X Dynasty~Fly Me To The Moon

Kai's POV

Yes it's morning again! Today is our first day as a couple. Yesterday has come and gone but the feelings I feel yesterday is just the same as today.

I think again, I still couldn't believe it.'Right,I am now Nana's lover and it's our first day as a couple today!'

I stand up and get ready for the day. I am excited to meet my lover again at the mountainside.

As soon as mother and father told me what do they want me to do, I hurriedly go to the mountainside and meet my lover there.

'I hope it's not a dream. But if it's a dream,I hope I won't ever wake up...'

Nana's POV

As soon as I wake up, I started to replay the scenes from yesterday in my head.

'Yes we really now are a couple. So I have to get ready and meet my lover again at the mountainside!'

As I went to the dining room, I saw mother and father already sitting at their seats—waiting for the breakfast to be served by the maids.

I decided to greet them.

"Good Morning Mom,Dad!" I said.

"Hmm good morning Nana, it's unusual for you to get up early like this and to greet us." My father, Nao Hijiri commented.

"Yeah honey,it's unusual for you to get up this early. Something's up lately?" My mother,Naomi Hijiri also commented.

"Maybe it's because of her lover. Mom,Dad." Big brother Sho said. Hmp he's always teasing me with boys!

"M-mom,D-d-dad! I-it's n-not about the b-boys!" I protested as I begin to blush.

"Ohh really? I'm curious about that." Big brother Haji said as he entered the dining room.


"Now,now my children, stop now. The food is ready." Mother said breaking in between the started argument.

'Hmp they are teasing me again about those boys. Brothers, I only love Kai you know.' I thought while eating my breakfast.

As soon I finish my food, I started to left the room without even letting them say a word.

'I'm excited to meet my lover Kai again!'


~At the mountainside~

I reached the mountainside early. But I already saw my lover over there looking up at the cherry blossom tree.

He didn't notice me so I walk silently behind him.

I hugged him from behind.

He seemed surprise and tensed. But as soon as he noticed me,his shoulder began to relax and hugged me back.

Kai's POV

I was busy looking at the cherry blossom tree. I didn't noticed that someone was staring at me.

Someone hugged me from behind. My shoulder tensed, ready to attack at anytime. But as soon as I noticed it was Nana, I began to relax and hugged her back.

We stay like that for a minute.

'I hope I can do this to you for eternity, I really love you.' I thought as I began to stroke her hair and place kisses on top of her head.

"Hey Nana.... Let's have our first date tonight."

"Yeah sure. When and what place?"

"Let's meet up under this cherry blossom tree when everbody is sleeping."

"Sure." Nana replied as she leaned in to kiss me.

A short sweet kiss.

"Hey but for now, you have to train." I said, patting her head.


Nana's POV


~In the middle of the night under the cherry blossom tree~

Fly me to the moon

As I reached the cherry blossom tree, I can see my lover's face--grinning widely at me.

"Hey you're early." I said as I hugged him.

"Of course I can't let my lover wait,you know." I chuckled at his reply.

Sometimes I wonder how lucky am I to have this kind of boyfriend.

Let me play among the stars

Let me see what spring is like

On Jupiter and Mars

We just sat under the cherry blossom tree while watching the stars twinkling and the moon shining upon us.

"Hey look Kai! The stars are pretty tonight, aren't they?" I beamed at the man sitting next to me.

"Yeah,but...Hey you know who is more pretty than the stars and moon?" He replied.

"Who?" I asked out of curiousity.

"Of course,you." He replied while offering his hand to me.

In other words

Hold my hand

In other words

Baby, kiss me

Seems like he want to dance under the moon.

"May I?" He asked.


Fill my heart with song

I accepted his offer and stand up.

We used our heartbeats as our music.

We are dancing gracefully under the moon.

Only the two of us, without worrying about the others. Without caring about the world.

Nothing,just a boy and girl....dancing under the moonlight.....

And let me sing for ever more

I began to hum and close my eyes....

You are all I long for

All I worship and adore

And open it again to stare directly at him.

The look in his eyes, they really have pure intention. Just like the first time we met few years ago.

In other words

Please be true

In other words

I love you

"I love you." He suddenly opened his mouth and tell those words to me.

It's like music to my ears.

I really love it.....

Fly me to the moon

"The moon is pretty tonight. I wanna go to the moon." I said.

"Hmm? Yes the moon is pretty. But... Will you ever leave me just for that moon?" He said, sadness have been laced in his voice.

"Geez, what a serious guy. Of course I won't leave you, but I will go with you to that moon someday."

Let me play among the stars

Let me see what spring is like

On Jupiter and Mars

In other words

"But you know,if possible I will get those stars just for you." He said.

"Then try it, my lover."

"Sure,honey~" He sing-songed.

Hold my hand

As we speed the pace of our dance, he gripped my small hands; he doesn't want to let go.

Me too,I don't want this moment to come to its end and let go of his touch.

I want it for eternity.

'I hope this will last forever.'

In other words

Baby, kiss me

Once again, he leaned in.

He closed the gap between us.

It was a long sweet kiss--conveying the passion,love and care we have for each other.

Fill my heart with song

I can hear our heatbeats, like a music playing in our background.

Let me sing for ever more

Those heartbeats would be the harmony of our love....

You are all I long for

All I worship and adore

In other words

Please be true

In other words

I love you

"I'll love you every millisecond of our life. And into our next life time..." He said.

Fill my heart with song

As our dance ended, we sat down.

He sang a song for me.

Let me sing for ever more

You are all I long for

His voice was beautiful so I sang along with him....

All I worship and adore

"All I wish is this moment of us will become the fragment of our precious memories." We said in unison.

In other words

Please be true

In other words

I love you

Kai looked up at the sky.

"It's already dawn, we have to go home." Kai said

"Yeah until next time, I'll treasure this moment of us." I replied.

"Me too. I love you."

"I love you too.."

We said our goodbyes to each other and went on separate ways.....

'This will be the best page of our life..'