Chapter ten

Ian's P.O.V

After she had gone, I just stood there dumbfounded and the advice she gave me continue to ring in my head. I realised that what she said was true. So I gave up fighting for her, since it looked like she doesn't want to be friends with me.

I returned to class. As usual everyone was staring at me, I walked straight to Jake.

"Jake"I said.

He looked up and I could read the expression on his face that I might do something bad again.

Well that would have been my intention after I and Jacqueline's encounter but after that advice I couldn't do that, so I just apologise instead.

"I am very sorry" I said.

As expected the whole class stared at us like we were acting a movie.

After that, I walked to my seat and my friends came over to me.

"Can you tell us what just happened?"Nate asked.

Then I went on to tell them how I fell for Jacqueline the first day she came and how I ended up offending her and how she advised me...which made me apologise to Jake.

"Wow, bro you are really something"max said as he gave me a friendly pat on my back.

Classes continued and at closing hour we went home, but instead of staying like the first time I saw her.....I followed my friends. Although I still had feelings for her but since its of no use now, I decided to suppress it with the hope that she would like me one day.

Jacqueline's P.O.V

I did not expect him to take my advice seriously, so when he came to the class and apologize to Jake, I was really shocked.

After school too I expected him to be standing in the hallway as usual but he was not there. I thought I was the only affected person until I met Jake.

"Jacqueline"Jake called me as well walked home together.


"Were you not surprised at what Ian did in school?"he asked.

"I thought I was the only surprised person" I said.

"When he came to my table, I actually thought he was there for trouble"Jake said.

I didn't tell Jake that I advised him but I just nodded my head at him.

When I got home we said our goodbyes and I went inside.

Same as always my parents were not back. I ate my lunch and decided to update my friends, then I saw a message on my phone, it was from Ian.

As I looked at my phone I knew he had not done anything wrong because he was a changed guy, but all the same curiosity was killing me as I tapped into the message;

"Hi, I just wanted to thank you for what you said today and I am sorry for everything I have done so far."

I was so impressed that I could not stop smiling, so I replied his message;

"Hey...thanks for taking my advice seriously and I have forgiven you "

**** *** **** ***** **** ****

Days went into weeks, weeks into months and the first half of the term came to an end.

My life went on easily like a flowing river and Jake and I grew more close.

Like you might be guessing, Ian did not disturb me at all and I thought I was fine with it. we all went home for the middle term holiday and no one seems to remember the Ian who was always after me, even those M.P.C girls were very pleased to know that Ian no longer disturbed me.

This is a mid night update....

I know I promised to update every week but its hard for me because I have school work too.....

So count this as a bonus chapter because I had a sleepless night writing it.

So let's do this if we don't have up to 50 reads or votes I won't update..

I love you readers and I trust you to help me in raising my votes and reads

Pardon me and my short chapters.