Chapter 15

When I woke up it was too late as it was Monday morning and I had to get ready for my school. I called Zach as I wanted to apologize to him about yesterday even though it was his mistake.

"Hi Dempsey. Morning."

"Hahaha. From when did you started calling me from my last name." Zach grinned.

"I can call you anything. I have an official right on you."

"Of course you do. So what's going on? Still upset?"

"Umm no. Actually I'm sorry for my behavior. But you know that it was your mistake."

"I know. I'm sorry too. So I'll pick you up like in ten minutes."


I hanged up my phone. And had some cornflakes for my breakfast. I missed the food my mother used to make for me every morning. I was keeping my dishes when I heard the horn from outside. It was Zach. I mean Dempsey.

"Hi Dempsey." I said as I sat inside the car.

"God. When will you stop saying that."

"Never. I'm a notorious young woman."

"No. You are notorious young child. Your habits are as same as my cousin. He's two and even he calls me Dempsey."

"Then I'll surely love to meet him Dempsey."

Zach made an annoying face when ever I called him that and I couldn't stop laughing after looking at such expression and even though he knew that I laughed at him, he still used to make those faces to bring a smile on my face.

Time with Zach used to be so good. My whole group used to have fun and me and Zach used to go on small dates, picnics and drives regularly. He was a therapy to me. He even became very close to my family. Just to talk to my parents he used to wake up in the middle of the night and used to get dressed properly for the video call. He somewhat became a part of the family.

Me, Anna and Noah were in constant touch. We used to meet on regular basis. And meeting them now didn't bothered me as Steve was off from my mind. Steph and Tessa used to come to my house occasionally and Amelia used to message me sometimes. Steve too used to call me often but now he meant nothing to me. He was just a known friend now.

It was almost a month since the sophomores party and Jessica was at my house chilling.

"Jess why don't you buy a new phone. This one is a crap." I said as Jess struggled with her phone.

"I will." She said in an irritating tone.

"Why are you getting so irritated."

"It's the first day of periods man. And the hormones are fucked up."

"Mine are late this time. Like they are never late, I don't know why it's late."

"What do you mean by your periods are late? Didn't you have the pill?"

"Which pill? What are you talking about Jess?"

"I think you need to see a gynecologist."

"Why are you panicking?"

"Listen I'll take an appointment for tomorrow. You just be ready. I'll message you the time."

Before I could say something she rushed out of my house calling someone. I was confused by such behavior of hers. It's unusual.

I had my dinner and went upstairs to sleep. I laid down on my bed and there were a few messages from Jess.

Hi. I've taken the appointment for 11 a.m. tomorrow. So we need to miss the school. And don't worry I've already sent an email for our leave to the management.

OK. But can you explain that why are you panicking.

She didn't replied after that even though she had seen my message. I didn't thought a lot about all this and slept silently.

Next day in the morning me and Jess went to the Gynic. She took certain tests and my urine sample.

She said that she just need ten minutes and then she'll give us the reports.

"Maya can I meet your parents as your not 18 right now?" Doc said.

"I'm sorry doctor but they don't live here. And I'll be 18 next year so you can discuss with me."

"I'll be frank with you girl. And your reports say that you are pregnant."

I was shocked, speechless and numb. I had no words left. Because I was a virgin and I never had sex so how can it be possible.

"I'm sorry doc, but are these my reports because I'm a virgin."

"These are your reports Maya. And you are a one month pregnant. So now do you wanna continue with the child or you want to have an abortion."

Before I could say something Jess spoke in between.

"She'll abort."

I didn't knew what to say I was just numb.

"Ok. So tomorrow we can continue with the procedure. And please don't come alone Maya as you will need someone when you go back."

I just gave her a node. She explained some consequences to it. And then we left her clinic.

Till we reached my house I didn't spoke a word. Otis was sitting my garden.

"Where were you guys?" he asked in a cheerful tone.

Both of us said nothing.

"Is there something wrong with both of you? You people didn't even came to school so I though you would be here so I came here."

"Otis actually Maya is pregnant." Jess said.

I walked inside my house. They followed me.

"What the fuck Jess. Is it true?"

I nodded at him.

"This really sucks. Maya I need to tell you something." he shouted.

Jess pressed his arm to make him stop. But he continued.

"That night on the sophomores party something happened. And we all were blackmailed to keep our mouths shut but I can't lie more. I'll tell you everything."

Otis sat down and both he and Jess had guilty faces and tears in their eyes.