She was kicked to the ground, she coughed up blood and shot her father a glare.

"What made you think you will be welcomed here? I told you not to marry that fool now look!" Liu Wei said in anger.

Liu Yang stood up to her feet, she wiped the blood dripping from her chin and looked at her father.

"You told me to kill Wang Zunyan's parents and I did, you hesitated to take over and the people chose Zhao Yi! I married him because I had to take over the sect from him"

He scoffed.

"Your plan was too ambitious, you clearly didn't think this through and what do you have to prove you were married huh? Nothing"

She clenched her hands.

"It's because of you I cannot fall pregnant!"

It went silent, Liu Wei was baffled but mostly he was hurt, does his own daughter think he is that type of person?

"Get out"


He walked back to the door.

"Since you think I caused your problems then go, get lost!"

The doors slammed shut making her flinch. She sniffled and walked away. She thought she will get welcomed but only got nothing but pain and humiliation, her clenched fists made her nails dig into her palm and blood started to drip as she walked. It was clear now, she will have to go back to where it all started.

"Will I even be welcomed there?"


Wang Zunyan watched the wild hen he caught sizzle in the fire, he sighed as his mind took him to the conversation he had with Li Xiwang earlier on.

"Why can't he just be honest with himself"

He picked up a pebble and flicked it at the stone wall blocking the entrance, the boulders crumbled to dust letting the setting sunlight in.

"The day is almost over, will Li Xiwang arrive safely?"

He then heard a cackle, at the entrance stood two large figures, he grabbed his sword and pointed it to them.

"Who are you and why are you always following me?"

"Why should we tell you? We only came here to get you" one of them spoke up. He frowned and took his stance.

"Over my dead body"

The two laughed again.

"So be it"

He glared at them and charged, his feet padding down the dirt softly making him seem like he was floating, the two people drew their swords and they charged at him.

Wang Zunyan managed to pass by them and went out the cave, his golden sword shimmered in the dimming light of the sun.

"Come get me"

One of them charged with a loud roar, his sword clang with Wang Zunyan's and small sparks of fire emitted.

Wang Zunyan could tell these people had just started their cultivation, so he had the upper hand, he smirked.

"Your sword might be mighty but can you handle this!"

His palm struck the man's chest making him fly backwards, the other gasped and charged at him.

"I will not go down so easily" he said making Wang Zunyan scoff.

He ducked the blade and tripped him, the gold blade aimed at his neck.

"You were saying?" He mused.

The man had no choice but to surrender, he threw his sword at a distance. Wang Zunyan stepped back.

"Now, who are you?"

He stood up and dusted off his robe.

"I am Zhang Yao and that is Zhang Gong Qiang" he said and bowed.

Wang Zunyan was taken aback by the formal greeting, he returned the gesture.

"What do you want with me?" He asks. Zhang Yao sighed and handed him a scroll.

"Mission: capture Wang Zunyan

Reward: 1000 years worth of cultivation prowess"

He frowned, who wanted him dead at such a high price.

"Where did you get this?"

"Your cousin, Wang Zhao Yi"


Xiu Ying drew her sword.

"Stand back, I got this" she said and charged at the two demons.

Zhang Jing watched in horror as fire and water worked together as one against her friend, she took out her pouch and found a flare, she shot it to the sky.

The light of the flare made the whole city light up in orange, she gasped when she saw what Xiu Ying was fighting against.

Two young females, the other had horns and her hair was bright orange, the other had long nails and her hair was pure white, these were the two famous demons known to man.

They were Jing Jing and Ting Ting, Jing Jing being the fire demon while Ting Ting being the water demon, their story is that the heavens banished them after the two females demanded to be made the first twin deities, they were sent to the abyss instead of hell.

There they had developed a huge amount of resentment towards cultivators and they vowed to kill them all, no one could summon them except for those who carried the same resentment they held in their hearts.

"Xiu Ying get out of there!"

Xiu Ying had not time to react, her sword was at the brink of snapping in half and she didn't have any talisman paper with her.

"You call yourself a cultivator? What a sad excuse for wasting magic on you" Ting ting said, her sharp nails ran down Xiu Ying's chest tearing the top of her robe.

Zhang Jing gasped on horror, she drew a spell on a talisman and placed it on the ground, the earth shook and dark strong tree roots held the two demons in place.

Xiu Ying sighed in relief, she turned to her friend with a smile.

"Thank you"

Zhang Jing blushed and turned the other way.

"Y-Your robe is Ehm..."

Xiu Ying laughed and fixed herself up.

"No need to worry, we are all female" she said.

Just then two men landed to the ground, it was Zhang Wei and Shao Wen.

"What happened? we saw the signal" Shao Wen said in worry.

The two bowed at the sect leader.

"We managed to catch the demons sir"

"Good, where are they"

"Over ther-"

There was nothing there, nothing, just tree roots holding two innocent people. Zhang Wei frowned.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"Sect leader, i swear we caught them, right Xiu Ying?"

Xiu Ying nodded quickly.

"We did sir, maybe they escaped.....but how?"

Zhang Wei walked up to the roots, he drew his sword and cut them setting the trapped people free.

On the ground was a formation spell drawn in ash, his frown deepened.

"This is a teleportation spell, they knew we would be coming, someone must've warned them"

Shao Wen frowned.

"But who?"

Zhang Wei sheathed his sword, he turned around.

"We will see when we go back, Shao Wen, from now on Zhengyi Palace is under lockdown"

"Yes sir"


Li Xiwang was with his father, the two were planning on his day of taking over the sect.

"We should invite the other sect leaders" Li Jie said. Li Xiwang shook his head.

"We shouldn't make them come all the way here and we are not the supreme sect, WangShi Jaizu is remember"

He sighed, he did have a point.

"Okay, then we will invite your friends, We shall hold a feast in your honour"

He laughed softly, it seems his father was too excited to step down and enjoy his retirement.

"Very well then, you should go rest, I'll stay here to lock up" he said. Li nodded and left.

Li Xiwang sighed, his reign was about to start but why does it feel wrong?

Just then the doors opened and Fei fan entered the Pavilion, he bowed to him.

"Childe Li, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, have a seat"

Once he was seated his face turned grim, should he tell him? He doesn't want to cause conflict between family members.

"Ehm....your cousin talked to me this morning"

Li Xiwang groaned.

"What did she say? I know she can be a bully"

"Yes, she....she said some things and Gong Sun had to approach her"

Li Xiwang massaged his temples, his cousin will be the death of him.

"I apologize, I hope you didn’t take what she said to heart"

"No no, it's alright, i just wanted to ask"

He gulped, how can he ask him such a question. Li Xiwang wanted to laugh, he held his hand in comfort.

"Relax will you, I....I don't know yet but I brought you here so you can help me figure it out"

Fei fan smiled and nodded.

"I would be grateful to help you and thank you for letting us stay here"

"No problem, Feel at home"


Wang Zunyan was lost for words, his cousin wanted him dead? But why?

"So what now? Are you going to kill me?"

The two men shook their heads.

"We have to stop your cousin, he plans on taking over the three sects"

What? But why? WangShi Jaizu is the supreme sect, it alone is like owning half of the world.

"So you want me to do what?" He asks.

"We have to pretend we captured you and then we will strike when he least expects it"

It sounds like a plan, but they can't possibly pull it off alone. He smirked.

"I have a better idea"