Lance POV

"Lance can favor?" my classmate said

I turned to him..

"What kind of favor?" I bored says

"This," he said

He handed me a brown envelope.

I gave him a confused look

"Can it be sent to faculty? I have to finish eh" says he says he smiles

I took that brown envelope.

"Thank you," he said and left.

I walked around the corridor to the faculty.

On the other hand, that's the other.

Huh? Yumiy ah?

Their classroom came out and stood up on the corridor.

"Yumi!" I called her attention

But I didn't feel like I had heard that I approached him..

She was looking away from the distance she held on to the tight tight end.

I hang on to him but no response..

I sat next to him and looked at the paper he held..

Test paper?

I looked at him and whispered..

"Hey" I said

"Oh!" he's hacked by his reaction

"It looks like you're thinking deeply? is there a problem?" I said

"W-not" he said and walked into their classroom..

I turned to the floor.

Is this a test paper held by Yumi before?

I torched it..

"Empress Yumi So, 95/100?" I wet quietly

Is it serious ? Is that an almost incorrect test? but why did that eye seem like an eye that didn't seem to be content?

I looked at him and saw him inside their classroom and were perfect..


Now that's out of our exam.

I've been excited? What might I be?

"Reika! Yumi!" I called both of them.

They were sorry for the corridor across Yumi's classroom.

Yumi waved at me so I approached them..

"Have you ever been released?" I asked

Yumi smiled.

"Yup, I didn't have a smash eh," he said.

He reached for a test paper and saw his scores..

Is he serious? is it even fun with these scores?

English - 50/100

Math- 45/100

Science - 45/100

I looked at him. He still smiles

"Are you really serious about your scores?" I asked

"Yes, I won't get 75 below the card" indicated

I turned to Reika..

It nodded and smiled..

*end of flashback*

But it's almost unlikely to be an exam now but it doesn't seem to be contempory.

What happens to him?

I started walking again to faculty. I don't want to be late in my class..

Yumi POV

Lunch time-

I sore my behavior.

I was hungry..

"Huh?" I told myself

I saw something like something in my math notebook.

I took it..

A picture?

I'm a kid with Chelsy.. How did it go here?

*flashback 5 years ago*

I am here today behind the school. Favorite spots because of this..

"Cry" he would pay attention to me.

"I want to be alone" Cold I told him

"I'm leaving" sadly told me

I looked at him.

"I don't care" cold I told him

"Go away? That's okay."

"I just want to give you this," he said and handed me the envelope

I looked at him.

"What for?" I asked him

"Best friend of you?" she smiled at me.

I stood up and faced him.

"Best friend? Do I have one?" I asked her sarcastically

"Y-yumi" he spent his voice

What is she going cry? Geez.

I approached him and whispered.

"I don't know. I don't have a best friend and I don't think you're one," I said and faced him again

I smiled and start walking away.

* end of flashback*

That's what last time we talked about and see each other.

The next day she didn't go to school no longer. Then I went to their home without people there.

I also often went there behind the school where I often smiled.

One day before I grumaduate the elementary school I went there and noticed something like a paper wrapped around the plastic. It was tight with a tree branch.

I took it and opened it to the paper. Chelsea and I saw it. That's what it was given to me but I didn't take it, he left it.

I turned the paper illegally.

"I will miss you Bestie, I hope we can meet again" I read poorly in what was written.

I admit until now I am still waiting to meet with us. I wanted to sorry for everything I had told him before.

"Yumi!' I turned to call my name

Lance with Reika

I smiled and them

I had already pitched my hand and entered inside my bag

Then I went to where my friends were.