3. Don't Bloody Touch Me!

Lucas was staring at Bellatrix the whole time. What could he say, the lady never failed to surprise him.

She's seated in her garden on the swing when Vivian approaches her.

"My lady?"Vivian does a slight curtsey.

" Yes, Ms. Tongue."

Vivian swallows hard and Bellatrix watches enjoying her reaction.

"Some tea," Vivian asks.

"Place it on the table and come here," Bellatrix orders and Vivian does as told. Her heart pumping fast in her chest.

God, my poor, poor tongue. Save me please. If you do, I'll never stare at a man again.

"Yes, my lady?"


She does as told.

"Now, tell me about yourself."

"What?"Vivian asks surprised.

" You heard me."

"Um...you're not planning on hurting my relatives, if so I'm sorry for whatever I've done. You can punish-"

"You talk too much. I asked you one question and you started blabbering on. I guess I'll have that tongue of yours."

"No! I'm Vivian. A twenty five–"

"I thought you were twenty six."

"Not yet, my lady. My mother passed away when I was twelve and it's always just been me, my father and younger sister."

"How old is she?"

"Twenty, my lady."

"It's okay. I want you to talk to me freely, like a sister. Without the title."


"Don't think too much of it. It's nothing special."

"Then what should I address you as?"

"My name? I think you've heard it before."

"Bellatrix. It's a beautiful name."

"Tell me more about yourself. I already know enough about myself."

"Yes, Esther, my sister is yet to get married but I will only after she does."

"You have someone?"

"Yes. Daniel."

"Oh! Do you love him then?"

"I haven't said it to him yet."

"So you do?"


"That's lovely, Vivian. How does it feel?"


"I want to know how it feels to love a man."

"I don't know, my la– Bellatrix. It feels good."

Vivian looks at Bellatrix and there's a flat look on her face.

"You know Vivian, if your mouth can't give me any useful information then you don't need to talk. Be more specific."

"It feels like everyday is a dream. Like you can overcome anything as long as you're together-"

"Hmm. How does Daniel make you feel here?" Bellatrix asks touching her heart.

"My heart? It feels like it could explode!"

"Then that's bad!" Bellatrix shouts rising from her seat.

"No! Like it could explode and come back to life again. A good feeling. Like my whole world would crash without him."

"Oh," Bellatrix settles back down,"It must feel good then except for your world crashing without him around. Do you really love him that much?"

"Yes, my lady."

"I wish I could have that," Bellatrix whispers under her breath.

"You will!"


"It could be one of these men."

"You think so?"

"I know so!"

"There we go. If I don't find him among these men....it's off with you head!"

Bellatrix carries her tea to her room and changes into her nightgown before heading to her study leaving Vivian in shock and terrified.

I'm going to do this to her more often, she thinks to herself.

"I've been waiting for you,"

"Who– Oh, it's just you, Prince Seradone."

"I've been wanting to meet you, Bellatrix. I can't stop thinking about you. Not ever since I laid my eyes on you."

His eyes drop to her exposed cleavage and she quickly covers herself.

"Please Get Out!"

"It's okay, I'll soon be you husband and then maybe I can see what's underneath."


He grabs her pushing her on the soft furniture.

"Shh, it's okay."

"Seradone, get off me!"

"I'm sorry. I can't do that!"

He says caressing her face.

"Don't Bloody Touch Me!"

"Now, don't act innocent!"

"What! VICTOR! VICTOR! VIC–" Seradone quickly covers her mouth.


"Justine, did you hear something?"

"I don't know. I didn't hear a thing."

I did though. Am I imagining things?

"Seradone please."

He plants a kiss on her neck before forcing his lips on hers.

Bellatrix manages to break free screaming even louder.


The door swings open and Dalton rushes in, "Bellatrix– Seradone , what are you doing! Get off her!"

"Get out little boy!"

"Let her go, now!"

Victor turns to Justine, "Bellatrix!"

"What-" Justine asks confused but Victor has already dashed off.

I'm coming, my little princess. Erias will never forgive me if anything happens to her.

Entering her room there's no one so he dashes straight to the study.

In front of him is Bellatrix sobbing in Prince Dalton's arms as Prince Seradone and his brother glare at each other.

"What's going on?"

Bellatrix turns to Victor tears in her eyes before she buries her head back in Dalton's chest.

"This is a big misunderstanding. I'll leave you figure it out," Seradone says and walks out.

Victor rushes to Bellatrix's side, "What happened?"

"I apologize on behalf of Seradone. He mustn't have been thinking straight!"


Bellatrix cowers in Dalton's embrace. It had been a long time since she acted this way...must have brought up bad memories, Victor thinks.

"Prince Dalton, how about you lead her to her room."

Dalton nods scooping Bellatrix in to his arms and walking down the hallway.

Most servants stare and gossip except Angela with a sad look.

"Which way?"

"Just the next room."

Dalton takes Bellatrix to her room and lays her in bed.

"Should I leave-"

"NO!" she yells, "I mean stay a little longer."

Dalton stays in the soft arm chair till Bellatrix falls asleep.

He walks over to her and leans down planting a light kiss on her cheek. "As inappropriate as this seems, I have just done it. I'm sorry for what Seradone did but I hope you choose me, honestly."

Dalton walks out and Bellatrix opens her eyes sitting up. Her heart beating fast and cheeks burning.

'Did he....really say that?' She wonders, a smile on her face, ' He really did do that, right!?'