Chapter 6 - LIFE STORY

The dark, silent room distended into a state of depression whilst the orange illumination departed beyond the red horizon, welcoming the shadows of the night.

I sat impatiently in the gloomy corner, carefully observing for the slightest movement or just any signification of hope. Her features looked so pale as if she had been trekking through blizzardous weather and her long red hair held few streaks of white which slightly added to the favoring of her light, facial skin.

It's already been a few days and I assumed that by now she would've been awake, disclosing how much of a disappointment my very presence is. And to be honest, that would've been better than to sit here glaring helplessly at the ill figure.

I knew what was happening to her, and there was a high chance that being all-powerful as she was; still wouldn't be able to survive this.

"Mom...please don't leave me...I don't think I can lose you too." I pleaded, holding back the tears, after receiving the sounds of assisted breathings as a response.

After a short, seemingly long while, the sounds of sauntering footsteps could be heard moving closer and closer toward the door. I thought it was Liam until the doors swung open; introducing a tall-neat-professional-looking man wearing a long, white coat.

"Good evening, I am Dr. Walsh. As I have shared with the other young gentleman, I will be the healer for Ms. Diane," he informs.

"I see..." I replied diverting my eyes back to my mom, "How long is it going to take?"

"By a quick observation, I can estimate an hour or so, but that's just an estimate. It might be longer."

"I don't care how long it takes, just please help her." I pleaded.

"There's nothing to worry about, she will be good as new in no time. But if you don't mind, can you please leave the room?"

"why?, If you don't mind me asking"

"It would offer more beneficial results to the patient if I am fully focused. Also, the energies that need to be emitted should be mine alone, but because a lot is radiating from you, it wouldn't be professional of me to allow you to stay during the process."

Before exiting the room, I spoke to my mother for what could possibly be the last time, "mom? I know I haven't been the best son, but I promise if you stay with me, then I'll try. I'll try to be more open, caring, and respectful."

The moment after I left the room, a hunger stroked against my stomach. I knew I should've just taken a seat close by the room and wait, but I needed to get my mind off of things.

So, I searched outside for any vendors selling food, unluckily the only thing I found was empty streets. My consciousness didn't wish to roam too far from the infirmary, but if I was going to give myself a chance at survival after not eating for days, then I needed something warm and healthy in me.

Elven Street was very lively when I strolled through it, and by `lively' I mean sexual. I was able to see figures scattered throughout the streets, dancing and kissing the night away. But as I continued strolling through the territory, the upbeat and explicit music slowly faded away in the distance.

The air strongly bustled through the green trees, causing the leaves to divide from their wild homes, flurrying as they swayed with the gentle wind. They made the most beautiful of melodies throughout the night sky. And as a result, my sense could also grasp the rustling sounds of animals racing playfully on dried leaves within the enclosure of trees.

This would've been a euphoric moment if it wasn't for that tiny-pestering voice in the back of my mind which reminded me constantly of the disaster yet to come.

'We're all going to die' Those words stung me like how a wasp would sting its victim. But instead of disimprisoning its prey from the pain, it lifelessly clung to it, plunging its venomous stinger deeper and deeper.

Though as I strolled on my mind finally became distracted by the growing sounds of melodies and visible light of multi-colors, shining through the trees at the edge of a clearing. Soon after, the delightful smell of rum started to become apparent as I swept the leaves from my face and found myself in front of a large, vibrant field.

There were poles at each side of the wide curved entrance with a slender, six-packed man at the left and a thick-curvy woman at the right professionally stripping, dancing, and teasing on the long wet poles. It was like its own version of a mini-club but outside and apparently without a roof.

Staring at the male stripper, I couldn't say it didn't turn me on. But I had a more important priority to place my focus on; my stomach. So, I continued strolling into the outside mini-club, and before long, I found myself sitting at a table inside of a fancy-looking eatery.

"Welcome to the Nine Silvers, what would you like to order?" a servant asked emotionlessly. Her accent and tone sounded quite unordinary for someone who I expected to have grown up here. And it was even weirder because no one has ever traveled through the barrier for generations, so almost everyone had the same plain old accent.

And that made me wonder why her accent was so unfamiliar?

'Stop being so paranoid' I told myself, "Just a cheeseburger and a coke with no ice."

She hastily wrote the order in a small notebook, "coming up" and trudged away.

In the air, I could smell a whiff of various seasons and aromas. It was mostly spicy with a pinch of sweetness. But the range of smells soon vanished as I observed the workers.

The employees were ravaging around, racing to complete different notes of orders with none to few breaks. While increased numbers of fairies entered and exited the eatery, adding on to the pilling of orders.

I continued observing every spec of details until a voice interrupted, "what's a cute fae like you doing here alone?" an alluring, but deep-toned voice inquires.

Forbye, I realized that it was the same guy from earlier, the one who caught my attention from the pole. But I also noticed that his dark black hair held a few blue highlights and was now covering part of his left eye; instead of being tied up. Wait, 'are you talking to me?'

"It's you" I blurted out without thinking, but he just smiled, "have we met before?" he asks. "And if we have, I'm sure that I would remember a pretty face like yours," he adds, still maintaining that alluring smile.

"Oh, N-no, I mean...I saw you on my way in."

"Mmm, I see...and did you like the performance?" he inquires on with a now flirtatious tone.

"Maybe" I answer, fighting to resist blushing.

"Just 'maybe'?"

"Yes, 'just maybe'," I replied with a slight chuckle, "I made you laugh," he points out with a proud, teasing smile, "I'm Luke"

"Well, Luke, I'm Jordan"

I could feel myself blushing uncontrollably and it made my stomach go into total chaos, but what he asked followingly made my heart pound into a state of chaos as well.

"Do you mind if I join you? I ordered but it seems that all the tables are occupied" he requested.

"I would like that." I accepted, with my body still being over-active and my brain fighting through various emotions.

The waiter placed two plates of meals and two cups of drinks on the table after a short while of conversing. Her eyes were strictly on Luke the entire time she delivered our meals and strangely enough, I felt a contrasting feeling of chaos in my stomach.

"Is there anything else you would like?" she asked but it wasn't to me; it was intended to Lukas, who looked up at her, obviously uninterested.

"No. But how about you, Jordan?" as he spoke my name, she turned to me with a clear sign of annoyance.

"Oh, umm, no. I'm fine."

"Ok, then, enjoy your meals and tell me if you need anything else," she says, still only intending to Luke before trudging away again.

The atmosphere got silent as I secretly stared into his eyes, thinking of what to say or ask. But surprisingly we were able to pleasantly converse for what seemed like hours.

"So, tell me about yourself, who are you? I cannot stop thinking about how I have been having a meal with a charming stranger for the last hour." I told him and he gazed up with an unexpected smile on his face, "I'm flattered but it's said that a stranger is a friend that hasn't been met."

"Mmmhm, a friend, huh? I have never heard that saying before but it does sound somewhat true, and it also seems like a good way to dodge telling me about yourself." a smirk slithered its way onto my lips as I finished talking.

"I see you're persistent. And I'm not dodging your question, but I do think it's too early to tell you my past stories." He said, honestly, taking another bite of his burger.

"So you're a close book, for now."

"For now? Why do you make it seem like we are going to meet again?" He asks, almost sounding shocked.

"A stranger is a friend that hasn't been met yet right? And since we have met already, doesn't that make us friends?"

He responded a few seconds after what appeared to be him contemplating for a right answer, "it's too early for me to say. But I'm sure when I see you again, I will be ready to give you an appropriate answer." Though he was extroverted, I could tell that deep down he was equally introverted.

"Well, then I will know where to find you if I ever want to hear your appropriate answer," I commented with a devilish grin.

Since, the conversation and getting to know each other progressed, the alluring effect he had on me, significantly rose. Like how his eyes couldn't quit gazing firmly and interestingly at me. But also, how his raven hair oscillated every time he made the slimmest movements.

"If or when?" he asked with a deeper and more desirable tone, "one thing you should know about me is that I always get what I want, and what I want is to see you again."

"Is that so?"

The hours flew by like seconds and the night grew younger. Our conversation was long overdue but it was still fresh, due to the range of topics to chat about. Even though he didn't wish to share his life story earlier, he got a little use to me and decided to share at least one.