Chapter 9

Eclipse's POV:

My back cracks as I stand and stretch. Paperwork may be boring but it needed done. I neatly stack the papers on my desk and then move to out them in the file as my door opens.

"Stronggirl! There's an issue on the training grounds." The young man blurs out as he runs into the room.

"What's going on?" I turn and start towards the door as he answers.

"Some guys showed up out of nowhere claiming to be an old student of Warfalcon's and now he's going around hitting on girls. He tried to grab at Zira when she told him no and now Tiran is fighting with him."

I groan as I pick up my pace and race down the stairs. Students duck out of my way as I slam the doors open and find two men in a screaming match to my left. I can feel my face set into the familiar stone look as I march over a d force the two apart.

"What's going on here?!" With a growl I turn towards Tiran who is still red in the face.

He turns to hug and comfort the crying woman beside him as I turn to the other guy. I feel my body start to freeze up as I'm met with familiar jade green eyes filled with anger. My face remains emotionless as my gaze flickers to the dirty blonde next to him, her brown eyes looking at her nails in boredom. I look back towards the eyes I never thought I would see again.

Before either of us could say anything further, another voice chimes in, "Charles.... what do you think you're doing, coming back here after what you did?!"

Warfalcon's angry form comes into view as a crowd starts to gather.

"Warfalcon... I don't know what you mean..." Charles turns towards him, regaining his composure.

"Don't play dumb with me. I know what you did to Eclipse. Did you really think she wouldn't come back and tell me?" His eyes narrow at Charles as I hold back my snicker.

Back then I hadn't decided on my hero name and I didn't know how to change my hair or eyes either. Add some muscle on top of that and nobody from my past on earth would be able to recognize me.

"What? But...but..." he stammered for a second before frowning and standing tall. "Eclipse is dead. She died in an accident years ago."

The blonde nods her head in agreement as she finally looks up from her nails.

Warfalcon scoffs, "That's what you think, but, setting that aside for a second, what's going on out here?"

"This guys came out of nowhere and started yelling at me and threatening me." Charles glares at Tiran.

"He's lieing!" Tiran exclaims as he glares back, his arms titan around the trembling girl. "He was coming into Zira and when she turned him down, he grabbed her tried to grope her."

Warfalcon raised an eyebrow at Charles as he snarled at Tiran, "Now who's lying? She was coming onto me and I just went along with it."

"Stronggirl?" Warfalcon looks at me questioningly, interrupting the two before they get into another argument.

"Charles is lying. Tiran told the truth." I answer coolly, crossing my arms as Charles turns his wrath towards me.

"And how would you know bitch? Were you there?" He snarls, getting in my personal space.

I take a breath to calm my beating heart, disguising it with a sign as I place a hand on his chest.

"No, but one of my powers detect when somebody is lying. And you're lying." I growl at the end and shove hard, making him stumble back.

"Why you little...?!" He screams as he throws a punch towards my face.

Dust flies from the force of the blow as I catch his fist in my hand. With a small tug, I bring him forward and elbow him in the gut before letting him stagger forward. He turns with a snarl, but this time he circles me and watches for an opening. Deciding to humor him, I drop my guard slightly and he takes the bait. His fist swings low and towards my solar pieces, but I'm ready for it and sidestep the swing twirling slightly so that I'm behind him. The blade of my hand slams into the back of his head at the base of his skull.

He falls forward in a daze as I hear an infuriated shriek from behind me. Lightening bolts slam into my back, temporarily short circuiting my powers just long enough for them to realize who I am but it's too late. My powers are back in a millisecond and I slam the woman into the wall, knocking her out before handcuffing the both of them. By the time I'm finished with them, the police are already here and they drag them to their feet. They protest loudly, screaming profanities at me as they are being thrown into the van.

"Who are those people?"

I jump at the unexpected question and turn to find Derek looking at me worriedly.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you when we return." I give him a small smile and peck his cheek before turning towards Warfalcon.

He gives me a nod and I throw open the van door and slip in. Charles glares at me and I give him a grin in return before turning serious.

"Now... let's talk." I growl, water swirling around my hand.