himself can kill a royal blood, even if the other performed a wicked plot."

The Emperor's furrowed his eyebrow and turned his head on the lifeless prince, his expression darkened, "Xiao Chen needn't worry, this one is the Emperor, this one is the law of the kingdom. No one will defy this Emperor—"

"But your majesty..." Qiao Chen interrupted as his slender fingertips caress the face of the Emperor, flashing a cold smile as his beautiful set of orbs faintly illuminated against the fierce sunshine, "This subject was only worried about his majesty's reputation. You are the epitome of a great ruler in the history, you are strong and righteous. In other's perspective....you are a perfect Emperor. Then...this title will only stain by committing a one single mistake. What will your subjects talk about you?"his eyes shifted on Yong Guan, filled with resentment and disgust, "It was not worth ruining your title just for a lowborn prince."

The Emperor who heard this immediately softened and understand his concern. His large hands sneaked in the waist of the juvenile, displaying a smitten face, like a tamed dog, ready to lick his owner, "Xiao Chen was right. This Emperor's attention was not worth wasting on a bastard."

A thrill of anger aroused in Yong Guan's heart as he watched the interaction of the two. His dark eyes exude a heavy atmosphere as the continuous tortured of not able to grasp the hands that was caressing the Emperor's face made his breath tightened from time to time. But this time...the obsession and danger of his eyes was well hidden and tame.

The Emperor's soft gaze was full devoted to the youth on his arms. But underneath those smitten countenance, a suspicious was deeply engraved in his core. His sincere smile turned wicked as his lips moves next to the juvenile's ears, "The Emperor had almost die by the hands of my son...Xiao Chen should punish him for this Emperor."

Qiao Chen did not flinch nor trembled by the sudden command. His expression was still the same, and the Emperor's suspicion gradually disappeared.

With a calm face, Qiao Chen turned his head and stared deeply to the kneeling prince. His lips parted automatically, "This subject...."

But before he can finish his sentence, the Emperor already handed him a dagger and was smiling evilly, "Xiao Chen should take his left eye."

The translucent green eyes of Qiao Chen trembled, but only for a while, before he regained his composure and nodded to the Emperor.

Slowly, Qiao Chen moved closer to Yong Guan and slightly squatted down. His peaceful face come in contact with the lifeless face of the other. Qiao Chen did not feel any amount of guilt and just lightly lifted the face of Yong Guan. His hand position the dagger and was about to pierce in one of his eyes, when Yong Guan smiled and pulled Qiao Chen's hand closer to his left eye.

A wave of pain floated on the surface of Yong Guan's face.

Yet he did not scream.

His left eye has been sliced into a scary state, but his face was still holding a light smile, staring crazily at Qiao Chen's calm face. Blood slowly drip in the corner of his eyes as the sparrow slowly retreated and stand up.

"Xiao Chen...has done a great job."

The Emperor nuzzled Qiao Chen's hair with great satisfaction and amusement.

The servants, Eunuchs and shadow guards in present was quiet. They were scared to produce any kind of noise and only watched the prince silently experiencing extreme agony.

Qiao Chen felt his heart was sour and skimming with endless emotion as he looked away, sweetly uttered, "Your majesty...this subject is tired."

The Emperor smiled and nodded. He commented several servants to clean the mess and slowly called a doctor for the pitiful prince before carrying Qiao Chen in his arms, returning to their residence.

When Qiao Chen was finally alone at his room, his calm face turned furious. He quickly smashed the vase on the floor as his breathing hardened.

Damn it.

His plan that was already perfect yet only to be destroyed by a reckless man.

His face was flushed from anger, and the twins instantly clean up his mess when the footstep of the Eunuch announcing the Emperor will visit him tonight, lowly sounded.

Qiao Chen only bite his lips and went on his character again.

"Your majesty." Qiao Chen bowed and smiled.

The Emperor's sharp expression turned soft and sincere as he pulled the youth into his embraced.

"This Emperor thought that Xiao Chen wouldn't able to sleep tonight."his hoarse voice turned sweet as his large hands pulled the palms of Qiao Chen, putting them next to his lips, "This hands...was printed by the blood of a traitor. This Emperor was at fault... This Emperor was sorry for making Xiao Chen do something like that."as he put several kisses on that white hands.

The abhorrence on Qiao Chen's heart was simply indescribable. His sharp-like eyes was starting to appeared as the endless disgust was blowing inside his body making him to strangle the Emperor to death.

But he can only endure.

Qiao Chen pitifully looked up and met the blazing gaze of the Emperor as he lightly muttered, "W-Why does the Emperor want Xiao Chen to do that... It was...disgusting..."

"This Emperor was sorry. This Emperor thought that Xiao Chen and the fourth prince planned out the assassination, as Xiao Chen consistently convinced this Emperor to give visit to the fourth prince. This Emperor can't help but to feel..."he stopped.

Qiao Chen's eyes widened. His pale translucent eyes with a little hint of green shook violently as he moved away from the Emperor's embraced. His eyes started to turned misty and producing crystallize droplets.

The Emperor was shocked, "Xiao Chen?..."

Qiao Chen bite his lips to stifle the incoming sob, "H-How could his majesty think about that...Xiao Chen devoted his life to his majesty and yet...his majesty thinks that Xiao Chen will only betray him..."


"Xiao Chen can only die than to betray his majesty."

"Xiao Chen is not like that..."

But Qiao Chen only turned his back. Seeing this, the Emperor's heart tightened. This is the first time that his beautiful sparrow refused to let him explain. His face showed helpless countenance as he tried to get closer to the youth only to be pushed again by the latter.

"Xiao Chen's chest still feel heavy. This subject wants to organize his mind. I hope the Emperor can allow that."

The Emperor weakly sighed and responded, "This Emperor will retreat. Xiao Chen need to rest."he then gave a meaningful look to the two servants standby and finally walk away.

Once the Emperor left, Qiao Chen wiped the fake tears on his cheeks and glared intensely into the open air. His features still pretty and wicked with a little bit of bewitch, distorted from time to time.

"Young master, do want to take a bath?"

"No need. I want to be alone."

When the twins were gone and the peaceful ambience gradually came back, Qiao Chen weakly lay on the soft mattress, inhaling a tired air as his eyes turned fierce.

This is hard.

This world was getting harder and harder.

When the male protagonist and darling of fate started to fall in love, Qiao Chen will have a hard time stopping Yong An from ascending the throne.

He needs to move fast.

What he need was to...

Just as he was about to think something, a figure of black appeared in his own eyes. He was almost started, but the escape light through the window highlighted the figure in front of him, making him discern the identity of this person.

"Fourth prince...what are you doing here?"

His voice was very pleasant and seductive as it carried a hint of hoarseness, the gentle light from the unknown made Qiao Chen's gauzy clothes more transparent and thin, luring into an infinite void of sexiness as it bowed towards anyone.

Yong Guan who appeared out of nowhere lowered his head, half of his face was covered with thick bandage, as he slowly walks towards the bed where the youth currently lay, "I'm sorry..."he said in a very genuine voice.

A series of confusion moderately displayed on Qiao Chen's face but instantly turned dark and ferocious as he remembered what happened a while ago.

"Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry...for acting recklessly... I have no explanation. It was all my fault."

Qiao Chen slowly sat straight and leaned his body against Yong Guan, his slender fingers occasionally touched the cover on the face of the fourth prince, expression indescribable as his harsh voice changed into a soft one, "Does it hurt?"

Hearing a concern in his tone, Yong Guan heart exploded in one commotion. His face that was lifeless and cold emitted a faint smile as his hands grasp tightly the palms that was touching his face, gently put it next to his mouth.

"It hurts."

Qiao Chen felt a tingle sensation inside his body. The disgusting feels he harbors when the Emperor's kissed his hands had not applied now that Yong Guan was doing the same stuff. His cold eyes shaken as he let the prince softly put a kissed on his fingers down to his palms.

"Be good. Just don't do that again."

"It really hurts....my eyes... I can't see clearly now."

Qiao Chen sighed and pulled his hands back. His soft face turned fierce as he hardened his heart.

He can't be soft-hearted.

"That's the punishment for your thoughtless behavior."his words was utterly said in a very serious tone, then his pupils glowed faintly as it exudes firmness and determination, "You must not forget. To become an Emperor...you need to conceal your emotion."

Yong Guan's eyes focus only on the youth as his obsession gradually rose into a dangerous state where, he can no longer calm his self but to imprison this sparrow. But his ears attentively listened to the juvenile.

Qiao Chen moves forward closing the gap between them as he added, "Even if you feel angry....act like you are not."his slender fingertips lightly touched the bandage on his face, "Even if you saw something unpleasant....pretend like you do not."as his sweet voice was creating a vivid scenario, Yong Guan can't help but to grasp that fingertips touching him, the youth continued, "Even if you want something... act like you did not."

"You can only have anything you want...once you become the Emperor."

Qiao Chen's last remarks was like a strong and generous warm embrace that gave Yong Guan a reliable peace of mind, shielding and controlling his anxiety and obsession. The voice was low and magnetic cautiously becoming gentle and natural from the initial stiffness on his pain, like a sweet pleasurable singing, attracting Yong Guan to believe all his words and to fall deeper into the fantasy he created.

To become an Emperor...

He can have anything that he wants...

Yong Guan hid the dangerous thought deep inside his body as he keenly stared at Qiao Chen's face, "If I become an Emperor, can you promise me one thing?"

The glowing moon through the endless darkness spread his halo of light, across the sky. A benign chilly breeze occasionally came through the slide of the windows. Qiao Chen showed a satisfied smile as he responded in a subtle alluring voice.

"I promise."