50/L. Let Me Go (Mastered)

“AAARGHH! This is so frustrating!” Ziek violently trashed his office paperwork in agitation of the current situation.

“A bunch of teens dressed as ninjas drove a man to death through a train station? Isn’t that a ridiculous title for the news today? Tom snickered as he mocked Ziek through the phone.

“Shut up! Fix this damn mess. Just make sure that that officer doesn’t talk and take care of that train driver guy.” Ziek almost immediately ended the call after that supposedly favor that he asked from the SIS.

“You-” Thomas only sighed but agreed to the arrangements. “Fine. Make sure this doesn’t happen again.” He hung up on Ziek.

Arthur soon found himself responsible for the mental well-being of the train driver that he used to fake the death of Benny.

As soon as he teleported the gang back under the bridge at the river Thames, the sudden hit of guilt and realization overcame him.