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Chapter 3 [Zyaire]

Creative department. That's where I first started and up until now. Though this is our own company, I started as an intern and work hard for a higher position. One of our company focuses more on publishing books and that is where Eli and I are in charge. Mom tried to persuade me to go to our Architecture department which is on the other building but I refused. Don't get me wrong, I love architects. They are really awesome but I have no talent in making architect plates.

Anyways, our department is divided into six teams with different genres and work. We also do some posters, commercials and stuff. At the age of 24, I became the editor-in-chief of the Creative department. Christian, though he is the family's butler, he is also my secretary, my childhood best friend and knows the company's affairs. While Lucas and Markus were my college friends and now are my right-hand men.

"Everyone, urgent meeting at 9:30. Lucas, Markus, I need you both to be present." I said sternly "Christian, what is my schedule at 10:30?"

"You have 10:30 to 2pm free time, sir." he said as we both enter the office "I already prepared for today's meeting the things that needed to be discussed."

"Okay," I said and sat down. I signed some papers and after a while, I started the meeting. "Since everyone's here, we should get started."


"For these week, our goal is to get company U's and company Y's partnership for their upcoming brands." I said as I stand up getting ready to end the meeting "That's all for today. Have a great day everyone,"

As I was about to get out, Lucas called me out. "Yo Air," he greets and walk towards me. "Wanna grab lunch together with Markus?" he smiled.

"I'll be eating out with Elizabeth today so no can do," I smirked "Plus, I'll be the one paying anyway if I'd go with you."

"How the hell do you read my mind?" he said sarcastically

"You're such a bitch," I laughed and slightly punch his arms.

"Oh yeah by the way, I heard Elizabeth is pregnant." he added "I never knew she had a boyfriend,"

Yup. I never told Markus and Lucas about our relationship. We've always had been discreet about it and secretly meeting up somewhere. We've never posted our photos together and we hide it like it's an illegal relationship even her parents doesn't know. I guess that's why she cheated on me. She was tired, she was suffering from the difficult situation I caused. I actually think that maybe if I was not afraid to rebel against my family, we would've had a happily ever after.

"I was shocked as well," Markus added "She also chatted me last night to go to her wedding,"

I stopped for a moment and looked at Markus. "Wedding? What wedding?"

"She didn't tell you?" he asked

"I wouldn't be asking if I knew, right?"

"Ha ha very funny," he sneered "I guess she'll tell you today,"

"I gotta go," I said and dash out the meeting room. I called Mr. Hanasawa to be ready to go to the restaurant and ride the elevator.

As soon as I reach ground floor, I quickly walked out the company and ride our car. I checked my phone and see Elizabeth's caller ID. I waited for it to end and just texted her that I'm coming. I'm still processing the whole marriage thing, not only mine but also hers. Isn't it too quick? It's impossible if they've known each other for only a short time. Without realizing it, we were already at the parking lot of the restaurant.

"Sir?" Mr. Hanasawa called out "We're here,"

"Oh. Since when?"

"Since a while ago, sir." he chuckles "It seems that you're still processing a lot of things,"

I looked at him and smiled. "Yeah. I'm pretty confused right now,"

He sighed and chuckled as he pats my head "If you're havng a lot of troubles, don't be afraid to tell me. We're here for you,"

I smiled warmly and open the car door "Thank you second dad," I laughed "Why don't I treat you today? You've done so much for me since I was young, I never got a chance to even treat you."

"Oh good. I've been hungry since a while ago," he said as he quickly got out of the car. I laughed and go out as well. As we enter the restaurant, there Elizabeth and her future husband stood up upon seeing me as she waves at me.

"I'll go sit over there," Mr. Hanasawa pointed to the side "I'll order and also for you, sir."

"Thanks," I smiled and continued to walk towards the table of Elizabeth. As soon as I reach their table, I slowly sat down and smiled. "So? Why'd you call me?"

"Uh Zyaire, this is Damon. My-"

"Uh-huh future husband," I nodded and take out my hand for a handshake. He blushed upon hearing 'future husband' and shake my hand "Zyaire Beaumont,"

"How'd you know?" she asks

"Markus," I chuckled

"Zyaire, this does not mean anything to hurt your feelings , okay?" she said "This may be a little embarassing for me but I gathered all of my courage to invite you. I don't want my bestest friend slash... ex to miss my wedding, don't I?"

"Yeah," I said and look down "You know,"


"I'm getting married as well," I said. I scratched the back of my head and look at them. "In 3 months, I'll be married." I sarcastically laughed

"Well we better prepare in 3 months," she laughs as she looks at Damon. It's good that she's happy, I don't want to see her suffering after all.

"When is it actually? What should I wear?"

"Next week friday," she smiles and handed me 3 invitations.

"What?" I panicked "You should've told me last week that you were pregnant and also yesterday that you're gonna get married,"

"You know it's not easy to gather up courage," she frowns "By the way, its not only about marriage that I called you here for,"


"Zyaire, I don't think you realize it but you don't love me. Do you?" she asks. My mind suddenly turned blank.


"I knew you didn't realize it," she chuckles " I know some part of you loves me but some parts of you doesn't,"

"N-Now what am I going to wear?" I asked. I awkwardly laughed and changed the subject. "Anyways, I'll be treating Mr. Hanasawa today so I'll see you next week?" I smiled as I hide the fact that I'm hurt and confused with all the things that is happening. "Nice meeting you, Damon."

"You too Zyaire," he smiled warmly. I stand up and make my way to Mr. Hanasawa's table. As soon as I sat down, he reached for my hand assuring that everything will be okay.

"I ordered for you, if you don't mind." he said.

"Thank you," I said. As I slightly look back to their table, I'm actually relieved that she found someone who makes her smile genuinely. If she was still with me, I don't she will be happy at all. I was not hurt because she cheated, it was because of my pride. "I guess it's also for the best,"

"Did you say something, sir?"

"Nothing," I smiled "Let's eat,"


On my way to our department, I stopped before entering my office as Lucas blocks the door with his arms. "Move," I glared. He looked at me and suddenly pulled me to come with him. "H-hey," We silently walked in the elevator while he keeps on holding my hand. Upon reaching the rooftop, he once again pulled me. "W-What are we even doing here?"

"To relax, obviously." he said blankly. Since the rooftop was made into a plaza-like interior, he stopped on the railings and looked at me without even letting go of my hands. I stared at him and chuckled. "What?" I asked "Are you that stressed to come up here?" I laughed

"I'm not," he said "But you are,"

I stopped laughing as soon as my eyes widen and realized what he said. "You knew, didn't you?"

"Yup," he nodded "I've seen you both dating once,"

"W-what?" I blushed

"You were so happy back then," he said "But it was only you who was happy, Elizabeth has this lonely look on her face when you weren't looking. It seemed to me, you treated her like a best friend rather than a lover,"

So this whole time, I've been ignorant and insensitive with her feelings. Why didn't I even realize that? Did I actually showed how much I love her? I've been selfish all this time with my own thoughts and the thoughts of my family, I never did think what was hers. I truly am a coward and a jerk.

"Woah," he said in suprise "This is the first time I've seen you cry,"

"Shut up, asshole." I said "I just hate myself for not realizing that," I wiped my tears with my hands but Lucas suddenly wrapped his arms around me. He placed my head on his chest as he gently caress my head. My arms slowly made its way to his waist then I tightly hugged him. I'm suddenly getting sleepy from the warmth and exhaustion. "Lucas, we better go. I'm getting sleepy," I sniffed and yawned. I slowly push him but he won't let go.

"I'm sorry but can we please stay like this for a while?" he asked "I don't mind you sleeping on my lap," he said as we walked to the bench while hugging. I don't know why he won't let go but to be honest, it makes me feel at ease.

"So tell me, how are we going to sit down if you won't let go?" I asked

"Oh right," he chuckled. He let go but still holding my hand. I sat down beside him before lying down to his lap and asked "Do you think it's weird for me to like a guy?"

"No, why?" he said "I mean your brother likes Christian ever since you were a child-"

"No, I mean me." I said "Do you think it's weird that I liked a boy first?"

"Don't tell me you thought Elizabeth was a guy this whole time-"

"Can you make me finish first?" I said in frustration. He zippered his mouth and nodded. "Thank you. And as I was saying, do you think it's weird? I fell in love with Eliott since I thought he was a girl. Then after meeting Elizabeth, I can't deny that I fell in love with her. I wouldn't stay for 5 years if I didn't, right?"


"But then again, after meeting Eliott yesterday... Somehow, I feel a bit lighter on the inside? That feeling of mixed emotions."

"In my perspective, you don't know how to differentiate love from like." he said "Maybe you did fell in love with Eliott but started take a liking to Elizabeth."

"Okay, you're making me more confused than I already am."

"Even a 5 year-old could explain that sentence," he chuckled as I glared at him jokingly "What you feel to Elizabeth was rather infatuation and a need than love. Though you did have a 5 year relationship but did you actually proved that you love her? You made it discreet rather than showing the power of your love to your family. Although you keep saying that you want her to be your future, you love her and everything, aren't you saying that one-sidedly?"

"But I do love her,"

"Tell me, what is it you want from the deepest part of your heart?"

What do I really want inside my heart?

Suddenly, my phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket and answered without looking at the caller's ID. "Hello," I answered as I stand up.

"Sir, the meeting has been cancelled and moved on thursday afternoon." Christian said

"Is that all?" I asked

"Eliott has been looking for you and I believe that it is time for me to pick up Cesar," he said. I slightly rolled up my sleeves and look at my watch. 5pm.

"Oh right," I said. " I thought it was still 3pm,"

"You lost the track of time, sir."

"Definitely not obvious, Christian." I said as I hang up the phone. "I guess I have to go back," I smiled. But Lucas suddenly stopped me by holding my hand.

"Uh Zyaire, I have to tell you something."

"Oh, what is it?"


"Zee, are you here?" Eliott called out as he walk out the elevator. Lucas let go of my hand while looking dejected. "There you are,"

"Lucas-" I was going to ask if what was his question but Eliott came and hug me from behind

"Hi babe," he suddenly whispered on my ear which made me blush. All the things that he did this morning came rushing to my mind. I pushed and glared at him.

"I told you, I'm not anyone's babe!"

"Aww my babe is so cute," he laughs as he pinches my cheek. Then I heard Lucas sighing.

"I'll leave you two lovebirds here," he waved while walking away. Eliott quickly wrapped his arms around me.

"Lucas, don't leave me." I said as I try to let go from Eliott's tight hug

"See you tomorrow,"

"Lucas!-" I thought I finally got to escape but he pulled me and wrapped his arms on my waist. This time, I ended up bumping my head on his chest . "Ouch," I looked up to see him blushing and smiling at me. "G-Get off," I said as I try pushing him. My heart is beating loud as a drum while his hands was moving downward.

"I can't wait to eat all of this someday," he whispered on my ear as grabs my butt, squeezing it. I quietly moaned and bit my lower lip.

Woah. Okay. Sexual frustration coming up. I calmed myself first by breathing in and out then gently pushed him. "Let's go home," is all I said after letting go from his hug. "I'm cooking fish and chips tonight. Is that okay or what?"

His face lighten up as smiled and answered "Yup!"
