chapter eleven

Ian's P.O.V

Well the first half term had come to an end and for good two weeks I don't have to see the face of a cute blonde called Jacqueline.

To be sincere, I still had feelings for her but I can't tell her for some reasons best known to me. So I tried to get her using another method also best known to me.

Jacqueline's P.O.V

The middle term break went by so fast. During one of the days, my parents and I went on a family tour since we did not get a chance to do that on our urgent arrival.

On our way back home, I found myself thinking about him (Ian).

"Get a grip on yourself Jacqueline, you don't even like him, so why are you thinking of him" I said to myself and shook my head as if shaking it off will make me not to think of him.

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School finally resumed and everyone returned back to school except for jake, who told me he traveled and won't be resuming until the following week.

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NOTE READERS; This is a new character.

Tessa Evans.

Tessa's P.O.V

I came back home from a party drunk and went straight to my room.

My life has been upside down since my parents divorced. My mum and I have been going all around the world seeking for a greener pasture, I had no permanent home, school or even friends, my mum on the other hand had no permanent job. So when my mum told me we would be moving to Richmond, I got frustrated and went to the party where I got drunk. I thought it will be the same but after we got to Richmond everything changed.

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When we arrived at Richmond, my mum and I settled in our rented apartment.

Few days after our arrival, my mum got a call from a company she wrote an application to. She went to the company for her interview and when she came back, I went to meet her.

My mum came in and had a worried look on her face.

"Mum, what's wrong??" I asked.

"Did you fail the interview??" I added.

"No" she answered.

"Then why do you look gloomy??"

"I have gotten the job baby" my mum said and started jumping.

"Ooh you scared me "I said and joined her in rejoicing, but in my head I had a bad feeling that the job wasn't going to last like always.

Well my mum had a weird way of Surprising people. She took me outside, and what I saw surprised me.

"Mum, where did you get this car from??" I asked.

"The company gave it to me, including a three bedroom duplex" she said. I thought she was joking until she told me get in the car and we drove all the way to our new house. I couldn't help but feel happy. Later that day, my mum told me that we would be moving the following day and I would start attending Beverly high when school resumes.

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The following day we moved to our new house and settled in. A week after my mum came to my room to wake me up.

"Honey, don't you know that school resumes today? " she asked.

"Mum I don't feel like going" I said.

She dragged me from my bed and I dressed up for school. We don't have enough money, so I haven't bought my school uniform yet.

I got to Beverly hills and I walked straight to the administrative block, I met with the principal, Mr Richmond and he left me to my class teacher, we went straight to the class.

"Class, she would be joining us, let us work together and help her to meet up with the term's work" the teacher said.

"Can you please introduce yourself?"she added.

"My name is Tessa Evans, but you can call me Tess, its nice meeting you guys" I said and everyone clapped for me, except for one guy that kept staring at me.

Another chapter....finally done...

I hope you enjoy the story......

Don't forget to vote and comment I tried to make this chapter a bit longer