
PEOPLE were screaming on top of their lungs as one of the men blew a punch on his opponent’s face. The other guy tried to avoid the punch but it was too late as the man already had contact with his face; making him stumbled to the ground.

Etel was quick to rush towards the crowd to watch the amusing fight between the two— oh, how wrong she was. Another guy entered the scene and attacked the poor man who’s now lying on the ground with wounds and blood all over his face.

She felt pity for the man but she couldn’t pry on their business. It’s not like it will affect her if she helped him or something. Etel would probably choose the safest and most boring thing than taking a risk even if it’s fun. Yes, that’s her, always thinking practical.

Etel always believed that practicality is an assurance for her bright future.

The crowd’s shouts got louder when one of the guys took out a pocketknife and sway it in front of the wounded man. She gasped along with the crowd as the wounded man stood up weakly; trying to fight for his life.

The man’s hand balled into fists as if expecting an attack from his opponent. Their movements were fast, Etel could barely see how the man took the hand of the guy who has a pocketknife and disarmed him by cracking his wrist bones.

“Ahh!” It was a shout of pain when the other guy intervenes but the man was quick to step on his shoes. And the pocketknife guy saw it as an opportunity to attack— while the wounded man was busy with the other one— he then bumped his knee to the man’s knee pit making the wounded one groans in pain.

The kick must’ve hurt a lot as the guy quickly earned the attention he craved for. Out of fear, he started walking backward. Little did he know a rock was waiting for him to step on. He then stumbled on the ground, giving the wounded man an advantage.

Etel’s heart was thumping so loudly watching the scene happens. She’s confused about who to root for as all the three of them are taking part in such a dangerous act that does not abide by the law.

She gulped when the man clutched the guy’s collar tightly. He was almost choking him to death but still restraining— something’s stopping him from doing it— the man then shut his eyes tight before letting go of the guy and heaved an exasperated sigh before picking up the pocketknife from the ground; leaving the two groaning in pain.

Everyone then calmed down; including Etel, she was about to leave when she got stuck with the stuffed crowd and that’s when another guy entered with a knife in his right hand, ready to attack the man and Etel got pushed into the scene.

Breathing hitched, heart-thumping, eyes widen— those are the things she experienced as the knife met her eyes. She flinched— expecting the sharp metal knife to penetrate her eyes— seconds have passed, eyes still closed, she felt nothing but the warmth of skin and… the smoothness of leather?

“W-What…” Etel opened her eyes, confusion, and worry filled her face. She looked around, everyone was looking at her. That’s when she looked up and saw the wounded man.

She knew she shouldn’t have time for this, but behind those wounds, this man is actually good looking! Just remove the scars, blood, and wounds, and you’ll get the most handsome man in the world. Etel shook her head, what is she thinking? She almost died earlier and now she’s focusing on this wounded man?

The sound of a police siren took her attention. People are then rushing out of the place before the police caught them. On the other hand, Etel was still shocked about what happened earlier that she couldn’t move an inch.

She shouldn’t have come here, if so, her life wouldn’t be in danger. How could she forgot that this street’s one of the most dangerous places in the city yet she stopped just to watch a fight happen? How responsible of her. Her inner self scolded, she could feel it shaking her head right now.

“Hey…?” The man called her but she was too shock; completely lost in her thoughts.

“What’s happened?” She heard the newcomer inquired.

“I think she’s too shocked, she can’t move or speak,” the man answered.

The person blew a worrying breath before saying, “Come, I’ll take care of her, you take care of yourself there.” Etel then felt a towel around her shoulder.

Her breath shuddered as the person dragged her towards the ambulance. As she sat there, he took out an already opened water bottle and offered it to her. Etel absent-minded took it and sipped.

“Are you okay, Madam?”

She was pulled out of reverie upon hearing the person’s voice. She gave him a menacing look. “Are you seriously asking me that question? My groceries are nowhere to be found, I got sandwiched within a smelly crowd, a knife almost pierced me and I almost died. Now, ask me again if I’m okay!” She almost shouted on top of her lungs.

“I’m sorry, my name is Detective Judas Iscariot Macario, but you can call me Detective Macario. May I know what your name, Madam?”

Her hands were shaking as she tried to reach out to the Detectives’, it seems like the Detective noticed it too that he was the one who reached her hand.

She gasped when something touched her palm instead of his skin. She looked up at him and saw him smiling like an angel.

“What is this…?” She then looked at her palm and saw a hot pack.

“You seemed cold, Madam Etel, I intend to use it for later but I think you need it more,” he reasoned.

“Well, thank you and sorry for being rude to you earlier.”

Judas chuckled quietly. “It’s okay, you’re just shocked earlier.” He bent down and looked at her worryingly while she’s playing the hot pack around her hands. “Are you still shock? Do you need anything?”

Etel looked around, pouting. “That guy…” She trailed and the Detective looked at her attentively. “The guy who saved me… do you know him? If you know, may I know his name?”

“Ah, you must be talking about Lucifer?”

“Lucifer…? Your names…?”

“No.” Judas chortled. “We are not related with each other, it just so happen that our names were based on the Bible and catholic things but no, we are not related.”

“Oh… okay. Where is he though?”

Judas put his hands inside his trench coat’s pocket and stared at her examining. “You want to thank him, don’t you, Madam Etel?”

“What?” She looked down and sighed. “I do, but I can’t seem to find him anywhere.”

“Well, he’s busy.”

“…with what? And aren’t you going to arrest him for—“

A loud blow of a gun cut her off and before she could even notice, she flew away to the ground as the Detective pushed her. Everything went slow-mo, the way the Detective panicked before pushing her, how the bullet grazed the Detective’s hand, and how it passed through in front of her before piercing the ambulance’s door.

Everything happened so slow yet so fast that she couldn’t keep up with its tempo.

As Etel fell on the ground the Detective quickly joined her and used his body to cover hers. She was flabbergasted what welcomed her sight. Goodness, why are these guys are so good-looking? She barely noticed how handsome the Detective earlier but right now… all she wants to do is to stare at his beautifully handsome face. Etel shook her head trying to remove those thoughts from her mind as she needs to focus on something that is more important; which of course, her life. They were in that position when another police siren filled the whole place.

“Detective Macario, the team already moved and raided the building! It’s not safe here we need to transfer you to the headquarter.”

Judas stood up to guide her up. “Please, come with me, Madam Etel. I need to ask you some questions. Looks like the bullet was intended for you.”

“What? F-For me? It can’t be me, I-I was just trying to buy some groceries! It’ can’t be me… are you sure?!”

“Yes, Madam Etel. Someone attempted to murder you.”

Etel’s mouth gaped open with the realization. How crazy can this day be? She was almost stabbed by a knife and now, she was almost pierced by a bullet. And with those happenings, she got two astonishing men to protect her— that she doesn’t know if it’s a fortune or not.

Oh, how crazy can her “buying grocery” could be.