So I went back to my home town to see my parents the other day. I ended u bumping into one of my childhood friends. we are deffinatley not on the same level anymore.
Almost as if we out grew each other. She is still an amazing person, and I dont know if it's because we haven't seen each other since forever but speaking to her
felt a little awkard. Or maybe it's just because I was exhausted. But I must say that even being home felt a little awkward, the only thing I looked forwardto was
seeing my parents. Other than that, being there just felt strange. Almost as if I didn't belong. I can most deffinately feel how much I have changed. I don't see
anythig the same anymore. There are certain people that understood me, but I just discovered that they only understand what they want to understand.
It's funny how you adjust to certain things throughout your life. You get used to doing certain things at a certain time of year, or at the end of every month you do
the same thing you have done for years. I believe in change, good or bad. Yes we all wat things to always go well. But I feel like we need to experiene the bad to
appreciate the good when it does eventually happen. Life is always going tho throw curve balls at you. you just need to learn how to get back up when it knocks you
down. Many times when I tell people my story their reaction is always sad, but I don't tell my story to make people sad. I tell them my story so that thy can see that
there is always hope. No matter how dark the tunnel may seem, eventually there is light.
It's funny how your life cnges when you find someone or something that you love. It's funny how everything constantly changes. . .