
Soon, Mid-Autumn Festival arrived.

Mid-Autumn Festival is the most awaited occasion in the original plot. This event was where the protagonist, Yong An gained loyal subordinates.

It was the biggest turning point for both of them.

Qiao Chen lightly covered his amused lips with a bamboo colored fan. His eyes were mesmerizing as it bore towards the trees, having pass by.

Dressed in an elegant white robe with green patterns on the edge of the sleeves, Qiao Chen look graceful and beautiful. He was in a carriage together with two of his servants.

It's been a week since confrontation happened between him and the emperor, with a persistent coaxing, Qiao Chen was willing to forgive the latter. And it's also been a week since the last encounter of both Qiao Chen and Yong Guan. The fourth prince was recuperative state in his residence during these days, and the issue about him, assassinating the Emperor has been the topic and innuendos in the whole country.

It's a pity, Qiao Chen's supposed-to-be plans was delayed because of this. Thinking about this, the beautiful sparrow's face can't help but to turned sour.

"Y-Young master, is it too cold? Do you want me to add another layer?" Qi Lan attentively asked when he noticed the discomfort on his master's face.

Qiao Chen only smiled and shook his head.

Surrounded by a faint lightness, the only light seeping through the inside was from an open window, overheard shining down. The weather was very cold today and the carriage was wrapped in heavy fabric as it made it way to the rocky road.

After a minute has passed, the carriage finally stopped.

Qiao Chen stand from his seat and the two young servants immediately put a fur cloak on his body. His hair was tie in a low ponytail with a jade clip at the edges of his forehead, the escape bangs made his face appeared less cold and formal. The door on the carriage opened and was met by a Eunuch on duty.

Qiao Chen flashed a wicked smile as he stepped out from the carriage.

The Eunuch gave a quick look on Qiao Chen and instantly guided them to the main destination.

Several carriages was gradually displayed in the whole area. Countless mixed noises was vaguely heard, creating a visual of a lively place. It was a suffocating mixture of both voices and sounds. Qiao Chen's hands subconsciously tightened on the fur cloak as his eyes exhibit a dangerous light.

This is the day.

Mid-Autumn Festival Hunt was the most anticipated event of the festival. The Emperor will invite several nobles from neighboring country to participate in this so-called hunt. And for what the surprise will unveil...it will be soon to tell.

"Chen-ge." A charming yet lively voice sounded behind his back.

Qiao Chen turned his head and was met by a youthful pretty face dressed in a blue costly robed with a usual countenance.

Qiao Chen smiled, "Menxiang."

Bai Menxiang deeply examine the sparrow in front of him. His black pupils hideously narrowed, not visible in one's eyes as it landed on the latter. His naive smile again was displayed on his face as he made his way towards the other, "You look so pretty, Chen-ge!"

Qiao Chen only smiled and attentively observed the expression of the young sparrow.

In fact, the two don't have any conflict towards each other. But with Qiao Chen's observant eyes, those simple yet hideous poisonous claws was still perceivable in his eyes.

Bai Menxiang has inferiority complex when it comes to looks. And no matter how much he tried to mask it with his usual compliments, Qiao Chen can still discern his wicked mind.

Suddenly, a vigorous thought came in his mind, "Menxiang, I heard that this past few days, the Emperor did not summon Menxiang."

Instantly, the pure face of the latter distorted. His hands clenched and tension between them immediately turned violent.

Qi Lan and Qi Ran ardently stood behind their master's back, while the servants of Bai Menxiang also stand firmly at his back.

Bai Menxiang gritted his teeth and glared angrily at the opposite side, "Chen-gege are you telling Menxiang that his majesty grew tired of Menxiang?"

His voice was soft, delicate but full of immature tantrums like a child, blaming someone for his own fault.

Qiao Chen calmly smiled and softly patted the youth's shoulder, gently replied, "Menxiang is very beautiful. How can his majesty abandon Menxiang?..."his smile faded, and a worried look appeared in his eyes, "But during this past few days.... I heard that, his majesty always visited the chamber of Wen Yang. I'm afraid...his majesty took fancy to him."

"W-What...?" Bai Menxiang's eyes widened. The air beneath his body rapidly tightened, like a hallow blades ready to cut his discomfort, still his eyes remained stiff, "B-But his majesty don't like Wen Yang. I heard the servants discussing how his majesty always leave Wen Yang's chamber with an angry place. How can his majesty took fancy to him—"

"Shh." Qiao Chen interrupted while leaning close next to his ears, "I heard that, Wen Yang rejected the attempt of his majesty to bed him. His majesty didn't punish him, instead he tolerated his behavior."

Bai Menxiang's face turned unsightly and there were no other emotion in his face other than vexation. He turned his face to his servants and instantly yelled in anger.

The maids kneeled next to his feet and showed obedience towards their master. The other individuals, seeing this, did not find it uncommon. They already knew the position of sparrow in the Emperor's heart, they choose to ignored and disregard.

Bai Menxiang kicked the servant near to him. His anger won't vanish if he can't vent it on anyone or someone. The amount of pain and betrayal in his heart was very severe as the thought of his majesty, gently embracing another sparrow, invaded his mind. He can tolerate if the Emperor only bed the latter but giving the other a sense of favor...he can't bear it.

"Menxiang..."Qiao Chen called softly, "What if his majesty will see you like this? Return to your tent and fix yourself. I believe his majesty's favor towards Wen Yang will only last for a while."

Thus, Bai Menxiang slowly calm down. He turned his face to Qiao Chen and give off a satisfied smile, "Thank you Chen-gege."he turned his back, and the faint smile entirely faded as his figure completely disappeared.

Qiao Chen look around and displayed a satisfied smile.

Making a naive youth angry was indeed easy. Bai Menxiang is another important piece in his plan.

Qi Lan and Qi Ran also smiled.

Several days ago, after the confrontation with the Emperor and Qiao Chen, his majesty persistently coaxed the beautiful sparrow, but Qiao Chen coldly shut the latter. He gave him a sense of anxiety as he refused all the visits and gifts the Emperor has given to him. Therefore, the Emperor will leave with an angry and disappointed face.

Qiao Chen uses his two loyal servants to manipulate all the maids and guards to perceive that the Emperor was angry because of Wen Yang's refusal.

On how did he manage to do that.

Wen Yang's residence was closest to Qiao Chen's. When the Emperor was heading to Qiao Chen, he needed to pass into Wen Yang's place. This how the rumors began.

They all thought that the Emperor was angry and having a vile temper because of Wen Yang. In their memories, Qiao Chen can't refuse the Emperor or even anger the latter. That's why they can't find any reason for Qiao Chen to connect at these circumstances and concluded that Wen Yang, with ferocious attitude, was the caused of his majesty's exasperation.

Qiao Chen again smiled in contentment. The Eunuch beside, on duty, hurriedly guided him to his tent for the Mid-Autumn Hunt.

The sparrow's tents was much better than any nobles and royalties. It was closest to the Emperor and has a secure surrounding. It was big and very exquisite. The Eunuch bowed before leaving the sparrow inside.

Qiao Chen examine the whole area and commanded his two servants to arrange all his needs.

The Mid-Autumn Hunt will be held for three days. In the original plot, this event was the biggest opportunity for the male protagonist to gather connections and troupes from the nobles and neighboring kingdom. This was also the time when Qiao Chen will properly meet the male protagonist.

When Qiao Chen took off the fur cloak, the door of his tent opened.

"Brother..." Qiao Yu called softly. Dressed in her usual flowery beautiful robe, and the usual cold yet seductive countenance, she walks towards her brother, "I heard that his majesty visited you last night? Did Qiao Chen offend his majesty?"she asked in a very cold voice.

Qiao Chen flinched and turned his eyes to the two servant boys. The twins understood his gaze and quickly bowed before leaving the two of them.

"Sister. His majesty only visited me to examine my health as I was not feeling well this past few days."he responded calmly.

Qiao Yu earnestly brushed the hair of the juvenile while maintaining her normal cold face, "Qiao Chen better not offend his majesty. I heard that his majesty.... like a new sparrow. Was it Wen Yang?"

Qiao Chen bowed slowly, giving an aura of a fragile youth as his curvy lashes made it way to his upper cheeks, hiding the evil grin on his lips as he replied lowly, "The rumors was not erroneous. His majesty... I think really took fancy to Wen Yang."

Suddenly the calm yet cold face of Qiao Yu turned ugly as her slender fingers grip the chin of the latter, flashing a dangerous light, "What did I tell you?! I told to serve his majesty properly so that he won't grow tired of you! Now look what happened?!"she then pushed Qiao Chen into the soft mattress.

Qiao Chen eyes turned red as his lips was harshly bitten, stifling an incoming sobs, "I-I'm sorry...sister."

Qiao Yu watched her brother in his knees. Her eyes emitted a cold light as the aura beneath her made the pressure grew intense.

It was a lie to think that the Emperor like her. His majesty only gave her attention because she was the sister of the most favored sparrow. But without the favor of his majesty towards his brother, she long were dispose off.

The Emperor's sparrow was only under the age of twenty. She was twenty and was supposed to be neglected and dethrone for her position, but because her brother was being pampered by his majesty, the Emperor tolerate her age and did not pull out her title. But what if his majesty will not favor his brother anymore? Then the one who will receive the first strike was her...his brother was only seventeen and not yet twenty. That's why she was anxious when she heard that his brother has lost his majesty's favor.

She gave a warning look to her brother and stated firmly, "Serve his majesty well."then her eyes turned soft as her fingers caress the cheeks of her sweet brother, "Sister only had Qiao Chen. So Qiao Chen need to serve his majesty properly." Seeing the agreement of the youth, she smirked, "Good boy."

Qiao Chen's pitiful face dissipated as he watched the departed back of his sister. His translucent eyes with a little hint of green shook violently as he recalled the words of Qiao Yu.

Good job. Now, he doesn't have to feel guilty by performing his plans.

As he stood up from the soft mattress, his exquisite robe loosened on his feet. The carpet of the tent was soft and very smooth. He was only on his white socks as his feet headed towards a certain direction.

He opened the back door of the tent and was met by crystallize blueish lake under the flamboyant of the green scenery. Their tent was located in the east side of the forest, so there were no people in this place. As his foot step outside the soft grass, a strong and very firm arms instantly held his waist from behind.

The sudden action caused Qiao Chen to startled only for a while, as his green eyes discern the identity of the man who held his waist affectionately.

"Why are you not wearing any shoes?"a baritone voice carried a hint of hoarseness sounded next to his ears.

Qiao Chen felt a warm sensation from this intimacy, but he disregards this emotion as his eye level only landed to the chest in front of him. His feet did not touch the grass, instead was stepping in the black boots of the man. A black military uniform with a red lines on the edges of the fabric met his eyes.

"Why are you not answering?"another question has been throw.

Qiao Chen pushed the man and lifted his eyes. A usual rough handsome face made him flinched in a while. The unfamiliar yet familiar features made him softened. The black eye patch in his left eye made him appeared more dark and violent as he exudes a terrifying manly aura. Very different to their first meeting.

"How come you're here?" Qiao Chen asked in a very wary voice.

Although, he did not have to worry about getting caught by someone, as the Emperor has not yet arrive, he was still careful from an unexpected accident.

Yong Guan noticed the wariness of the youth and let out a smile, "Don't worry. There were no one coming here."

Qiao Chen still did not let his guard down and stared calmly at the face of the prince, "The Emperor has still not get over from the incident weeks ago. You need to be careful."

Instantly, the serene face of Yong Guan turned darkly when he heard the word 'Emperor' but only lasted for a while as he leaned again closer to the youth. "I saw what your sister did. You don't have to seduce the Emperor to save her."

"Do you think I was doing this to save her?"

Qiao Chen look away making him appeared guilty. Indeed. The original host love his sister very much, he loves her to the point that he even accompany his sister to become a sparrow. But now, Qiao Chen was no longer Qiao Chen. He doesn't need to save that ungrateful sister of his. And that was not included in the mission.

A sense of déjà vu invaded in Yong Guan's thoughts. His dark eyes emitted an aloof light as the lingering illusion in his mind made it way to his heart. The air in the area suddenly carried a huge pressure.

Qiao Chen noticed the change of ambience and hurriedly look back at Yong Guan. How strange. The actions...emotions...and even pressure remind him of someone else. It was familiar yet unsure.

Is it coincidence?

His thought interrupted when a large hand sneaked on his waist pulling closer to the taller man, his eyes shook, "W-What are you..."



Yong Guan's lips curved as his fingers removed the distracting strands of hair on the juvenile's face. His hard face faintly softened as his lips move next to his ears, "Jianshi. That's what my birth mother called me."

Qiao Chen blushed and immediately pushed the large man as he retreated backwards. "Your highness need to learn a proper etiquette. His highness can't just grab someone in an instant."

Yong Guan only nodded, not minding the remarks.

Qiao Chen felt a sudden headache by this. But he remembers something and his face returned to its calmness.

"Did his highness participate in the incoming hunt?"

"Do you want me too?"

"Yes..." Qiao Chen answered lowly. His face was filled with confusion. How come that the plot did not properly describe the attitude of this prince? He was supposed to be a person full of suspicion and yet, Qiao Chen can easily make him obeyed? But still he had no objection towards this and added, "Your highness need to win the Mid-Autumn Hunt."

The winner of the said hunt can have a privilege to ask for the Emperor a request. And this privilege was something that Qiao Chen needed to.

Yong Guan watched the youth with a face full of determination. The glaring sun in the afternoon made it way to his skin, as it gave of a highlighted feature. Just like a strong sun in the mountain of weak souls. Very different and attractive.

He smiled obsessively and nodded.