Chapter Eleven

Time seems to drag on as the fire begins to die down, and the rain beats harder against the foundation. I turn my head toward Jasper as he stands and slides his pants back on, refueling the fire with more wood. Sitting up myself before grabbing the rolled blunts that Jasper had waiting. With the lighter sitting on the bedside table, I grab it and toss it to Jasper as he sits back down on the bed.

"Thanks." He says as he takes the lighter and one of the blunts, lighting it up and returning the lighter. I stand after lightning my own and walk to the doorway of the patio, watching the rain pour down as I take a long drag. The silk sheet presses against my body as the warmth from the fireplace hits my back.

This moment, all I need to keep going as Jasper walks up behind me, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"We'll find him. I promise." He says as he rest his head on my shoulder, looking out to the rain as well. Seeing smoke leave his mouth after he takes a drag from his own.