WebNovelWhat if?83.33%

Chapter 10 [Zyaire]

Waking up, I was surprised on how I ended up on the bed. "Lucas," I whispered as I stood up and quickly walk out of the room. I ran to the kitchen, hoping to see him but saw Christian instead while Caesar was waiting on the table. I looked down, feeling disappointed as I took a seat while my brother greeted me, "Good morning, Ty."

"Good morning, sir." Christian greeted

"Good morning," I sighed as I massaged my head. "How did I end up on my bed?"

Caesar was looking at me, confused and said "Well, when we arrived this morning, Lucas was here and opened the door for us." he said while Christian served me some hot coffee, soup, and avocado toast with eggs and sat down beside Caesar . Does soup really goes well with coffee? I'm utterly confused but oh well.

"What?" I furrowed my brows and told Caesar to get my phone. I was sure he left me last night and that I fell asleep at the doorway. As Caesar gave me my phone, I quickly called Lucas. "Lucas," I said as he answered the call.

"Hey," he answered

"Last night... did you-"

"Zee," he said, interrupting me. "I wanna spend at least 30 minutes with you later at the airport... Is that alright?"

I bit my lip and said "Sure," I looked down and sighed. "Meet you there at the airport," As I hang up the call, I slowly drink my coffee and ate some toast. "Christian, do I have a schedule from noon to 2?"

Christian took out his pocket notebook and said "I made sure you were free before sending your lover, sir."

Choking from the coffee, I drank some water and slightly panicked, saying "I don't have a lover!"

"Then sex friend, I suppose." He said. I covered my whole face as Caesar looked at us confused as he asked, "What's a sex friend?"

Are high schoolers really that innocent nowadays? I wondered. I was about to change the subject when Christian said "Labeled as friends but have sex,"

He furrowed his brows more and asked "Isn't that like our relationship?"

As Christian and I looked at each and blinked twice, the atmosphere became awkward as we fall into silence. I choked once again, catching up to what Caesar had said and glared at Christian. "N-No," he panicked "We're not in that kind of a relationship, sir Caesar. We're friends, I suppose, but we never done that so we're not on the same level as your brother and Lucas,"

"Okay," I said "Stop talking and eat!"


"Ugh," I groaned, rubbing my stomach. The meeting lasted 2 hours and I was keeping myself alive during those hours. As soon as I arrived at the department, I called everyones attention and announced that our deadline was moved on the second week of next month.

They all sighed in relief and goes back to their work while Christian was puling me back to my office. "What time is it?" I asked, sighing as Christian handed me a cookie and water. I'm really confused as to why he's been giving me foods that doesn't really match? "And are you okay? You seem kinda... off, since this morning."

Christian sighed and sat on the couch, saying "Your brother," he said "Last night... he almost took advantage of me and it's almost lunch time,"

I blinked a couple of times as I was getting more confused while this day pass. "Say what now?"

Grinding his teeth, he inhaled and exhaled very deeply and said "If I haven't woke up that night, I don't know what would've happen."

"But you two seemed perfectly fine to me this morning,"

"Because I had to," he said "If I was awkward, so will he and he'll be affected." As Markus enters my office, he handed me the documents I needed to proofread and sat down quietly in front of me as he took the half away to help me. "When I woke up last night, I was already half-naked, for fuck's sake."

To think that my brother is that aggressive but innocent when it comes to the meaning of the words. "Then you-"

"I pushed him, obviously." he glared "He's only 17, an aggressive bottom is what he says, and a high schooler. On top of that, he broke my trust and made his way without consent."

I sighed, scratching my head and said "I'll talk to him later. Tell him to go to my apartment this afternoon and I'll meet you guys there after I send off Lucas," I gave back the documents to Markus and as he thanked me, he pats my shoulder and smiled away. "I need to see Lucas now. Also, tell Markus we'll meet him at the airport at 1:30."

Putting my wallet and phone on my pocket, I energetically ran towards the elevator and go down towards the parking lot. I texted Lucas to meet me at our usual cafe and immediately told Mr. Hanasawa to go there. "Mr. Hanasawa,"


"I... uh... just want to know if you're-"

"Sir," he smiled "I am still perfectly fine. But next week, I'd like you to meet the replacement."

I sighed, looking out the window and nodded. "You need to update me always when go back home, alright?"

"Of course, sir." he chuckled. "I still need to see you off on your wedding day,"

As we arrived at the cafe, I told Mr. Hanasawa to eat with us but he refused to sit on the same table as us since it'll be sad for him to thirdwheel, as what he said. I laughed and sat on the table, beside Lucas and awkwardly started a conversation. "So... you're going, huh?"

"Yeah," he said

"Why won't you tell me where or even the address of your apartment?"

He stayed quiet and changed the subject by ordering our foods. Quietly waiting for his reply, the waiter gave us ourr iced coffee first. Soon after, he gave us our food. "Because... I'll miss you even more if I were to see you and maybe I won't let you go," he responded, taking a bite of his steak. "But I don't want to be in between you and Eli-"

"Okay, stop." I said. "Let's just eat,"

It was awkward and we didn't even talked with each other at all. "I thought you wanted to have more with me," I mumbled, taking a spoonful of the mashed potato.

"I'm sorry," he said, looking dejected. "Although I was the one who wanted more time, I also kinda ruined the mood."

I averted my eyes, and blushed, saying "After this, can we... go to the library cafe? Just the both of us," He smiled at me and nodded as he took a big bite from his steak. "H-Hey! Slow down! You'll-"

He suddenly took my hand, and rub his thumb on my knuckles. "To be honest? I'm kinda excited," he chuckled. As we both finished our foods, he payed for ours while I payed for Mr. Hanasawa's. I told him to go back to the company first since Lucas will be driving me around for a while.

Mr. Hanasawa agreed and took off first while we walked for a while to his car. I checked the time and saw that it's already quarter to 2. "Lucas, you'll be late-"

"I actually rescheduled my flight to 8pm this evening." he said, held my hand as opened the door. "I just wanna spend my whole afternoon with you,"

As I entered his car, I can't help but smile and thought 'The love I had for Elizabeth didn't last long. Maybe it ended halfway and I didn't even realize it. We kept it going and ended up hurting each other, even though we knew what will happen. Just when I realized I have been looking at Lucas this whole time, it seems that we can't do anything about the marraige since it was already decided.'

"I'm dumb," I mumbled "So dumb,"

"Did you say something?" Lucas asked, as he buckled my seatbelt and started driving after buckling his. I shake my head and looked out the window, thinking it would have been different if I weren't a coward. He suddenly held my hand, kissing again on my knuckles and asked "What if I was a Montgomery and we're the one destined to be married?"

"I guess this will be a different story," I sighed "Maybe we won't have any problems at all and maybe... I wouldn't have liked Elizabeth,"

"Alright," he said.

As we arrived at the library cafe, Lucas ordered us some iced coffee latte while I started searching for books. "That was fast," I said as Lucas approach me with the latte. "It seems that no one's around since it's lunch time, huh?"

"Yeah," he said "The guy said that customers usually come at 3 so we're the only ones here for now," I took a book which is about theories and mysteries and sat on the floor with Lucas.

"Where's your book?" I asked, as I took a sip and started reading.

"Zyaire," he called.

"Yeah-" As I looked up, he suddenly slammed his lips against mine, licking my lower lip. As he let go, I put my book, and latte aside (on a safe place) and crawled to sit on his lap, facing him while wrapping my arms around his neck. I leaned on his shoulder and whimpered "I'll miss you,"

I can sense him smiling while saying "Me too," as he hugged me back tightly. I caressed his cheeks, leaning forward to give him a kiss. As he started kissing me passionately, he started groping my ass as I began to moan softly.

"Lucas," I whispered

"I don't want to let you go,"