Chapter One

"WHO is this?"

"This is Etel; I'm in the Police station right now."

"What the hell are you doing in there? Where's the grocery? Mommy's been looking for it earlier, she can't finish her sinigang!"

"Wait, listen to me first, Acee. I'm in the Police station right now because I almost got killed!"

There was a brief silence from the other line before her cousin replied, "so, where are the groceries?"

Etel facepalmed. "Goodness, Acee! I just said that I almost got killed and now you're worried over the groceries that I couldn't even find!"

"What do you mean you "couldn't find"? Oh no! Mom's gonna kill us both!"

"Yeah, well, I almost got killed earlier so I would rather be "killed" by auntie than getting murdered by a hitman!"

Acee gasped. "Wait you're serious?!"

"Oh, I'm not. I am literally calling from a Police station telephone and fussing all over the place because I am not serious," Etel rolled her eyes as she said it with a hint of sarcasm.

"I thought you are serious?"

"Goodness, Acee, I was being sarcastic!" Etel almost couldn't believe her cousin.

One of the things she can't stand about her cousin, Acee, is that she's too naïve, too innocent, and too dumb for social things and it is infuriating her for some reason. Acee is not as observant and attentive as her that's why sometimes they kept on misunderstanding each other leading to a fight; one of the factors why she's not close with her growing up.

But all in all, Acee is a woman of her words. Everything she says is truth and truth only. She can't lie, that's why she never kept a secret with her. Acee is also efficient when it comes to working; she's really reliable especially with paper works— A total opposite of Etel.

When Etel's the one who's working, quiet and clean is the last thing you would see whenever it's Etel who's doing something. Complete chaos and mess are the only things she caused while working instead of finishing her work.

Etel may be practical but that doesn't excuse her for procrastinating— a LOT.

"Oh, okay! We'll be there later, I'll just tell mom about it. Better present the groceries to her!"

And then the call ended.

She blew a breath then put the telephone back. She searched around the busy place; looking for the groceries. But as she tries to spot it she found something that diverted her attention away.

Her smile was wide as Russia as she walked through. "Hi!"

The man frowned and looked down at her. "What do you need?"

Oh, he looks so gigantic while speaking.

"I thank you, Mr. Lucifer, for saving me! If it weren't for you—"

Her words were cut off when Lucifer taps her head that earned a frown from Etel. "No, 'I' am sorry. If it weren't for me, your life would be at stake" he said in an apologetic tone while looking at her intently; making her conscious. Lucifer then sighed.

"Glad you're okay."


"Save it. I only saved you because I don't want to be the one to be blamed for your death." With a stone face and lifeless voice, he walked pass by her while his hands were crossed in front of his chest; flexing his hard-rock biceps.

Etel, on the other hand, did not waver with his statement and proceeds.

"I don't care what your reason is all I know is that you saved my life! And I would do anything to pay you back, Mr. Luci!" She shouted as Lucifer had already walked far away. "Drive safely, Mr. Luci! I will pray for your wellness!"

Some people and police around are staring at her with a weird and scolding look on their faces; openly showing her that she's disturbing their work.

She giggled quietly and gave them a peace sign before walking back to the waiting area.

Impatiently tapping her feet on the ground while scanning around the place, Etel's too bored at the Police Station that she's thinking to leave. She should have come after that Lucifer guy and ask him how to pay him back, what a waste.

Another minute passed before the Detective showed up and gave her a sorry look before speaking.

"I'm so sorry you had to wait that long, I should have at least invited you inside the office."

"No, it's okay. So, have you figured out who's the gunman yet?"

"Well, that's the reason why I brought you here. I need to interview you, your guardian, and people who are close to you or had been with you for the last two weeks."

Etel nodded. "Okay, I already called my cousin and told her to come here. I just need to call some of my friends, other cousins, co-workers, and—"

She couldn't finish her sentence as the Detective held her shoulders in both sides— as if trying to calm her— he gave her 'that' angelic smile again causing her knees to wobble.

"It is okay, Madam Etel," he reassured her. "The police already checked if they are available for interview. You don't need to do that. Just please…"

"Please what…?"

"…Keep safe."

She chuckled. "Of course I will keep safe, Detective…" She squints her eyes and playfully grinned. "…Judas."

"Oh." The Detective seemed surprised. "I believe I addressed myself as Detective Macario. It looks like your striving a different path right there, Madam Etel."

"Sometimes, people likes to be different."

"And I couldn't agree more."

Etel smiled. "Glad I'm on the same page with a smart Detective."

Judas snorted. "Sure, I'm smart."

"You are smart, Detective. You should know that!" She noticed that he chortled as she praised him. "Wait, you're just fishing some compliment, are you?"

"What? No I'm not!"

"Oh, pretty sure you are…"

He then let out a short laugh and raised his hand as if trying to give up. "Okay, okay, I am! But admit it, what you said were true…"

They both laughed but a Police officer scold them that made them suppress their laughter.

"I think we should sit while we wait for your auntie and cousin, you know?"

"I think so too," she agreed and sat beside him.

A dreamy smile was plastered on the Detective's face as they wait patiently. "So, what do you do for a living?"

"Wait— are you gonna interview me right now…?"

"No, no, I'm not interviewing you. I just need to know you better."


He smirked. "Well, as you know… you'll be… sticking with me for a kind of long time."

"What do you mean?"

"The precinct needs to look after you while the killer is still on the loose."

The fear within her intensified with the mention of that killer again. Etel looked so anxious, trying to check every corner of the place; completely bothered.

She sighed heavily and repeatedly. "Detective, Will I be safe here? Are you sure that my killer is not here?"


"But what if he passed the security and went inside here and then he…"

"Etel," he sternly called her but she didn't even mind him.

"...will kill me." Her chest felt so tight like it was being squeezed by a rope, her vision also became blurry making it hard for her to see, and a big lump of the throat is what she could also feel at that time.

It was getting harder and harder to breathe. Her breathings were ragged. Hands were like surrounding her neck; choking her.

Etel then started sobbing with her beautiful face submerged to her palms and head's bumping onto Judas's chest.

Everyone was looking at them but Judas doesn't mind. There's a woman who looks so vulnerable that he needs to take care of her than minding what they think.

Judas's first instinct was to let Etel throw herself to him— for them to hug— while letting her wet his trench coat and him, softly rubbing her back; soothing her.

"Detective, I…"

Judas tightened his embrace. "Shush, I get it. I know how traumatized you are…"

"I'm sorry… it's just I— I just—" Etel never stopped sobbing. "I am scared…" she burst out.

The Detective stayed quiet the whole time, he gave her a moment and just let her cry in his arms.

THREE DAYS had passed after the incident; she was called for an interview with the Police.

"Have you engaged in a fight with someone these past few days?"

She gulped, her hands were cold as ice, and her eyes were moving around like kids in the playground; Etel's nervous.

Judas noticed her unusual behavior so he put his hands over hers to calm her down; that's what he usually does when he encounters a witness acting the way Etel behaved.

"I'm sorry, I am just not ready and kinda nervous," Etel confessed.

"It's okay, that happens often. That's nothing uncommon." It was Detective Eldridge who answered.

She met her earlier as the Detective introduces them to each other. She found out that Detective Eldridge will be Detective Judas's partner.

"Thank you, but I think I should answer you now." Eldridge shrugged while Judas— who's looking at her concernedly— nodded.

"Truth is… I never engaged in a fight my entire life. I mean, I do, but not to the point that someone would try to kill me."

"And how sure are you about that?"

"Pretty sure," she answered with such confidence.

Eldridge smirk. And said, "So sure that you would bet your life on it?"

Etel looked around; unable to answer the question.

"Let's just move on to another question, who have you been arguing with lately?"

"My cousin."

"Can you tell us the reason why you argued?"

"It's just a small fight… we were arguing about the idiom."

"Who won?"

"She accepted defeat."

"How many times do you argue in a day?"

"Uh… I can't count. We kinda fight a lot."

Eldridge leaned back while rubbing her chin with her dark eyes narrowing at brown ones. "Interesting…" She then leaned into the table and clasps her hands above. "Can you tell me what happened three days ago? How did you get there? Why are you there? Who are the people you met with before going out there?"

Etel swallowed before answering, "Yes, I can."


"It was nearing noon, my auntie was about to cook Sinigang for our lunch but Acee forgot to buy some ingredients, so, auntie asked Acee a favor again to… uh… to buy that ingredient. But at the same time, Acee was somewhat doing her… school works…"

She sighed. "That's why she's the one who ordered me to do the favor. Acee also noticed that we're running out of stock, that's why I went there instead of the wet market."

"Okay and?"

Etel anxiously rubbed her thighs and wander her eyes around the room before speaking again. "And that's when I encountered the fight. I was watching them but I got… squeezed between the… uh… crowd and then also got p-pushed." Her eyes dotted on Judas who's typing on his laptop— must be documenting the interview. "That's when I almost got stab but a man saved me. After that, the police arrived and I was guided to the ambulance. I couldn't quite remember… but… all I k-know is that…" She stared at Judas. "The Detective saved me and I am thankful for that."

Eldridge repeatedly gave her small nods.

"Hmm, what about… you tell me what happened before you were ordered, anything suspicious?"

"Well, nothing m-much… I woke up late than usual. I overheard Acee in the bathroom, she's talking to someone and auntie was already cooking for our breakfast."

"And what is Acee's favorite food again?"

"How does that connect with—"

"Just answer, Miss Etel," Eldridge cut her with an impatient tone.

She can't help but secretly glare at her for having such rude actions towards her.

"Sinigang is her favorite food."

The woman grinned and gave her a knowingly look— expecting Etel to realize something— and spoke, "Still think that no one's capable of getting you killed?"

Her brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, nothing, Miss Etel, we're done interviewing you. You may go."

"Wait a minute, what do you mean?"

"Don't mind it, Miss Etel."


Judas stood up and assists her to get up from her seat. "Madam Etel, you have to go. Let's go."


Before she could even finish her sentence, she was grabbed out of the room.

"Detective Judas, what the heck?!"

"You need to calm down." You're being too loud.

Etel rubbed her forehead. "You want me to calm down?! Your partner is accusing my cousin of attempted murder!"

"I know but that's just conclusion, okay?"

"No, it's not okay! You are making her a suspect."

"Everyone around you is a suspect."

She glared at him. "What?!"

"Trust no one. We're all guilty in our own ways."

There was a grim in his voice as he says that but it was quickly wiped away when…

"Detective, I think you need to see this."

Judas was brought to his senses when someone from the forensics team called him.

"I need to go, but for now, you should go home. Take a rest and keep safe."

Etel was left hanging outside the room; totally puzzled by the happenings.

First, her cousin is accused of assassinating her, and then now, Judas's mood swings. Well, that's a lot to suck up.