WebNovelWhat if?75.00%

Chapter 9 [Zyaire]

"Sorry Zee," Lucas said "It seems that I won't be able to keep my promise,"

What promise?

"It's better if Eliott decides a little bit faster, don't you think?" he smiled yet he's hurt. "That way, I can be at ease and won't have to worry about you."

Lucas? Why can't I say anything? It seems that I'm muted.

"Zee, I love you." he kissed my lips, tenderly, as I am trying to say that I also love him. But as soon as he started walking away, he never looked back.

"Lucas!" I shouted, at last. "Lucas, don't leave me alone! Please!"

"Please!" I shouted as I woke up, breathing heavily. I panicked as I looked at my side that seems to be empty. "No," I quickly got out of bed but failed as my knees wobbled from what happened last night and on top of that, I'm still naked. "At least, take care of me after sex." I cried as I curled up my knees and pulled the blanket to cover my body.

"Zyaire," Lucas called out, panting. "What happened?" he asked as he kneeled beside me and caressed my face. Before I knew it, I threw myself at him and cried even more.

"Where were you?" I asked, tightly hugging him.

"I-I was cooking, dummy." he chuckled as he hugged me back and ruffled my hair. "Besides, I won't be leaving without the chief."

"W-When are you going away?" I asked as I sat on his lap and slouched down.

"It's still tomorrow and I want you to send me away," he smiled. "You know, it's better if Eliott decides a little bit faster, don't you think? That way I can be at ease and won't have to worry about you,"

I was suprised as I clenched his shoulders. "Lucas, I love you." I blurted out and cried even more while I rested my head against his chest. "I-I somehow felt a familiar connection between us the first time we met and I-I was curious about you," I bit my lower lip and said "We became best friends and although I was dating Elizabeth, I-"

"Please don't say that, Tyler." he sounded angry. "If you're only saying that just because I love you, there's no meaning to it. Plus, you're getting married to Eliott." I slightly pushed him and to see that he's hurt even more.

"B-But I'm telling the truth," I defended.

"I also made up my mind last night that I should give up before I fall even deeper." he said. I was shocked and could not talk upon hearing him say that. He gave up. "Zyaire?"

I stared blankly at him and slowly stood up. "I'll go take a bath," I looked down and walk towards the bathroom. "I'll help you," he offered as he walk up to me. "It's fine," I said and slammed the door. I sat down on the floor and continued crying.

"Zyaire, please let me in." Lucas pleaded as he continuously knocked on the door.

"Leave me alone," I mumbled and at the same time he stopped. He said "Fine, I'll leave. I'll see you tomorrow and try not to contact you much. I'm sorry," he walked away.

I quickly opened the door, afraid of him leaving, just to find him waiting for me to come out. I bit my lower lip, desperate for him to come to me. "As if I could do that," he chuckled as he approached me and gently caress my face. "I'll work today, why don't you stay in bed for a while?"

"No," I said as I shake my head "I'll go today since I promised to treat everyone dinner 2 or a day ago." I sighed and hesitantly said "B-But can you help me t-take a bath?" I blushed. He gave me a peck and suddenly carried me to the bathroom.


As we arrived at the company, Markus and Christian came to greet the both of us. "Seems like the both of you are... upgrading?" Markus chuckled, evil asshole.

"Can people who has no love life and always get dumped shut up for at least 5 minutes?" I groaned as the four of us entered the elevator.

"You should also shut up, slutty bastard who always gets carried away." Markus answered back.

"At least! At least, I don't get dumped just because I'm so-called impotent!"

"I'm not impotent!" Markus shouted back "I was turned off because of her attitude, okay?!"

"Both of you, shut the hell up." Lucas growled. Markus and I, afraid to turn around to see his face, can feel his black aura coming out.

"W-We weren't fighting," I said as I change the subject.

"W-We just missed each other," Markus added as he tried to hug me but got pushed aside by Lucas. Markus, with wide eyes, stiffened and just stand straight at the side. As the elevator door opened, the atmosphere became awkward. Eliott suddenly froze as well after seeing me. I averted my eyes and walk out the elevator while the Christian walk beside me. I stopped on my tracks as soon as I realized Markus and Lucas has not yet moved.

I turn around to see the both of them glaring at Eliott with a menacing aura and you can clearly see that both of their eyes were glowing in red, as if they are ready to kill. "Both of you, we'll be having a meeting at 10 sharp. You don't want to be late, don't you?" Christian said as he pushed his glasses up like those you see in anime where the glasses shines then you can clearly his eyes glaring as well, but in yellow this time, as if he's ready to choke him to death.

I turn around, shyly smiling, and walk towards my office. I'm grateful for them to have my back. "Everyone, good morning." I greeted "Sorry for not making my promise about the dinner. But tonight, we shall celebrate and... have a good drink," I smiled

"Yes sir!" they simultaneously said and cheered.

"Alright," As I entered my office, I turn around to see the three of them still tailing me. "You know, you guys can go and do your own stuff, right?"

"Oh right," Markus and Lucas both said as they walk out of my office. I shake my head and laughed.

"Sorry to interrupt your happiness, sir, but it seems that we have a new hire today." Christian said "His name is Ian Pierce Laurent and it seems that he has a good performace from his old company,"

"Hmmm," I said "So why did he quit?"

"Bankruptcy," he said so sternly.

"Well, let's go meet the newcomer." I said, nervous for some reason, as I stood up and followed Christian to the new employed. As we reach his desk, he immediately stood up and bowed.

"Good morning, I'm Ian Laurent. Please take care of me," he greeted

"O-oh hello. I'm Zyaire Tyler Beaumont, the chief-in-charge. Y-You don't have to bow." I chuckled, awkwardly. "I'm glad you picked our company,"

"Yes sir," He said, stood up straight and smiled. "Thank you for accepting me,"

He's seems so serious and blunt. "Uhm you don't have to be so stiff," I said. "Markus!" I called out. As Markus approached us, I began introducing the both of them. "Markus, I'll be entrusting Ian-"

"You?" He interrupted, with wide eyes.

"Oh so you know each other," I said "Well, it doesn't seem that much of a problem, is it now?"

"It is a problem!" Markus whispered. He leaned closer to my ear and said "Remember that time we went drinking with our department and-"

"Go to work!" Lucas shouted as he slammed the folder on Markus's head. "Oh, Ian. You're the new employee, huh?"

"Uh yes,"

"You know each other?" I asked

"He's our junior in college and took care A LOT of Markus," he said.

"Junior?" I wondered

"After I was employed in my company, it went immediately bankrupt after a month I stayed there. It seemed that they were having troubles before I was employed," he said. I nodded my head and pats his back as I welcomed him again and pat Markus's back while walking back to my office. I pulled Lucas with me to my office, leaving Christian with the other instructions. I turned censored glass on and locked the door.

"Did something... you know... happened between that Ian and Markus?" I asked, motioning with my hands.

"And what exactly do you want to imply?"

"You know..." I groaned, entwining my hands and clapping it.

"Oh," he smirked "Yeah, something happened between them." he laughed "Not once or twice... but five times on different occassions,"

With eyes wide open, I burst into laughter palmed myself. "But after we graduated, it seems that Markus cut all ties with him. To think that he'll apply here," he said, walking towards the couch. I followed him and sit beside him, leaning against his shoulder.

"About what I said this morning-"

"Tyler, stop." he interrupted.

"If you would just listen to me-"

"I'm sorry but though I love you, I can't trust your words." he said, facing me. I looked down, standing up and unlocked the door as Christian comes in.

"Christian, is my schedule full today?" I asked, sighing.

"No, sir." he said "In fact, it was unexpected for you to come so all plans were cancelled."

I nodded my head and walk out of my office. "I wanna have some time alone," I sighed, before closing the door. As I was standing in front of the elevator, Eliott also stood up beside me. "Hello," I greeted

"Hi," he said awkwardly. "I've made up my mind, by the way. I'll work hard, try to fall in love, and let's get married." he smiled.

I looked at him in shock but I only nodded and get on the elevator with him. "When are you going to our so-called home, then?"

"Maybe friday?"

"Alright," I nodded, as I got off the rooftop. "See you," I said as the elevator door closed. I sighed deeply, not letting myself burst into tears as I sat down on the bench. "Made up your mind, huh?" I mumbled, lying down. I stared at the sky, like you know classic looking for answers scene. Am I really hoping for Eliott to make up his mind? I admit Eliott is first love but why does something in me says that it's because we were just kids and that we're not meant for each other?

"Wait," I said "Is this some kind of 'I want Lucas instead kind of shit'?" I chuckled, as tears streamed down my face. There's no point if he won't believe me and treat my feelings as something that I only blurted out because I was in the moment.

As I kept looking at the sky, an umbrella suddenly popped into the view. "If you wanna sleep, you can do that in the resting area." he said. I sat up, slouching down and made Lucas to sit beside me.

"Eliott... he made up his mind," I said "He said he wants to continue the marriage," I smiled, as tears kept coming down.

"Really?" he smiled back, looking hurt. "That's good news. I can rest easy,"

I bit my lower lip and stop the urge to speak more but...

"Aren't you going to do something? Maybe ran me away or something? Or maybe kidnap me at some point?" I said, hoping he would say something like I want to or yeah but he chose to be quiet. "Is it because of that promise?"

"Yeah," he nodded. I trembled upon reaching his face, caressing it. He suddenly held my hand and shove it away. "Tyler, stop it. It's disgusting," he said, averting his eyes.

If you mean it, then look at me, asshole. I chuckled and stood up, saying "Sorry," I smiled at him and walked away. He held my hand, stopping me from going back to the office.

"Please," he said "I just want you to stop making me have high hopes and-"

"It's okay," I said "I'll stop and try falling in love with Eliott. I'm sorry for making you feel that way and I'll stop... my feelings that you treated as a lie," I said as he slowly let go of my hand "Let's celebrate later at night and I promise to send you off tomorrow," I walked away, leaving him alone. Am I really the victim here?

I ran to my office as Christian stood up and asked me what happened. As soon as he put the censor on, I wrapped my arms around him and cried louder. "Yo, what happened?" Markus said as he entered the office.

"I do not know as well," Christian replied, stroking my hair.

"I'll talk to Lucas," he said, running out.

Christian guided me to take a seat on the couch as I won't let go of him. "Come on now," he said as he slowly lift me up, letting me lie down on his lap. "Tell me what happened, sir."

"M-Meeting Lucas for the first time... in college... I felt like I know him already but I also don'... I don't know why," I said, sniffing. "W-While I was d-dating Eli-lizabeth... at the back of m-my mind, I-I wanna know more about Lucas,"


"I-I told him... that I love him but he won't..." I whimpered. Christian stayed quiet, patting my shoulder as I kept on crying and crying.

"Okay, stop." Christian said as he lifted me up, putting me on my chair. "You still have some work to do, so cry while typing," he said.

"You're so cruel," I whimpered


As we arrived at the pub, the waiter guided us to a private room where all employees of our department are fit in. "Everyone," I said, raising the beer cup as I smiled. "Although our celebration is late but I just wanna thank you for all your hard work! Also this is a congratualtions to our newly empoyed, Ian Laurent, and for the successful transfer of... Lucas Hugh Stuart,"

As everyone cheered and sa down, I drank the whole cup and get some refill immediately. "Okay, slow down, will you?" Markus nagged, putitng away my cup. "I talked to him,"


He sighed and gave me another full cup of beer, saying "I guess he really wants to give you up since Eliott already made up his mind,"

I guess our love story ends here, huh? "Everything seems so fast," I sighed, drinking another cup.

"That's it," Lucas said as he stopped me from getting another cup. "You need to send me off tomorrow so stop drinking so much,"

"Oh yeah," I nodded "What time is your flight tomorrow?"

"Around 2 in the afternoon," he said "I asked Christian and that's your only free time tomorrow so yeah,"

I sighed once and sneakily get another cup as I drink all of it at once again. "Sir, I need to go. Will you be fine?" Christian said, panicking as he looked at the time. "I forgot about Caesar," before I could even respond or even ask what's the matter, he already left running. Somehow, he looked like Flash. Seeing how fast he ran, I think Caesar has waiting for a long time.

I pull out my phone to see that it was already midnight. "Even the time is so fast," I sighed as I opened the text message of Caesar.

'Hey bro, do you know where's Christian?' sent at 8:15pm

"Oh no," I shook my head. "I think Christian's in trouble," I said to Markus, who was completely knocked out. "Ian, can you take care of that guy?" I said, pointing at Markus whose leaning against him.

"Yes, sir." he bowed as he helped Markus walk. "Then we'll go first. Thank you and have a good night," He said as he looked at everyone.

"Such a nice kid," one of the employees said. As they were all complimenting him, Lucas suddenly stood up and pull me by the arm.

"I think chief's good for today," he smiled "You guys continue," as he slides my arm around his neck, I began walking, drunkily.

"Oh," I laughed "I'm already drunk?" Chuckling, Lucas paid for everything and paid extra in case they'll need some more. He didn't say anything as he continued guiding me until we reached the parking lot.

He suddenly lifted me, putting me on the front seat and buckle up my seat belt. As soon as he entered the driver's seat, we were awkwardly quiet as he turned on the car. "What's the matter? You sick?" he asked.

I stayed quiet all throughout the ride. I'm beginning to think that maybe my reason wasn't enough to make him believe that I do like him. Am I that naive when it comes to love and shit? I'm thinking like a kid or maybe even kids these days are better than me. I'm acting like I'm the vicitm.

As we reached the condo, he quietly walked with me until I reached my apartment or Eliott's and me apartment or whatever it is. "Uh I guess this is goodbye?" he said. I looked down and held his hand, hoping he would stay but he kissed my forehead and said "I do want to believe you, you know. But I'm actually scared if all of this are just temporary, and it's better for you to be with Eliott."

"Why?" I asked. "Because of the tradition? The promise you made with my father? I was suprised to look up and see him crying as he gave me a hug, a long and tight one.

"I don't think I have a proper reason for that," he smiled while he sniffing. "But promise me, you'll be fine, healthy, forget about my feelings and most importantly, be happy." As he let go, I was too overwhelmed to move or even open the door. It strucked me even more when my heart started aching.

Maybe Elizabeth was not the one, even Lucas wants to give up. Eliott seems to be forced in doing all of this, I thought. "My love life's a mess, huh?" I said, going in and slide down, sitting on the floor. "I'm so miserable," I chuckled as tears streamed down my face.