Yumi POV * kringgggg *

I looked at my phone

* Lance calling "

I answered the call

"Yes?" I asked him

"How are you?" he asked

"Seriously? Did you call just to say that?" I told him

"Yes, after you did the drama earlier-" I cut off what he would have said

"I'm fine" I said immediately.

"But you know, you're good at singing, why don't you try to audition at school" he said

"I'm not interested" I said bored

"Are you doing it now?" aba change topic siya ngayon ah

"Reviewing" I simply said

"Let me kill you, I'm still reviewing" I said and turned off the call

Hays can only review again.

We still have a quiz tomorrow ..

I put down my cellphone and started opening my notes again.

"I've missed your calls, for month's it seems

Don't realize how mean I can be

Cause I can sometimes, treat the people

That I love like jewelry "I started singing

It's been 3 months since we met ..

"Cause I can change my mind each day

I didn't mean to try you on

But I still know your birthday and your mother's favorite song "

Just to be honest he was the only reason why I still wanted to study there but after what happened. It changed, I prefer to just go back to where I came from before we met.

"So I'm sorry to my unknown lover

Sorry that I can't believe

That anybody, ever really

Starts to fall inlove with me

My tears started to flow again.

I missed him, I really do.

"Sorry to my unknown lover

Sorry that I could be so blind

Didn't mean to leave you

And all of the things that we had behind "

I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"I run away, when things are good

And never really understood

The way you laid your eyes on me

In ways that no one ever could "

Yes I ran away.

I blocked him on all my social media accounts

I tried my best to forget him.

*tok tok *

"Come in" I said softly

"Ate?" my brother came in

"Why?" I ask here

"I just want to ask if you are hungry?" smiling this question

"No" I said coldly

"Okay sister but when you are hungry there is food in the mouth ah?" he said and went out.

I arranged my belongings and lay down on my bed.

I checked my phone

* 1 message from Reika *

I opened Reika text

* Hey Yumi, let's go in together tomorrow, I'll pick you up. nighty:) *

I smiled at his text.

I haven't texted back since I don't have a load. I'm not like him who is rich in load psh ..

I lay down on my bed and looked at the ceiling.

I hope we meet again and hopefully when we meet again I will be ready.

I also hope I lose my feelings for him ..

Just sleep aish ....

What is going through my mind eh ... hays ..

Goodnight self.
