Chapter 5 - DREAMS


Each night, I drift into continuous variations of the same dream...

There's this woman; I try to reach her; to save her.

She seems so close that I can smell her vanilla scent, but she's distanced from my presence that I can't fully grasp her identity, just her emerald eyes. Emerald eyes which aren't satisfying to gaze at, they're an empty type of poisonous; with her soul emanating dead.

Who is she?

On the other hand...

Two guys, both from different backgrounds, but more alike than they know. I know so much about them but at the same time; I don't.

They're trapped by darkness, but still, they manage to emit just enough light to be visible, pleading for me to pick one, but I am incapable of deciding.

And because of that, they both die.


I rose from an ocean of sweat which drenched through my pajamas while trembling out of fear and unable to tame my raging mind.

It didn't feel like a dream, it felt more like a memory that had been hiding distortedly in the furthest-darkest reach of my soul. I slowly laid back down, in an attempt to ease the trembling; and possibly my thoughts as well.

I took a few deep breaths as the moon shone its reflected illumination onto my face from the glass roof. It was calming. And the wondering thoughts finally settled after a long while of inhaling deeply.

Dolefully, It was abruptly interrupted by my alarm, which rung every day at approximately 7:00 am. It caught me off guard due to outside still being dark as midnight.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, escaping from the comfort of my bed.

After what happened yesterday, I wanted nothing; absolutely nothing more than to lock myself in the silent-lonely embrace of my mansion.

Sadly, that was not one of my options.

I took a long hot shower, it was hotter than usual but still pleasant, and then I brushed my teeth to the point where my gum started to ache. I had a habit of doing that; a habit of trying my best to look perfect no matter how badly it affected me.

Furthermore, I gazed at my slender figure, perfectly sculpted face, and emerald eyes. The form of my body was perfect in every way imaginable with no flaws and various amount of people would agree. But they would also agree that my personality was a turnoff, that I was an emotionless try-hard.

I leaned slightly over the balcony, nakedly observing how the sun slithered brightly over the horizon, glaring its light warmly rays upon my face. The lively green trees, grass, and leaves swayed playfully with the wind. And the sounds of the animals could be heard from the far off distance.

The family mansion resided deeply in the middle of Creek Forest, isolated from all the idiotic problems and greed of the human world for so long that our presence became a myth.

But, over the centuries, our names have slowly changed as we slowly became forgotten...

Mythical creatures are the only ones that ravage freely this deep in the forest. If it wasn't for the magical barrier, then the entire species of the fairies would have long been deprived of existence.

As secondary protection, our ancestors made rules; magical preventions that have isolated but also kept our species safe. So why do I have this need to escape this protective hold?

"Oh, Jordan, won't you let down your hair?" An intimate voice divertingly sings, but his tone sounded a little different from usual.

A youthful-looking man gazed firmly at me, with his light, velvet eyes possessing relishing moods. His form was svelte and muscular, but also held raven black hair and light pink lips.

"I would, but you see, my long vibrant hair has been reaped by an imposter who's holding me captive" I joked about, playing along.

"I guess I'll just have to save you then," he informs, animatedly and swiftly rising from the grass, slowly hovering towards me.

"Let me guess, did mom send you here to get me?"

She's so demanding, close-minded, and heartless, never allowing me to step out of her shadow. And when I finally do, she finds another way to trap me back in. Once again, blowing out any happiness in my life.

I understand that her reputation is greatly reflected by my behavior and maturity, but still, I'm not her. I have so much to witness other than the isolation of this place.

"Do I seriously need to answer that?"

'Just one more day' I reminded myself, 'one more day of this slavery'

"Hurry up and get dressed, no one wants to see how big your dick is," he said with a lingering stare and I took a menacing step forward, "no one?"

"Get dressed!"

"Fine." I chuckled softly, sauntering reluctantly into the walk-in closet at the end of the hall.

The thought of being controlled by another person revolted me, but she wasn't just anyone; she was my mom; the person that gave birth to me. So as much as I hated it, I could hold on for a few more hours.

Standing in front of the mirror, I analyzed the outfit which I decided to wear after careful consideration. It seemed to be a bit overdressed for just a casual meeting with 'mom', but still, and I knew she would complain if my appearance was not her kind of decent in public.

"Hurry up, we are going to be late" he alerted me from the other side of the closed door.

I could sense the urgency in his tone. But I just brushed it off, I was well acquainted with it. Mom probably told him something, and he was trying his best to contain it. That happened more often than I liked; the secrets.

I averted my pupils from my reflection and towards the window. Gazing at the edge of the barrier and into unknown lands always offered me comfort as if like an innate desire.

"Give me a second. I'm coming."

I could hear his footsteps pacing back and forth from behind the door. But, I just gazed straight ahead at the spectacular sight; Ignoring him and his warning. He could wait a bit longer, it's not like he was going to be affected by me being late.

The green, mystical land roamed far off, seemingly joined with the horizon, rendering only a mesmerizing spot of the unknown land to be visible from the location of my gaze. But as I continued to be drawn further into the mesmerization of the unknown curiosity; his paces grew louder and more annoying.

"Liam!" I exclaimed but was completely met by the same tone of voice and for the first time, my heart ached. "Your mom collapsed!"

She couldn't possibly have.

I shakily unlocked the door, "you're lying, she couldn't have, not when there are people who still believe."

"The fairies in the human world has long vanished, and so is the beliefs"

I have never seen him shed a tear but here he was, tears dipping from eyes and his voice fighting to maintain composure. Without a second thought, I slowly wrapped my hands around his neck and the emotions havoced like a severe thunderstorm.

"I should've felt it, but I didn't."

"No one did. Our magic is waning every second that passes by."

"But...without...our magic-"

"We are all dead."

"No. There has to be a way to stop save us."

"There isn't."