X Dynasty~Prince Ruka Touyama: The Prince of X Dynasty

TIMESKIP (1 month later)

Nana's POV

Everyday I wake up and it's almost the same. I feel so empty knowing that I would only stay here at our house to practice calligraphy, cooking, embroidery and different boring royal etiquettes.

But today feels different, as if something worse will happen.

My maid wake me up, telling that I have to get ready even though it's still early in the morning and dress the nicest dress I have.

I don't know what's happening so I just got myself ready and put the clothes that my maid gave to me.

After putting my clothes on, my maid entered into my room again. She is putting some pearl powder in my face and touch of lipstick. She also put some valuable hair pins on my long brown hair.

Okay I don't really know what's happening here. Why do they need to dress me like this?

'Why don't they spill the tea? What a drag.'

"Sooo..Why do I need to put all of these?" I asked my maid out of boredom.

She chuckled lightly. "Your Grace, I am sorry for doing this to you but it is sudden."

"Sudden what?" I asked out of curiousity, raising one of my eyebrows.

"The prince of this dynasty, prince Ruka Touyama will visit here today. So Madam Naomi and Master Nao asked me to dress you like this." She answered honestly.

That's what I like the most to Hina, she is being honest to me all the time. I also tell her some of my secrets, like the time I broke the vase in the hall.


(3 years ago)

I am running in the halls happily, so happy that I couldn't contain my excitement in my pants. Finally, I realized that I love Kai! But I am not sure if he loves me back.

'That doesn't matter anymore! As long as I love him, I am happy now!'

I thought, while flashing a close-eyed smile.

Unfortunately, I didn't saw the vase in the halls. I bumped into it.

'Ouch! That hurts!' I said in the back of my mind. I saw a puddle of blood. Ohh it's my blood oozing from my palm. I didn't notice that some of the shreds of the broken vase was in my palm.

'What?! Sherds of broken vase?! My mother will be angry if she finds out!! What should I do???'

"Your Grace, what's...Ahh your palm!" My maid, Hina exclaimed when she saw the blood in palm.

"Hina, help! I bumped into the vase accidentally and I...I don't know w-where to put this....Mother will be angry if she finds out!"

"Calm down okay. First we need to put some medicines in your palm to stop the bleeding. Then I will replace the broken vase with the vase I found in the stock room. Is that okay?" She asked.

"Then let's do it!" I said, determined to cover up the broken vase.

--Flashback end--

I was cut off by Hina telling that I should go out in my room now.

"Your Grace, the prince is already there. Your father and mother asked me to bring you in your lily pond, where the prince and your parents are waiting for you."


I go with her without a reply, I already know my fate.

~At the lily pond~

I already saw a boy about 5 years ahead of me. I admit it, he is hot. He has a long white hair with highlights of blue at the end tied up in a ponytail and some of them was left in his sides. He wears white kimono with touch royal blue at the end, just like his hair and a flower-themed white and blue haori.

He is almost perfect. But something is off on him, I could sense it.

So I decided to ignore him for a good three minutes until father caught my attention.

"Greetings, Your Highness." He said while bowing at the front of the boy. Mother did the same.

'Wait! He is the prince?! Why does he look so weird?!'

"Ohh you don't need to do all of this. I am here to see my dear princess and talk to you about the marriage." He said while flashing a smile in his face.

So he is here for the marriage huh. Even though he is more good looking than Kai, I am more comfortable in Kai.

"Hello, my Princess. What a lovely sight I see." He mouthed as he walk closer to me.

I averted my gaze to mother, who just simply signaled me to just act normal.

"Greetings, prince. I see, you are here for the marriage." I said while using the etiquette I learned from mother, hiding the fact that I don't want to get married to the man I just met and I feel some weird aura around him if you are going to ask me.

"You may stand now, my Princess." He said gently while pullling me towards him. I smiled.

'Ewww what a bullshit. You think you will get me with your gentle words? Huh you're wrong, the fact that I suspected you to have evil intensions in me.'

Father faked a cough, saving the prince from my weird thoughts. "Let's sit over there and talk about it." He said, breaking in from the silence.

"Okay." The prince took my hands. I want him to let go of my hands but when I started to withdraw my hands, he will just tighten his hold in my hand.

'This bastard....'

TIMESKIP (few hours later)

The boring discussion has finally come the end.

'The marriage will be held in two months...'

'By that time, I couldn't see Kai anymore...'

'Will I embrace my fate already, be the trophy wife of the prince and never see my lover again...or will I fight?'

'Am I too soft to give up easily, or the world is just too cruel to me and our helpless love story?'

Those words were still in my mind until the moment I felt that sleep visit me.

'No, Kai and I will always be together...We will fight until the end....'