Li Fei Fan and Li Gong Sun were taking a walk around the Pavilion, the natural beauty of Li Shizu was well represented by the arts that hang on the walls.

"Are you sure we are supposed to be walking around? Childe Li didn't give us the permission" Fei Fan said in worry. Gong Sun placed a hand around his waist.

"You worry too much, we are not prisoners, take it as a visit here, relax"

Fei Fan remained silent, what if people saw them? Maybe the sect leader will kick them out, that can't happen.

"We should head back" he said turning around, his hand was grabbed and he was pulled back against a pair of strong arms. He gasped.

"G-Gong Sun....what are you doing?"

Gong Sun smirked, he kissed Fei Fan's nose making him blush.

"What are you afraid of Fei Fan? I'm here with you"

Fei Fan swallowed thickly, he tends to forget what kind of man Gong Sun can be, he sighed.

"Fine, let's continue with our walk then"

Li Qiang watched them from afar, who were this shameless people? And why are they acting like this so freely?

Li Jun nudged him on the shoulder.

"Stop starring, your glare alone can make them turn to stone" she joked making him scoff.

"Why did Li Xiwang bring them? He still has to talk about what happened when he left"

Li Jun sighed, she knows what's bothering her friend, he was jealous.

"You speak as if you were his husband" she says and left. Li Qiang bit his bottom lip, those words made him feel....happy?

The idea of being Li Xiwang's husband made his heart leap in joy but then there is Wang Zunyan....and Li Xiwang doesn't even see Li Qiang in that way, he sighed sadly.

"Love is the deadliest poison"


Zhang Wei woke up feeling cranky, he got out of bed and went to take a bath, after he was done he put on his dark green robe and tied his hair with a gold ribbon, he grabbed his sword and made his way to Zhengyi Palace, the sect officials were waiting for him as they knelt down before the throne, once he was seated he cleared his throat.

"Sect officials, what brings you here this early morning" he asks. One elderly man steps forward, his robe was lime green and on his head was the sect official’s cap. He bowed.

"Your highness, there has been report that there are two demons destroying people's homes in the city"

He frowned, two demons? In his sect?

"When did the attacks start?"

"Two nights back, they burn the houses and take the flames out with water spells"

Huh? They caused the fire and put them out? What was their main goal here?

"Fine, Have Xiu Ying and Zhang Jing look into it, Shao Wen and I will be waiting with reinforcements"

"Yes sir"

The sect official left the palace in a hurry, his legs took him to the Zhengyi wild flower garden, there he saw Xiu Ying and Zhang Jing.

"Lady Xiu Ying and Zhang Jing, the sect leader has an order for you" he said and handed them a scroll.

Xiu Ying read the scroll out loud.

"Two demons attacking the city and the people.

Mission: find out who they are and bring them to me dead or alive.

Reward: 100 years worth of cultivation prowess"

She closed the scroll and bowed to the official.

"We accept the order"


Wang Zunyan and Li Xiwang were inside the Tianshi celestial cave. After meeting at the market, the two had decided to go to a private area to have a talk.

"When did you return?" Wang Zunyan asks, he was feeling like a small child, he was very excited.

"Few days this where you live?" Li Xiwang asks looking around the cave, it wasn't that bad it was just...not fit for a crowned Prince like Wang Zunyan.

"Mn....after my parents died and you leaving I knew I was not fit to rule the sect, my cousin has taken over for me"

Li Xiwang nodded, it seems his leaving had the most impact on Wang Zunyan, he feels bad.

"I'm sorry for leaving....I know I was being selfish"

Wang Zunyan shook his head and held Li Xiwang's hands.

"You did what you had to do, i don't blame you....since you have returned, you and I will finally be together"

Li Xiwang avoided his gaze, be together? Does Wang Zunyan still feel for him? For eight years has the crowned Prince not found any other person?

Wang Zunyan let go of his hands, he took in a shaky breath, so it seems Li Xiwang still feels the same.

"Or you can go back and rule your mother's sect, I will bare no grudge towards you"

Li Xiwang nodded and smiled yet Wang Zunyan could tell it was a fake smile, Li Xiwang was still not honest with himself about his feelings for him, he will wait.

"Wang Zunyan....I want you to be happy and....I want you to move on, this path you are choosing, it will only lead to your downfall"

He chuckled.

"Downfall? Li Xiwang haven't I already fallen? Look at me, I'm wearing second hand clothes and I live in a cave, is that it? Is that why you refuse to be with me?"

"What? No, it's wouldn't understand"

He was starting to feel angry, for eight years he had been waiting and what does he get? A 'you wouldn't understand'?

"I see....then sect leader Li Xiwang will see his way out"

He tensed, did...did Wang Zunyan just kick him out?

" are kicking me out?"

"No, but it seems you are not ready to talk so go back then you and I will have a talk once you are ready"

He stood up and headed to the entrance, Wang Zunyan watched him leave, his foot stomped on the ground and the earth shook as walls of rock covered up the entrance.

Li Xiwang who was on the other side shook his head, why did it turn out like this? Why did he have to refuse Wang Zunyan's offer, could it be that....he never loved him? Or was he just in denial.

"Wang Zunyan.....I'm sorry"


Fei fan smiled as he picked some flowers near the lake, Gong Sun was already back at their room as he had to prepare their food.

"Why, isn't it the cut sleeve" a person said from behind. Fei fan turned around and saw a young woman, her eyes were dark brown and her lips thin.

"Cut sleeve?" He asks. He never heard of that term before, what could it mean? she laughed at him.

"Mn, cut sleeve, why did Childe Li bring you here? Ohh are you planning on making him like you? Disgusting"

He frowned, what is this woman talking about? He decided to ignore her and walk away but she stopped him.

"Listen here cut sleeve, you and your disgusting friend are not welcomed here, you are poor and dirty, clearly you don't fit in here"

His chubby cheeks turned crimson as he blushed in embarrassment, suddenly a voice spoke up from a distance.

"And who are you to decide who fits in and who doesn't?" Gong Sun asked, his voice laced in anger.

The young woman turned to face him.

"I am Li Xiwang's second cousin and what I say goes"

Gong Sun scoffed, he walked up to Fei Fan and kissed him deeply making Fei Fan moan into his mouth, he pulled away and turned to the young woman.

"I don't care who you are but if you think of talking or even looking at Fei Fan, i will stab your eyes out"

Her eyes widened in fear and she ran away. Fei Fan nudged him on the side.

"Did you have to show off?"

Gong Sun swatted the back of his head with a wooden spoon.

"Didn't I tell you not to go anywhere without me, You will be punished" he said walking ahead.

Fei Fan frowned and kicked some pebbles, with a low murmur he said,

"I always get punished and you seem to enjoy it humph!"


Xiu Ying and Zhang Jing were in Zhang Cheng Zhi city, the area was quiet and very peaceful, the people were nice and humble.

"They don't look like people who were just attacked" Zhang Jing said making her friend agree with a nod.

"Mn, they seem very relaxed, maybe the attack took place in deep inside the city" she said.

They continued to walk inside the city, they noticed something as they walked around, the further they walk, they darker the sky became.

Zhang Jing pulled out a light talisman and threw

it in the air, a small orb of energy lit the way.

"These demons, they sure are something else" Xiu Ying said.

"Why do you say that?"

She pointed ahead, houses burnt to ash and the ashes looked like they were splashed with water, Xiu Ying frowned.

"It seems these demons work together at the start but differ in opinions at the end"

"Mn, we must find them before they strike again"

Suddenly something rolled to Xiu Ying's feet, it was a melon. She frowned.

"What is this?"

Zhang Jing shrugged, she walked ahead and paused.

"Xiu Ying....come see this"

She sighed and walked to her, she followed her gaze and froze, there in the distance stood two figures.

The soft whistle of the wind made them shiver as they locked eyes with the figures ahead, their shoulders slumped and their hair long, Xiu Ying gasped when one of the figures had two long horns that cocked up to the sky, she knew this wasn't an animal and it wasn't human either, they were the two demons she had once read about.

"Jing Jing and Ting Ting"