WebNovelWhat if?33.33%

Chapter 4 [Zyaire]

On the way home, I can't help thinking about Lucas. Why was he making that face? Is there something that I need to know? I sighed and massage my head.

"Stress?" Eliott asked as he massages my shoulder.

"None of your business," I said. I started to feel at ease as he keeps massaging my shoulders and back. I yawned and slowly drift away as I rest my head on the car seat. I woke up lying in bed with my pajamas again. Why do I keep waking up with my pajamas on? I lift myself up and scratch my head. I yawned so loud but suddenly stopped when I noticed Eliott staring at me while standing on the door with a bed tray table on his hands.

"Had a nice nap?" Eliott chuckled. My stomach started growling as he walks to me. I can smell fish and... chips. "You were sleeping really well, so I had to cook."

I look down in embarrassment. "I'm sorry," is all I can say.

"Why are you sorry?" he laughs "You're a funny guy," He sat down on the bed as puts down the bed tray table in front of me. He check my temperature first then asked "Do you mind if I eat with you here?"

"It's fine," I said while taking a bite. I can feel my body floating as soon as I tasted the fish and chips. I can't help but moan. "Damn, these are delicious."

"Thank you," he smiled then he goes back to eating. I continued eating as well but deep inside, I was screaming. He's too handsome for me to handle. My heart can't stop pounding so loud. "By the way,"


"That guy a while ago," he said facing me "Who was that?"

"At the rooftop? That was Lucas. He's my best friend since college," I said " Why?"

"Nothing," he said. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him. "What?" he asked. I glared even harder at him, making him terrified. "O-okay now. You look terrifying, stop that."

"Don't tell me you like-"

"Woah woah," he said as he put his hand in front of me "Whatever you're thinking, stop it."

I nodded "Fair enough." I said. Then I put my plate on the bed tray table as well as his. "I'll wash the dishes,"

"I'll help you," he said as he carry the tray himself. I followed him out of the room and walk directly to the kitchen sink.


I closed the faucet and wiped my hands on the towel hanging on the side. I looked at Eliott, who wasn't done wiping the plates yet, for a moment then I left him without saying anything. I walk to the living room and look at the view. Skyscrapers, lights and cars, nothing but a big city with lots of traffic and pollution. But still, it looks better at night. I sighed, trying to relax, when suddenly a pair of arms once again wrapping around my waist.

"H-Hey," I struggled but failed. He didn't move a bit and he rest his head on my shoulder. "W-What's wrong?" I asked. Totally blushing.

"Oohh baby Zee is concern," he laughs. He moves back as I turn and faced him, ready to slap but he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer. I put my hands on his chest to give our faces a little distance "Just stressed out, that's all." he said

"It's your first day here, so it's only natural-" He pulled me closer which made me stop talking. I can't resist blushing in front of him. "E-Eliott-"

He let go and pulled by the hand. I was trembling and intoxicated at the same time. His warmth is spreading throughout my body. I can feel myself looking at him with lusciously as we walk towards our room. Suddenly pushing me down, he quickly take off his shirt, leaned down slowly and caress my face with his right hand as the other hand is supporting him.

I trembled as I unconsciously held his face as well. "Ahh shit," he said before crashing his lips to mine. I slightly opened my mouth, making an entrance for him. "A-ahh," I moaned as his hand moved fast to my cock, rubbing it up and down. "E-Eliott," I said between kisses. My cock was getting harder and harder as he keeps rubbing his hands against it. I squeezed the pillow behind me as I feel every pleasure he gives. He stood up and pulled down my shorts and underwear. I covered my face with my arm from the embarrassment.

"Stop covering your face," he chuckled as he grab my arms and hold my hand on the side "You know, I won't stop until you say so, right?"

I bit my lip while panthing and wanting more. "M-more," I said as I pull him down and bite his lower lip. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him down and turn our position around. I sat on top of his hard-on and started moving my hips. I took off my shirt and support myself by leaning against his chest. "E-Eliott," I moaned as I face him. I grab his face, slightly pull it towards me.

His eyes widen as his cheeks went bright red and said "I love you. I always have," I, on the other hand, trembled upon hearing his deep, hot voice. I squeezed his shoulder once our lips meet again while he sat up. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we continue kissing. He then pulled out his cock, rubbing it against mine. He quickly stopped as his hands around my waist wanders to my ass. I let go from the kiss and let out a quiet moan while he gropes my ass and lick my nipples. My eyes widen when he pushed me to the side. I was getting more nervous as he gaze at me intensely. Then he turn me to the other side, slide his arms up to my nipples and kisses my neck.

"N-no, don't.. touch... me there," I said as his other hand rubs my butthole.

"I'll be gentle," he whispered which made me tremble. He licked his finger seductively and slowly insert it on my butthole. I moaned from the pain while drowning from ecstasy. For some reason, it's starting to feel weird. My ass is twitching every time he is touching a certain spot.

"Aahh," I suddenly moaned.

"Found it," he whispered to my ear and bites my neck. "Can I slide it through your thighs?"

"Hmm," I nodded. He gently pull out his finger and rub his cock against my butt. Then he hold my waist and pulled it towards him, sliding his cock between my thighs.

"Shit," he groaned. Suprisingly, it feels so good when he keeps slamming his body against me while his cock sliding through my thighs. I gripped on his arms that's touching my chest and keep moaning loudly. "You're quite sensitive here, huh?" he said as he pinches my nipples.

"I-I'm cumming," I moaned. He inserted his finger on my mouth and suddenly holds my cock.

"Not yet," he whispered and groaned. I trembled down from hearing his voice once again. Why is he so hot?

My inner thighs are getting wetter and wetter from his fluid as moves faster. "I-I can't-" I moaned as I cum. But I'm still rock hard. He, then, stopped moving and turned me, facing him. He gazes once again at me, as if he's devouring every part of me. He slides his hand from my cheeks to the back of my head and pull my head for a kiss. He pulled my waist again and rub his cock against mine.

"I really wanna mess you up inside," he whispers between kisses.

"Aahh I'm cumming again," I moaned and grip on his shoulder as he groans and cum on my stomach. We once again kissed as he caress my back. "Haah I'm tired," I panted. I leaned against his chest as he wraps his arms around me. I look up to him then he suddenly kisses my forehead which made me blush and made my heart pound so loud. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms on his waist as I doze off.


I woke up the next day, lying on his shoulder, butt naked as I was wrapped around by his arms and legs. "Hey," I whispered but he didn't move a bit. I was feeling a bit conscious, not because he's butt naked as well, but with the fact that his cock is pressed against me. Making me remember what we did last night. What in the world happened to me last night? It was as if I really wanted it and lose control. "Elliot," I whispered once again.

"Hmm?" he groans as he stretches his arms, making my head fall on the pillow and yawns. He then turn his back on me.

"We're going to be late," I said though the sun hasn't shine. He rubs his eyes and turn to me. "10 more minutes," he groans as he goes back to sleep.

"Then I'll go wash myself-" As I was about to get up, he suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled back to bed. "No, you're not." he said. He wrapped again his arms around me and kisses my forehead. "Stop that," I said and slap him on the chest. My heart cannot calm down at this rate. I leaned my forehead on his chest as he embraced me much tighter.

"We only met yesterday," he said "But last night, it felt as if we were craving for each other's touch and misses each other so much."

I quietly chuckled and said "How can you say something so cheesy?"

"I can say something more cheesy," he said. I smiled and looked up to him as he smiled back and started playfully kissing me "I love you,"

"Stop," I laughed and tries to hold up his head but failed as he tickles me. "I love you, I love you so much." he kept repeating and started sniffing this time "You smell so good,"

"Oh my- Stop!" I laughed.

After being playful and all, he goes back to sleep again. I smiled as I appreciate him as a whole but somehow, it gives me anxiety that everything started so fast, what if it ends fast as well? It's the first time that I'm having this thought. I never even thought about what happened to Elizabeth. Am I that selfish in the past?

"What's important now is the present and not the past, I guess." I sighed as I move closer to Eliott and wrap my arms around his waist.


"Ugh, so tired." I yawned and slouch on the car seat.

"I told you to rest though," Eliott said as slides is arms at the back side of my neck. "You didn't even listen,"

"We have a deadline today. I cannot simply abandon them just because I'm tired," I said. When Mr. Hanasawa stopped in front of the company, he looked at me first with a little bit of sadness on his eyes. "Mr. Hanasawa? What's the matter?" I asked

"I'm sorry, sir." he looks down "I cannot ruin your morning. Perhaps, let me treat you two at lunch."

"N-No, I won't let you-"

"Please, sir." he said. I hesitated at first but I nodded and said "Fine, see you later."

Christian opened the car door as we quickly get out of the car. On the way to the elevator, I looked at Eliott's hand and grab it. I entwined our hands as I think about what will Mr. Hanasawa say. He still have 5 years till his retirement or perhaps he's retiring early?

"Zyaire?" Eliott called out. "Anxious?"

"Uh-huh," I said. Since there's only three of us in the elevator and I don't care about Christian, I leaned against his shoulder as he pats my head. As we reach our department's floor, before he walked out the elevator, he kissed my forehead first and said "See you later,"

"Getting comfortable, I see." Christian said

"Oh shut up," I blushed as we walk out the elevator. "Had sex with my brother, I see?"

"Sir, I am not suppose to lay a hand on a minor. I'm not an ephebophile,"

"Whatever you say. Just don't hurt my brother's feelings. You know him," I said as we entered the office "Good morning everone," I greeted "Any good news?"

"Zee," Lucas called and smiled "We've got Company Z,"

I smiled back at him and shouted "Company dinner at the usual everyone!" and they all cheered. I met eyes with Lucas while he looked at me as if he wants to say something."Uhm Lucas-"

"Yow," Markus suddenly greeted "I scouted an amateur writer yesterday,"

"Hmm interesting. Details, need details. Send them later to me," I said "Lucas, wanna talk to you for a bit. Rooftop?"

"Uh sure," he nodded "Just let me put this back on my desk,"

I need to ask him.