Chapter 16

"I'll start from the starting." Otis said.

Jess didn't said a word and I was eager to hear everything.

"That night when you, Jason and Zach were in the hot tub, something terrible happened."

The night of the sophomores party~

"She's looking so hot." Jason said to Zach.

"Shut up man. She's my girlfriend."

"And still you haven't fucked her. You scared little pig."

"Shut up."

"Then why don't you do it now."

"No. Never. She unconscious right now. I can't and I won't."

"Then I'll do the honours."

Jason grabbed Maya in her arms and pulled her. Zach hitted him but he was too drunk to do something. Jason pulled out Zach from the hot tub and dragged him out of the room. Jason turned Maya around and pulled down her underwear and he fucking raped her. Zach was sitting out of the room helpless. Almost after an hour he came out of the room holding Maya in her hands and then he dumped her on her bed.

"What the fuck did you do Jason?" Jessica shouted.

"Shut up you bitch. Or I'll tell her that you and Zach kissed each other. Even though it was a mistake as it was dark but still she won't understand."

Jessica stood there quite.

"And you Otis, you too keep your mouth shut. Or I'll tell her that you knew about Zach kissing Jessica." Jason said and Otis went out of the house running.

"And you Alex, you once took a naked picture of hers when she was changing her clothes. So now each one of you has at least one secret buried with me. So if you want these secrets safe so keep your fucking mouth shut."

"And that's what happened at that night. And in the morning Zach gave you an contraceptive pill. But now we all know that it didn't worked." Otis explained.

"And we are really sorry Maya. We really didn't wanted you to be hurt. And that's why we were saving that fucking rapist." Jess said crying.

I didn't said a word to them. They were my friends. If Jess would have told me that the kiss was accidental I would have accepted that. Even if Otis knew about it, all of it wouldn't have affected me. Even if Alex took an inappropriate picture of mine I could have handled that. And Zach I thought he would always protect me. But till now he was saving my rapist who was his best friend. And not only him everyone was saving that rapist.

My mind was turned up side down. Everything was so good since these three months and now it was worst than before.

Jess and Otis sat with me for a very long time but I didn't spoke a word, neither a tear came out of my eyes. I was just emotionally broken to say or feel something. I didn't knew what to do this time. I couldn't run to a different city this time. And I could not change my body. I was so not in a place to face anyone.

Next day in the morning Jess came to my house to take to take me to the hospital but still I didn't spoke anything. My abortion was done, which was painful. I was killing a life that was inside me. Jess dropped me home, and she tried her best to speak to me but I was still under the state of shock.

At the night I couldn't go back to my bed room area. As it was the place where the hot tub was kept in the party and where Jason fucking raped me. I slept in the hall. But in the middle of the night I was getting nightmares about that night. I hated my body and didn't felt like touching it anymore. I went inside the washroom and turned on the shower. I rubbed myself so hard, that there were bruises all over my body. I screamed loudly and cried out all the shit out of me. My life was finished according to me. If my parents got to know about all this I couldn't face them. As I was scared.

My life basically turned into a nightmare which was too scary and thrilling.

I didn't knew how I'm going to go back to the highschool. I didn't wanted to face anyone, not even Zach, who was saving his best friend after he raped his girlfriend.

I tried calling Anna and Noah but none of them picked up. I was not sure if I'll tell Tessa or Steph about all this. But I needed someone. I wanted to call Zach and hug him tight but he fucked up.

I only had one person whom I trusted apart from the others and I knew that that person could genuinely help me.

I called him and told him to come to my house as I needed someone to talk to. I really didn't wanted to tell anything to him but I wanted someone to rely on.

It was almost half and hour and he still didn't came. I was still wet as I was in the shower for like more than one hour. I couldn't stop thinking about that night and my spine chilled out everytime his face came into my mind.

It was four thirty in the morning when my doorbell rang.

"You came." I sighed.

"I had to." he smiled.