The Mystery Bridge

Mila tried to remember the dream. She is not wrong. The bridge is the same. The icy wind made her shiver, and she listened closely for a ghost-like voice asking her to come back.

"This is the same bridge. I am sure." She said to herself.

Irvin asked. "What?"

"I have seen this bridge before, in my dreams"

"Yes, you will see this. You don't know that?" He asked, confused.

"Why? And how do you know that?"

Irvin smiled. "Mila, there are a lot of things. I am surprised Mila told you nothing. You belong here. We all belong here. So it is normal to see this when we stay out for longer".

"Maybe you and mom belong here, but I am not. Look, I am a city girl and you don't expect me to stay here longer." Mila smiled.

Irvin's smile faded, and he looked farther towards the bridge.

"We call this the mystery bridge". He continued after a long silence.

"Why?" Mila was waiting for an opportunity to bring back herself.

"Because no one could cross this bridge".

"Not even the person who built this?"

"It was not like that before. There was a forest on the other end and people used to go there, through the bridge, but now,

it is not possible." Irvin was shouting aloud and was gasping. The wind was roaring and Mila had to listen closely.

"Are you joking?"

"I know, you won't believe, but there are a lot of things which seem unbelievable here. You will see it".

Irvin turned back. "We can go back".

"Wait, if I walk through the bridge, where it will lead me to?"

"I told you nobody could cross the bridge".

"You're kidding".

"No, I am serious. See for yourself".

"Fine". Mila was sure that Irvin was joking, and she walked towards the bridge. Irvin watched her slowly disappearing into the fog.

Mila walked slowly, trying to balance with the thick white chords on both sides. The fog was so thick that she could only see a little of the valley beneath the bridge. Mila felt the whole bridge shaking with her weight, but she walked straight. The fog made her wheezing. She walked straight. The bridge is longer than she has expected. She walked for a long time. Mila realized why Irvin said the bridge has no end, but her pride didn't let her go back. She walked more and more, and finally she got tired and couldn't walk any further. She sat on the bridge and stood up after a while. Mila had a tendency to turn back and accept her defeat, but she didn't. Something made her walk straight. Her legs hurt, and she finally found the fog disappearing slowly to reveal a green spot of land. Mila smiled, she reached the end of the bridge. When she walked faster with excitement, the fog completely diminished and she found Irvin standing at the end with a victorious smile on his face.

"How you reached here?" Mila asked.

"I didn't go anywhere and you too".

Mila looked around. It was the same place she left.

"No, there is something wrong. I never turned back. I am sure. What's happening?"

"I told you, the bridge has no end".

"But how?"

"It is 'the mystery bridge' for a reason".

Mila could do nothing but accept his words. She turned back and looked at the bridge. "How much time I was in there?"

"Just a few minutes".

"No, I walked for hours. I am sure".

Irvin smiled. "Because it is 'the mystery bridge' ".

"Why it is like that?"

"I told you. We don't know".

Irvin walked as though nothing happened. But it was not like that for Mila. She turned back again and looked curiously at the bridge. It was not a mystery for her anymore. It is haunting. And the innocent villagers have not realized that yet. She walked with Irvin without talking much after that. It was already time for lunch. They walked back and the group of girls who were talking at the grassland passed them.

"You went to meet her again. Sabrina's dad is furious Irvin. We can't even go to her place now." One girl with curly hair and blue eyes mocked him.

"Your mom was looking for you, she said you stole all the cookies and is furious. Better don't go there now." The other girls laughed and the curly hair girl looked offended.

"It is Lola. She serves gossips, just like her mom and steals things. But she is good in heart." Irvin told when they passed.

Mila said goodbye to Irvin at their gate. She called him for lunch, but he was busy and left her.

The lunch was as good as the breakfast. Mila felt very comfortable in the village more than she has ever felt in the city. Her mind was more peaceful. If it was not for Luke, she would have lived her entire life in the village. The hidden mysteries, the innocent villagers, the beautiful landscapes, and the feeling that her mother lived her best days here, made her so much relieved, at least her mother had a beautiful childhood.

Mila checked her messages. There were almost 100 messages from her friends and they asked why they couldn't call her and why isn't she replying to their messages. She explained again about the network. Her internet is almost down. She can't log into social media. The only thing working is her messaging app on the phone and she is busy most of the time that she can't always sit before the phone like she used to do in the city. Luke was more worried than usual.

"I tried to reach your village. But I couldn't. I asked everyone. They say the village doesn't exist. I tried every way possible. Mila, tell me, where are you? You have seen the way. Just give me some landmarks if you care anymore".

Mila couldn't digest the message. What is happening to Luke? She never thought he was as sensitive as this. She replied.

"Luke, please be practical. The people are conservative here. That is why my mom had to elope, I suppose. If you come here, my grandma will doubt my intentions of going back to the city. So please be patient. You know me. I need time to convince her. Don't spoil it." Mila felt a little angry towards Luke for being possessive. Then to change her mind, she tried to find some books from her mother's collection and she got one and slowly immersed into its world.


"Mila, you know how to stitch?" Daisy was in the hall and was trying to do some embroidery.

"Yes, Mom taught me, when I was 10. That was our livelihood. Mom's treatment cost a lot, and it helped us".

She taught her grandma will ask about her mother at least now. But she didn't, she just concentrated more on the work.

"Grandma, let me finish that". Mila took the frame from her and tried to finish stitching a beautiful violet orchid.

"What you called me?" She asked suddenly.

"Grandma, I am sorry. Should I call you something else?"

"It's fine. Did Mila, your mom, said something about this village".

"No, just that I have to live with you when she is dead. Mom never liked the city." Mila smiled.

"So, there are a lot of things you must know about this village." Daisy started, she had a grave expression.

Someone knocked on the door and walked inside. It was Lola, the girl Mila met her way back from the mystery bridge.

"Is it finished?" She asked.

"Yes, the yellow shawl at the end." Daisy replied.

Mila raised from the sofa and found the shawl and gave it to Lola.

"That Irvin, don't trust him. He was lying. I didn't steal the cookies. Mom forgot where she kept this. And here is a gift for you." Lola showed a beautifully crafted vase .

"One of my dad's best works. You are new here. This is your welcome gift." She smiled.

"Thank you, this is nice".

"I am busy now. We will see you tomorrow". Lola took the shawl and walked out of the gate.

"Mila, she must have stolen it from her home. We must return it." Daisy said.

"But she said".

"This is not the first time. You will find more about her soon." She smiled.

Mila went back to finish her embroidery and found the scarf and the frame missing.

"She took that. Leave it. We can do another one". There was not even a shade of anger in her Daisy's face. Mila wondered

why. She took another cloth and frame and started the work again.


"Mila, why are you being like this. I asked you the way to your place. I want to see you now and about the college. When are you coming back to take admission? It is already late. And I need to know more about your place. Call me somehow. Just ask the driver about the way and don't say the same words you used in the last message. Please, get out of there".

Mila sighed and replied.

"I will talk with Peter tomorrow. But please be a little more supportive. I need time. My grandma has not even asked about my mom yet. Please wait for two months and I will do something".

It was difficult to be like this with Luke. Luke is everything to Mila. Mila remembered the first time she met Luke. Mila left the school at the last bell. She didn't wait for anyone. She ran fast to her house. Her mom is alone there, and she thought something bad would happen if she left her alone. Luke noticed this, and he felt sad when she went alone. So he ran with her. They were only seven that time, and they got more friends after that. But Luke was special to her. He considered her more than anyone. He avoided movies, night outs, games, and everything for Mila. When their friends had a good time at the party, Luke helped Mila clean her Mom's blood-stained bedsheets. There was something more in their relationship. It was not just love, something broader than that.

Mila couldn't sleep that night. She never talked to Luke that way. There was no need for that. Luke could understand her more than her mother. What happened to him now? Mila couldn't find an answer, and she slowly slept.

The next day she must visit Peter. She must ask him the way to get out of the village, and she knows Peter is the only person using a phone in the village.

Mila received a message from Ella, and it surprised her that no other had messaged her that day.

"Mila, Luke is really upset these days. His parents are not happy either. We know you are safe and happy, and we are glad that you found your family. But Luke, you know him. Do something before it is late".

She replied.

"Ella, you are smarter than us. Tell him I need time. Grandma lived here alone for 17 years. I cannot leave her like that. You all are important to me and I will come back. And I know what is happening to Luke and all of you. I won't forget you. You know me as much as Luke. Please help me".

Daisy had a lot of work that day. For the last two days, she spent more time in the kitchen and all her works was pending. Mila joined her. She worked the whole morning, and they finished the work.

After lunch, she walked towards Peter's house. Grandma had stitched a shirt for him and Mila said she would deliver it to him and she got the address from her. When she walked towards his house Irvin crossed her. He had a fishing hook and basket with him.

"Mila, come, let's fish. Mom is making a special dish today".

"No, I have jobs. Must see Peter and give this".

"I will come with you. You don't know the way".

"No, grandma told me the way and I think I should go alone so that I can learn the way and see more of the village".

"Okay, then come to my house in the evening".

Mila told him goodbye and walked faster to Peter's house. It was a lonely and silent cottage when compared to other houses where the villagers always talked aloud and children made noises. Peter was tending a yellow marigold in his enormous garden when Mila called him.

"Mila, how is it? You are enjoying the stay?"

Mila smiled. "I like it here". She handed over to him the shirt they stitched, and he examined it.

"Your grandma's work is always perfect".

"I stitched it".

"Is it? Not surprised, Mila had magic in her hands"


"Sorry I meant your mother".

"Why she gave me her name?"

Peter shrugged. "Come inside. I will make tea for you".

Mila got inside. It was a small but clean room. Mila searched for the phone and she found it on the shelf. It was a landline, but it had no wires or any connections. Peter brought her tea, and she started.

"Peter, actually my friends are having some doubts. They are saying like, they cannot locate this village on the maps or anywhere else. And I said it is not possible. Can you tell me the way we came? So that I can tell them".

Peter looked doubtful and replied. "Sorry, I don't know the way. I will just sit in my taxi and it will take me where I want".

"Peter, don't joke. I am not a kid." Mila tried to smile.

"No. It is the truth." Peter smiled.

Mila was growing impatient. "You have a phone. Shall I call one of my friends? It has been a long time since we talked and I miss them".

"You can't, that phone doesn't work always. Only the villagers can call me".

"But I called you".

"You are from this village".

Mila stood up impatiently. Her tea was half-finished.

"Peter, I am giving your number to a person very important to me. He will call you and you must tell him the way. I know you will".

Mila walked out without waiting for the reply. Peter stayed in the hall till she crossed the gate. Mila was angry. Why he is lying to her? Why he is talking to her like a seven-year-old? She walked faster. Sometimes she had a feeling that the village had some horrible secrets and she gets scared when she ruminates it. She thought about the possibilities if Peter is right. That means inside the village they locked her forever. Mila hoped he was fooling her, and she tried to leave all negative thoughts and walked towards the home.