
It was a brief journey. Mila couldn't believe she stayed the whole night inside the taxi. The wooden board with Flovalwood written with white chalk surprised Mila. She tried to suppress her sleep the entire night and observed the way. She remembered seeing a town named Hanedale, and they took a byroad. Then she saw only rocks. Big rocks on both sides of the path and the speed of the car were very high. No vehicles were crossing the road. Mila checked the watch, but it has stopped working. She took the phone, but it went off suddenly. She tried to switch it on again. And it restarted and showed zero coverage.

"No use. Your phone won't have coverage here." Peter said.

It doesn't surprise Mila. She had expected that. They crossed a wooden gate. Mila couldn't close her eyes after that. She heard about heaven from her literature lessons. It is the same. The village was mini heaven. They crossed green fields where farmers worked in the bright sunlight. A river where half-naked children played happily. There were grasslands where girls of her age stood around and played while the boys played on the nearby ground trying to impress them. There were green mountains in front of them. Villagers were standing out of their homes to get a glance of them. The houses and the clothes of people everything had a Victorian style. Mila had read about village life, and she knew they hated modern ways of life.

"They know you are coming. We had a small meeting yesterday." Peter informed.

Mila felt strange. The road was empty. There were no vehicles. She wondered how villagers went out. But she kept it inside to ask her grandma.

She was excited to see her. She hoped her grandma is not like her mother.

Finally, they reached her home. It was the most beautiful home Mila has ever seen. It was a small wooden cottage with a splendid garden. Orchids roses in various colors smiled at her. It surprised Mila how her mother lived in that boring home of theirs all these times.

Peter stopped the car at the porch. Two women rushed towards the car. Mila was looking inside for her grandma. A lady came near her and hugged her tightly.

"Mila, I know you will come". Her eyes were tearful. Mila stared at her, confused.

"It's Daisy, Mila's mother." Peter said.

"Mila, I am Mila and my mom is Camila".

"We call her Mila. You don't know that?" Daisy frowned at her.

"Mom was sick since I remember and we didn't have enough time for a normal chat". It embarrassed Mila when she said that, and she noticed a strange expression on Daisy's and Peter's face.

Mila couldn't believe it. Daisy looked young and beautiful. Her mother looked older than her. She never thought of her grandma to be like this. She always imagined a grumpy lady with drooping shoulders and white short hair.

"Come inside, dear". Daisy showed her inside.

Mila was about to take her luggage, but the other lady said she will take care of it. Mila entered the hall. The interior was also beautiful. There were potted plants placed near the windows. Furniture is mainly circular, including the shelves. The curtains and table covers are all light blue colored with red floral prints. They have already served a lot of dishes. Mila was hungry and tired, and she had a heavy meal. While eating, the other lady came inside.

"She is Rita, our neighbor. She supplies milk for the entire village. They have 6 cows." Mila smiled at her.

"Come home, Mila. My son will show you the village. He was your mom's best friend".

Mila agreed. Grandma asked nothing about her mother. Mila wondered why. She just fed her more and more and showed her to her room.

"This was Mila's room. We locked it since she left". Grandma opened the door. It was clean and arranged neatly. There

was no dust or web, and Mila doubted whether it has been closed for 17 years. There were paper flowers and butterflies stick to the wall and there were a lot of old books. Mila remembered her mom's room at their home, and she felt pity for her.

Mila saw a framed photo of herself on the table.

"Did mom send a photo of me? O God. This is mom. She is exactly like me".

Grandma left without replying. Mila put her luggage from the hall into her room and arranged everything. She discovered she and her mom had similar taste in books. And she also did small crafts like her mother used to. She felt comfortable when she realized she is more like her mother.

She almost forgot about Luke. She finally took the phone to the charger and tried to call him. There was no coverage, as Peter said. She finally, send a message.

"I reached here, Luke. The village is beautiful. I got a beautiful house here. And grandma is very kind. And I discovered a lot about my mom. It will surprise you. The network is horrible here. I hope your message will reach me soon. Love you".

Mila put the phone away and fell into her bed. She was tired since she controlled her sleep last night. Mila is finally inside a home. A home with colorful bedspreads and curtains. A home, with no smell of medicines. She got someone. Someone related with blood. And she is going to call her grandma tomorrow. Mila smiled and slept.


Mila didn't dream. She woke up after two hours. She took the phone. There were about 100 messages from Luke and her friends.

"Where are you?"

"Are you safe?"

"Tell me about your place. We will come now".

She took Luke's message. The last message was;

"What happened? I am coming there. Just tell your grandma. I will reach there tomorrow. I will start today".

Mila smiled and replied to everyone she is safe, and there is no need to worry. She messaged Luke that she is alright. Just the network is not proper. And there is no need for him to come hastily.

Mila heard a boy's sound and reached the hall. A dark-haired, good-looking boy, about twenty-five, was talking to her grandma.

"Hi, Mila. Did we wake you?" He asked.

"No, I had a good sleep".

"This is Irvin. Your mom's friend, Rita's son. He will show you the village." Grandma introduced him.

"I am free today. Are you coming now?" The boy asked.

"Let me change first". Mila was looking forward to exploring the village and got ready within minutes.

Irvin was nice. He was innocent and was intelligent. He was an excellent guide. First, they went to his home.

"Mom, look who is here?" He called aloud. His dad was milking the cow and gave her a quick smile.

Rita served her a lot of cookies and sweets. Then Irvin said, the other Mila always used to come there and loved the sweets too.

When they were about to leave his home, Rita called them back.

"Take this milk to the shop. Your dad is busy". Irvin grabbed some bottles of milk, cookies, and sweets, and they walked to the shop.

The shopkeeper was an old man named Charlie. He gave Mila free homemade chocolates, and they went to the field where Irvin had some jobs to do.

A very good-looking girl of her age was in the field. Her dad was plowing and sowing something. He was a strict looking old man and his daughter looked alarmed in his presence. Irvin explained it is the second largest field in the village and they produce most of the food in the village. The girl was carrying a large bottle of water. The girl looked towards them and smiled when her dad turned to the fields, and Irvin returned her smile.

"Who is she?"

"Sabrina, the most beautiful girl in the village." He continued after a while. "Let's go back. Her dad doesn't like me".


"I will tell you later". Mila saw him blushing and didn't ask him anything further.

"The village is really beautiful. I mean, I saw many villages in pictures and movies, but this is the best." Mila said while walking.

"I show you something. Come fast". Irvin ran and Mila followed.

They were panting when they reached the top of an enormous mountain. Mila had a shock. She was standing before a hanging bridge covered in fog. It looked as though it had no ends and went straight to the sky. The same bridge Mila saw in her dreams.