Chapter thirty four: Shopping gone wry

Onyx was surprised and appreciative of the King's gesture. " Thank you, " she said softly to him.

" No need to thank me my young Queen, " the King replied helping her once again into the carriage.

Once they were settled the servant leading the horses smacked their side to get them moving.

It was a slow procession that took them through the narrow pathway leading out of the forest into the streets.

While they drove through the narrow open path, Haitian drew level with the King's carriage and looked into the window.

Onyx who just looked out the window to feed her eyes with the beautiful scenery caught his eyes and before she could withdraw back Haitian winked at her causing a blush to appear on her cheeks.

" I think the young man is besotted with you, " the King said in a neutral tone flicking a glance at his Queen before looking away to concentrate on the map he had on his hands.

He was perusing the map detailing their borders with that of their neighboring Kingdoms. He was still weary of the barbarians visit to his kingdom during his wedding and would like to be prepared for any eventualities.

Onyx eyes flew sharply toward the King checking to see if he was angry at the young man paying attention to her but there was nothing to see. His face was blank and he looked as if he didn't give a care in the world.

Onyx didn't know whether to trust the look or not so she decided to tread carefully.

" My King you know I will never be unfaithful to you with another man. "

An amused look glittered through the King's eyes as he looked up from the paper on his hand to his young Queen. I know, he said in a slightly arrogant way that made Onyx bristle a little.

After their brief exchange silence once again reigned in the carriage.

The next time again Onyx chanced a look outside the carriage was when they got to the street.

She smiled at the sights that met her eyes. The hustling and bustling of the street intrigued her. Since she became Queen this is her first outing outside the palace.

The King looked toward his Queen and smiled with a fond shake of his head at the excitement on her face. Sometime he forgets how young his Queen is.

The sight of a clothing shop reminded Onyx of her promise to get gowns for her blonde servant.

" Stop the carriage! " She yelled in a loud voice and the carriage drew to a stop almost throwing them with the force of it's sudden stop.

" Anything the matter my Queen? " The King asked in concern dropping the map in his hand.

" No, I just want to get something in there, " she pointed toward the shop.

The King followed her fingers and frowned when he saw the clothing store. " Whatever you need I am sure the palace seamstress can make it for you. "

" No! " Onyx blurted out without thinking.

" Excuse me! " the King arched his two brows at his Queen.

" I am sorry, I mean it is not for me. I mean the gown, " Onyx corrected in a slightly nervous voice. It is for one of my servants she added before the King could ask more questions.

" And you don't want to get it made by the palace seamstress? " The King arched his brow at his Queen.

Onyx hesitated. She wanted some alone time with the blonde and she wanted to offer her a treat. It wouldn't be the same if the clothes she promised the blonde comes from the palace.

" I just want a chance to explore the city. I haven't been out since I entered the palace. " She gave the King a pleading look.

The King's heart melted at the sight and he immediately told the horse drivers to stop the carriage.

" I will let you go on one condition, " he stared intently at his Queen.

" What condition? " Onyx tried to curb her impatience.

" I leave some of the guards with... "

She started to shake her head even before the words were completely out of the King's mouth. Having guards around will impede what she has in mind.

" Why don't you let Lu Tiang accompany us. I am sure he is very capable. "

King hesitated to allow just one guard with his Queen. " What if something happens? "

" You said he is very good, right. I am sure he will be able to keep me safe and what could happen in broad daylight like this, " Onyx pointed out the window trying to drive her point home.

The King sighed and gave in, receiving a beautiful smile from his Queen as his reward.

Without waiting for the servants to come around Onyx made her down the carriage.

" I will send the carriage back for you, " the King told her and then gave his command for the carriage to carry on.

As soon as she was on the ground Mei and Sally surrounded her, a questioning look on their faces. Salsa dragged her feet before joining them. She wasn't keen to be in the Queen's presence.

" What is going on, My Lady? " Sally asked her eyes squinting from the glare of the afternoon sun.

" We are going shopping, " Onyx answered with a glance at the blonde. She wished she would look at her. The blonde was currently drawing something on the ground with her foot and doing everything she can not to look in her direction.

" But My Lady, you have... " Mei started to argue.

" Don't argue Mei just come along, " Onyx shut her up and then headed toward the shop.

The servants looked at each other wondering what is going on before joining their mistress. They both knew that their mistress has enough clothes and gowns to last her a life time so they couldn't help wondering what they are really doing in a clothing shop.

Just like she did joining while they talked outside, Salsa took her time entering the shop. She didn't know if the Queen even wanted her around.

The last to go in was Lu Tiang. Discreetly he made his way into the shop.

Inside the shop Onyx turned to look at her servants a glint in her eyes. " Girls you can pick anything you want, " she said surprising them.

Mei and Sally squealed in surprise and excitement and immediately ran off to find something for themselves leaving only Salsa and the Queen.

Salsa made no move to get anything for herself. She didn't want anything from the Queen, not after the way she treated her.

Onyx sighed when she realized that the blonde wasn't going to join the others. She moved closer to the blonde, but left a little distance between them. She wanted to touch her so badly that her fingers itched.

" You know you are the reason we came in here. "

" Why? " Salsa dragged her gaze from the ground to the Queen's beautiful brown orbs. Her heart somersaulted in her chest as their eyes met. Her heart ache renewed again as she stared at the Queen knowing that whatever she feels for the gorgeous woman in front of her will never be reciprocated. The futility of her feelings nearly brought tears to her eyes.

" To get the gown I promised you, " Onyx tried a smile on the blonde, only to wipe it off when it wasn't reciprocated.

" Come here, " she forced the issue by taking the blonde's hand into her own and dragging her off where the gowns were displayed.

She started to examine the gowns one by one trying to find the best fit without letting the blonde's hand go. She loved holding the blonde and doesn't care that her other servants are around and could see.

Salsa stared wide eyed at her hand caught in the Queen's grasp. Her heart thundered in her chest as she was dragged around the shop. Her body burned where the Queen was holding her. She wished the Queen will hold on to her forever.

" This one? " Onyx turned to look at the blonde.

" What?! " Salsa looked up at her, a dazed look on her face.

Onyx chuckled fondly at the blonde. " Do you like this? " She lifted the blue gown she has in her grasp to the blonde. It was simple and elegant and she feels that it will look beautiful on the blonde.

" I like this one, " she said taking it and then moved on.

Salsa nodded even though every saliva in her mouth is all dried up.

She followed the Queen around like a loyal dog until she was satisfied with the gowns she has picked and then she was dragged behind the screen.

" Undress, " Onyx commanded with a dark gleam in her eyes.

" What?! " Salsa gaped at the Queen.

" I need to know that it fits you, " Onyx answered like that was her only motive.

" Oh, " Salsa blushed heavily and started to undress. She had thought the Queen had wanted something else.

Onyx smirked as she watched the blonde undress. She knows what the blonde had thought when as she asked her to undress.

She eyed the blonde's delicious body as she dress down to her underwear but she controlled her desire.

She handed the girl the first gown and watched intently as she slipped over her slender frame.

" Beautiful, " she whispered eyeing the fit of the gown on the blonde's body.

" You think so? " Salsa asked in a low tone staring down at the gown. She has never worn anything as beautiful as what she has on.

" Yes, and you are beautiful, " Onyx said in a husky tone reaching out to touch the blonde's cheek.

Salsa moaned pushing her skin into the Queen's touch even though her head was screaming at her to move away. She couldn't. Her body was craving the Queen's touch.

" Next one, " Onyx forcefully dragged herself away from the blonde.

Salsa sighed in disappointment and did as she was told.

After they were done with the testing and found out that all the five gowns were perfect fit, Salsa got back to her old gown. She tried to zip the gown but when it got stuck she turned her back asking for help from the Queen.

Onyx slowly closed the gap between them. She stood behind the blonde making no move to go for her zip.

Salsa stood rigid, with her heart drumming in her chest as she felt the Queen behind her. She could feel her body warmth and it was exciting her. She wished that the Queen would just zip her and spare her from misery or better still touch her.

As if she heard the blonde's thoughts Onyx raised her hand to the blonde's bareback. She touched it lightly with her fingers.

Salsa shivered from the touch but didn't move away, instead she closed her eyes and waited with her breath hanging in her throat.

Onyx slowly stroked her fingers up the blonde's back. She leaned down to peck her nape with a light kiss causing the blonde to tremble. This emboldened her to continue.

She kissed her her neck then moved down her back and then back to her neck as she pulled the blonde into her body.

" My Queen what are you doing? " Salsa moaned tilting her head to the side exposing more of her flesh to the Queen's touch.

Instead of answering Onyx pulled the blonde's gown off her shoulders and allowed it to drop down her waist and then she moved her hand to her breast. She palmed the both flesh with her hands caressing their weight before moving to their peak.

Salsa moaned loudly shooting her chest out for more.

" Shush darling, you don't want everyone knowing what we are doing, do you? " Onyx whispered into her ear.

Salsa shook her head strongly, wanting more.

" Good. I need you to be quiet. Think you can do that? "

Salsa nodded again vigorously.

Onyx smirked and kissed the blonde's ear before moving her hand from her breast to her sex. She moaned into her ear at the wetness she found there.

" So ready for me, " she poured thrusting her fingers inside.

Salsa gasped, tightening her jaw and eyes to avoid screaming out her pleasure. She panted heavily as the Queen pleasured her from behind. It didn't take long for her to feel her peak coming.

" Come for me my darling, " Onyx whispered moving her fingers faster.

Salsa moved her hand to her mouth and screamed her release into it.

Onyx smiled softly as the blonde took her release. She continued to move her fingers until she was done. She then withdrew her fingers from her sex and then helped her finished dressing without saying a word to the blonde.

After she was fully dressed Salsa turned to look at the Queen but she was already walking out. She was left feeling confused and wondering what it means what happened between them. She sighed and followed the Queen out. When she glanced around her eyes unfortunately fell into Mei's eyes and the girl glared venomously at her making her look away, a blush on her face. She wondered if the girl knows what happened between her and the Queen.

Onyx unaware of the exchange between Salsa and Mei smiled at her other servants. " Do you have everything you want? " she asked.

The two girls nodded.

Onyx turned to the merchant to enquire about the price when suddenly men in black with mask over their face and swords in their hands burst into the shop.