WebNovelWhat if?41.67%

Chapter 5 [Zyaire]

I told Christian to have a meeting with the Markus and discuss about the amateur writer he scouted. While Lucas and I rode the elevator, I tried starting a conversation but it seems that I can't put something into words because of the awkward atmosphere. As we reach the rooftop, the elevator dings as it opens the door. Neither the both of us move for a sec but I pulled him by his hand out and stop as we reach the grass area.

"What do you want to talk about?" he asked as I turn to face him. "But before that, you and Eliott seems so close after being with each other for a couple of days." he said "I wish... as well," he mumbles

"Sorry, I didn't hear you." I said

"Oh nothing," he chuckles as he sat down on the bench beside him "You don't need to know,"

"That's what I need to know," I said "You've been acting strange after Eliott fetched me here yesterday," I looked down as I sat beside him. I leaned against his shoulder and asked "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

I heard him chuckled again but sighed in the end. He wraps his arms around me as the cool and strong breeze pass by. I tried looking up a bit to see his reaction and he seemed hesitant but then he sighed once again and said "I'm... in love with you," My eyes widen as I sat back up and looked at his face. "I knew that that would be your reaction," his smile... looks so sad. "I'm in love with you ever since I saw you at the entrance of our college school gate or maybe even before that. I was satisfied just by looking at you with Elizabeth but when we became friends, I thought I was being too obvious." He sighed "It seems that I broke a promise to your dad huh?"


"I promised your mom and dad something about you," he said "But I never wanted to be burden for you,"

"Is that why you never told me anything? Your problems or even what happened to your mother?!" I yelled "I was so angry that I had to know it from Markus and Elizabeth. You never told me anything about how you feel-"

"Why would I tell you?" he asked "If I confessed to you, would you have accepted it?"

"I-I don't know," I said while I tremble, stopping myself from crying. "Maybe I would have accepted it but we could remain-"

"Friends? See my point? If I confessed, do you think everything will be the same as before? I kept it so much that I started falling deeper for you,"

I bit my lip while I hear his voice that's full of sadness. I tried to say something but something is stopping me, the look on his face is stopping me. I hurt his feelings, no, I hurt him. I reached for his hand, feeling scared he'll shove my hand away and he did. "I'm sorry, Zee." he said as he stood up and tries to walk away but I quickly stood up and ran after him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and cried even louder. Suddenly, the rain started pouring. I let go of his waist as I look up the sky. I know, classic drama scene. I thought Lucas already left so I stayed as the rain keeps pouring but a coat covered my face as I was carried. I took the coat up to my head and see Lucas carrying me. Thankfully the rooftop has a shed, so when we stopped there, he puts me down and sat down without saying anything.

I started sniffing as I sat beside him and lean against his shoulder. "D-Do you hate me? Just because I can't answer your feelings? " I asked "I'll distance myself, I promise. If you want... I'll request dad to move me to a different location or even-" For a minute, I was frozen as things got pretty fast.

Lucas's hands are caressing my cheeks while he pulls me closer, our lips met each other. He stopped for a second, making sure it was fine with me. I was dumbfounded and didn't even nodded but he leaned forward as he found an entrance to my mouth. I didn't have the strength to push him away as he rubs my nipples above my dress shirt and I hate myself for feeling it, as if I was doing the right thing.

I want to feel him as well, I know that at the back of my head, I've always wanted him ever since college as well. I want to pull him even closer and I want him to reach deep inside me. But I don't want to give him high hopes.

"N-No!" I shouted which made him stop. I panted as I try to catch my breath.

"I'm sorry," he said as tried to reach my hand but I flinched and tremble. I looked at his face with fear of hurting him more but he looked at me with depressed eyes. He leaned on his hand, covering his face as I also tried to reach out for him. "I'll turn in my resignation letter later," he said as he stood up and walked away. I stood up and grab his hand while I still tremble.


He smiled weakly and pats my head "It's fine. It's my fault anyway. I was carried away," he said as he pulls away my hand. "You didn't even consented it yet I still... I can't help myself," he shakes his head

"No," I said as my tears fall down "No, please-" He kissed my forehead as he covered me once again with his coat. He carried me up as I feel him running. After putting me down and getting his coat back, we were in front of the elevator. I held his hand and pull him inside even though I was still nervous. I calmed myself down first and turn to face him.

"Don't worry, after this you won't be seeing for a-"

"Stay!" I shouted as I grab him by the wrist and look down "Please, I don't want to lose you either. I don't care what just happened and I want to forget it. Just please stay by my side."

"You..." he said "Alright. Anything for you," he sighed "Just don't expect me to move on by tomorrow," he chuckled. I looked up to him and wrap my arms around him. "No need to hug me for it," he said. As soon as I let go, he smiled and wipe my tears with his hand.

As we got back to the office, Christian offered us towels to dry off. "Sir, the amateur writer seemed to be determined to take the job."

"More details," I said as we both walk towards my office. As soon as I reach my office, I get the remote and put the glass window on censored. I sat on the couch and lie down for a while. Christian, on the other hand, moved above my head as he dries my hair and massage my head after with an ointment.

"She's only 17 years old and currently lives in the Philippines," he said as he continues to massage my head "I already informed Markus to get more details as soon as possible,"

"Uh-huh," I moaned as I close my eyes from the pleasure of the massaege "Also tell Markus not to commit a crime. I don't want an ephebophile to be here in my office," I said. I opened my eyes as soon as I heard chuckling.

"I won't do that, asshole." Markus said as he shows me a folder "Company K's signed the contract and here are some details about the amateur writer," he said as he handed me a bond paper.

"Well done," I nodded. I looked at him as I furrowed my brows, confused on why did he suddenly locked the door.

"Did Lucas told you?" Markus asked. I simply looked at him and nodded.

"You knew the whole time, didn't you?" I said

"Nah, only yesterday." he said "Plus, Christian and I went to the rooftop when it started raining. We were about to go to the shed when we saw you two making out,"

"We weren't making out," I defended as I sat up

"Then what were you two doing then? Licking each other?" he said "Let me guess, you were carried away?" he said in a mocking tone.

"Why would I be-"

"You carried away by Eliott last night, sir." Christian added

"I know that but don't expect me to be carried away by all men! That's harsh," I said as I slap his shoulder. I stand up and fixed my necktie and hair. "Just because I was carried away by Eli's hotness, doesn't mean I should get hot around Lucas as well. But..."

"But?" Markus added.

"Nothing," I sighed. Ever since college, I've always noticed Lucas. The way he cares for me and everything. I should be happy that he likes me because somewhere inside my heart tells me that I love Lucas but I can't help thinking about Eliott. We're so-called engaged.

"I was wrong," he bowed. Suddenly, Markus slammed his hands on the glass, trapping me in between. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Eh? No reaction?" he pouts as he puts down his hand and slouch down. I shake my head and rolled my eyes as I took the files on my table and walk out the office.


After attending a few meetings and check some files, I sighed and take a deep breath. With all these work, it kept my mind busy from thinking of what happened this morning. I crossed my arm on the table as I lean on it. "What should I do?" I sighed.

"Sir, it seems that Mr. Hanasawa and Eliott has been waiting for you." Christian said after hanging his phone up.

I stood up and groaned "Well, time to eat lunch." I said and had a great idea "Since we're free until this afternoon, why don't you eat Cesar? I mean eat with Cesar?"

He looked at me straight in the eyes and glared "I'm afraid I can't, sir." he sighed

"Eh? Why? You like him and the feeling is mutual," I said "Nevermind, do whatever floats your boat. But I already texted him that you'll fetch him so you can't do anything about it." I laughed as I quickly walk towards the elevator and ride down to the second floor, where the parking lot for employees is located. I took out my phone and dialed Cesar.


"Hey Cesar. You're free this afternoon, right?" I asked

"Yeah. The class was cancelled since there was a teacher's meeting," he said "My friends invited me to go to a cafe, can I go?"

"Hmmm?You sure you wanna go?" I smirked "I mean I already told Christian to fetch you,"

"Damn," he whispered "Thanks!"

"I know! I'm such a great brother," I said, flattering my self as he excitedly hangs up. As the door open, I can see through the window that Eliott is waiting for me outside the car. I smiled and walk out the door, greeting the security guard with a salute. I bit my lip and blushed upon stopping in front of him. "Hi," I said

"H-Hey," he greets back as he scratches the back of his head "L-Let's go?"

When we entered the car, Mr. Hanasawa greeted us and drive away to my favorite restaurant. "Sir, Christian texted me a while ago that he'll be fetching Cesar." Mr. Hanasawa smiled as I smirked and chuckled. Since we're a bit stuck in a traffic, I leaned on Eliott's shoulder though I felt that he's hesitant in me leaning on him. I sighed and sat up straight while I look out the window instead. Maybe he realize that last night was a mistake or maybe he was just sexually frustrated. As the car started moving, I can't help but feel anxious about what would Mr. Hanasawa say later and what is Eliott thinking right now.

"It's somehow suffocating," I mumbled to myself.

"We're here," Mr. Hanasawa said as he takes a turn and park the car. I looked at Eliott, whose still hesitant to talk or even look at me. This is pissing me off. As Mr. Hanasawa hop out of the car, I didn't wait for him to open the door for me as I quickly move out and slam the car door. "Are you okay, sir?" Mr. Hanasawa asked as he opens the door.

"Uh yes," I nodded "Let's go," I said as we walk towards the entrance. The waiter guided us to our table as the three of us followed. When we reach our table, I sat down first as Eliott goes beside me and Mr. Hanasawa sat in front of us. As the waitress gave us our menu, I can't help but notice the kid whose table is beside ours and keeps staring at me. I looked him and smiled as I wave my hand at him. He walked closer and started poking me for him to whisper something to me. "Hm?" I said as I leaned down to him and turn my head to the other side.

"You're so beautiful, mister." he whispers and giggles as he kisses my cheek and rans back to his family's table. I laughed as I covered my face and blush from the sudden attack. After a while, his mother came up with him holding her hand and started to apologize. "I'm sorry. This kid might have caused you trouble,"

"Oh no," I said and smiled "He just told me that I'm beautiful. Such a silly kid,"

"Oh," she said as her eyes light up and smiled "This kid has been so mesmerized with drag queens lately. He's been watching it with me so I guess he meant you're beautiful as well in drag." she chuckles

"Huh?" I said, dumbfounded. I shake my head and chuckled "Well, I guess I better try someday?" I said as I look at him. I laughed as I see his sparkle. I took out my wallet and get a business card. "By the way, I'm Zyaire Beaumont from the Mont-Beau Publishing." I said as I handed her my business card.

"Oh," she said as her eyes widen and smiles once again. "My husband have always wanted to be an author,"

"Really?" I asked "We're currently scouting for authors so why don't you guys come by sometimes?"

"Mama, we should!" the kid smiled "I think Papa would be happy,"

"We'll tell him," she said as they walk back to their table. "Thank you so much," She gave the card to her husband and he smiled upon recieving it. Her husband looked at me and nodded while smiling. I smiled back and went back to the menu. As the waiter takes our order, I looked at Eliott who seems to be lost in thought.

"Are you okay?" I asked

He shook his head and said "Uh yeah. Stressed out, that's all."


After recieving the food we ordered, Mr. Hanasawa looked at the both of us and started the conversation. "I gathered the both of you here since I wanna make an announcement,"

I looked at him as my face lit up "You're getting married?" I asked as we started digging in for the food. "When did you have a girlfriend?"

He palmed his face and chuckled "No sir," he said "I have... Leukemia. Stage 2, sir." I stopped moving as soon as I heard him say that. I tried to keep my composure as I cleared my throat and take a bite of the steak "Since when?" I asked

"I only knew 2 weeks ago, sir." he said "The doctor said it can be treated with chemotherapy but I refused,"

"What?" I asked as I faced Mr. Hanasawa. He looked at me with a smiley face and said "I refused,"

"Why?" I said as I stood up, slamming my hand on the table, attracting some gossiping ladies. I bowed to them and mumble sorry. He sighed and look out the window, as he said "I'm getting old, sir."

"No, you're not." I disagreed as I sat down and try to calm myself down. But my brows keep on furrowing. "If you're 100 years old, then I'll call you old or elderly. I won't let you refuse chemotherapy,"

"I would still refuse," he said "It's too much money and I don't want to bother your parents. It's time for the Beaumont's to find a new driver soon anyway."

I looked down on my food as I sighed and didn't bother to respond. Mr. Hanasawa has been on service with our family for more than 20 years, which caused him to be single until now. This is too much for one day, I don't know anymore. "I'll go to the bathroom," I said as I felt my stomach suddenly aching. As soon as I stood up, it became worse while I panted. "Sir? Are you alright?" Mr. Hanasawa asked.

"Zee?" Eli calls out.

"I'm fine," I said as I stumbled and fell down, unconscious. I can't seem to move my body even though I can stil feel it aching.

I hope I'll wake up from this dream.