X Dynasty~Just The Way You Are

Kai's POV

I gotta wake up or else I would be late, I don't want Nana to wait for me.

I ready myself, fixed my bed, take a bath and eat breakfast. As soon as we finish eating breakfast, I started to leave.

I wave my hand signaling goodbye to my family and start to walk away.

'So today's the day huh. I would confess to her no matter what!' I thought determinately.

~On his way to the mountainside~

As I walk further, I couldn't stop myself from imagining Nana's features again.

Her eyes are beautiful. It doesn't hide any other evil motives. And it shine everytime she train herself determinately and when she is excited.

When she is happy and comfortable with the person she talks, her eye colour's texture look like a peaceful clouds; just floating up in the sky. It's so carefree.

Her hair,yes that brown smooth and silky hair I touched few years ago. It's still smooth and silky. It looks like a water streaming at the peaceful river everytime she move.

She's so beautiful and I tell her everyday

If she ever like me back,I will always stay at her side. Everyday I'll tell her that I love her,she's beautiful, she is the angel that God gave me.

She's the girl who I treasure mostly, making my heart thump every time I see her. I am ready to protect her and sacrifice for her...even if she wouldn't like me back.

I also remember some flashbacks from our various meetings as I walk.

--Flashback (5 years ago)--

"Hey Nana,you know what, you are so beautiful!" I beamed.

"W-what?!" She uttered.

"I said you are beautiful!" I repeated, grinning widely at her.

"Y-y-you idiot! I am not that beautiful you know!" She replied, blushing madly and started to walk away.

--End of Flashback--

She left me without saying proper goodbye to that day, but I still love her.

That day, when I compliment her, I fall in love with her completely. But she didn't even notice it. It's a good thing for me, it will not ruin our friendship if she didn't like me back.

I arrived at the mountainside. I look directly at the other side of the mountainside and I can see Nana over there. We both arrived at the mountainside at the same time.

"Hey Kai!" She greet me.

"Hey I think you are way too early for your today's training." I replied, surprised at how early she is today.




"The truth is...I have to tell you something." We both said at the same time. She started to blush and look at me nervously.

"O-okay. You first." She said.

"Okay. But are you sure you are okay? 'Cause your face is so red." I asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I am fine!" She said with a reassuring smile.

~Nana's POV~

I am nervous about what Kai want to say to me. What if he found out that I love him, and he wants to end this friendship?

'Oh,please no.'

"The truth is..." Kai trailed off.

He look directly at my face.

Gosh he look so manly in this view.

I started to blush again and look away, but he grabbed my hand.

"Hey Nana please look at me."

With that, I started to look at him. I trust him so I'll look at him.

"Every time I look at your angelic face, I want to tell this to you..." He started.

Kai's POV

"You are amazing, just the way you are. By the means of your martial arts to your features. It's all amazing. But not just that, your personality is also good. I really love it."

"I don't want this friendship anymore" I said. She disappointedly look down and started to withdraw her hands. So I continued.

"I want to take our friendship to the next level. What I mean is I love you and will you be my lover?" I asked her.

She was taken aback by my words. So she started to look up.

She smiled at me. My heart is already beating fast due to the confession a while ago.

But when I see her smile, it feels like my whole world stop. My heart wants to burst from joy right now.

She is just so amazing, making my heart beat fast every time she smile.

She started to walk closer at me. And closed the gap between us.

Her lips are so soft. I really love it. I want to protect it forever.

She is only mine.

As I want to deepen our kiss, she quickly pulled away and smiled at me again.

Her lips are so soft

Gosh I want to kiss her again,her lips are just super soft. But forget about it, even if it was short, I could feel in our kiss that she returns my feelings to her.

She laugh at me knowing that I want more of her kisses.

"Your laugh...it's so sexy." I

compliment her.

"W-what?!" She started to blush madly again. But all she recieved was a quick short kiss from me.

She's so beautiful, and I tell her everyday

"You are so beatiful. I'll tell you that everyday. And I will protect you no matter what." I promised.

"I'm strong enough but sure. I'll be on your care." She said bowing a little and chuckling.

"Please don't ever change anything on you. I love you for who you are. I'll be on your care too." I said and she started to hug me tightly.

"Hey Kai, don't ever change anything on you too okay?" She asked me.

"I'll promise that."

We stay like that for a while. Enjoying each other's presence and the view. We forgot anything.

The tasks we have to do, the things that we need to accomplish and our life status.

We forgot anything. It's just us, a boy and a girl,enjoying each other's presence without worrying anything....

We are just contented with each other. Just the way she is, just the way I am.


~At the end of the day~

"That was amazing, thank you Kai." Nana said.

"No I should be the one thanking you for returning my feelings. I love you." I said.

I gave her a sweet goodbye kiss before walking away.

"Goodbye Kai,I love you too. Let's meet each other again tomorrow!" Nana shouted happily.


'That was amazing confession' both Nana and Kai thought at the same time while walking back at their homes.

~At Nana's place~

"Welcome back,You Grace!~" Hina said,welcoming Nana.

Nana just smiled cheekily at her.

"Hey Hina. That's weird you know." Sho said.

"Yeah it's strange Master Sho. But it doesn't matter anymore,as long as Her Grace is happy." Hina said. Sho nodded approvingly.

~At Kai's place~

'Well that's strange, father said he have to find the pine wood and get some pine cones for the decoration but seems like he doesn't bring home anything.' Matsuri thought. She is suspicious of her big brother. 'I'll just ask him.'

"Hey brother you forget what father told you before you leave,right?"

"What?" Kai asked,clueless.

"What what? Father told you to pick up some pine cones because he will be using it in making decorations!" Matsuri replied.

Kai pailed. Seems like he remembered everything.

"AHH YES I FORGOT! I'M SORRY!!!!!" Kai said running away, going back to the mountain.

"So forgetful. But he seems happy. I wonder what happened earlier." Matsuri said,happy that her brother is happy today.