Chapter Ten

The ride is silent majority of the way. Jasper only sighing every few minutes to display his dissatisfaction with me and what I had done. Even though he didn't know the extent of it. The silence was the loudest thing there is. It allowed the other noises to become clear. The roaring of the engine, the wheels against the concrete highway.

It was almost too much as we drove closer and closer to Lucas and my parents. With the things I've done surfacing in my head every few minutes, I would push them back out again with the little strength I did have left. Checking my phone now as I see it is seven o'clock. Knowing it has been twenty four hours since I've seen my son, and darkness would be approaching soon as the sun begins to set above the trees.

I knew what I had done. It keep replaying in my head as I sit in the passenger seat looking from the abandon cars, to my hands in my lap, to the orange sun descending from the sky.