Chapter thirty five: Salsa disappearance

The sudden appearance of the ninja looking men shocked everyone inside the shop that they could only gawk at the men like fish out of water.

The first to react was Mei as she realized the sudden danger they were all in.

" Ah!!!!!!!! " she let out a blood curling scream that almost tore the roof of the building. She dropped all the clothes in her hands during her scream of terror.

The assassins barely spared a glance in her direction. She wasn't who they wanted. Their dark brown eyes peeping through their mask swung in the direction of the Queen and the blonde head servant beside her.

They all converged on them and began to close in on them like a big jungle cat narrowing down on a prey, their swords raised ready to strike.

There was a look of menace on their faces showing they were here on a serious business.

Onyx was terrified but not for herself. She moved her body slightly to protect the blonde beside her while she stared down at the assassins, her nose turned up.

" What do you want? " she demanded in a royal voice, dripping with authority and boldness. She was not going to cower before these men, neither will she let them see her fear.

Salsa swallowed a gasp when she heard the insolence in the Queen's voice. Was she trying to get herself killed.

The men in black dresses with mask were so terrifying that she is about to pass out in fear.

She wondered why none of the guards had waited behind for the Queen.

Now they are in grave danger.

" Please my Queen don't provoke them, " She whispered in a tiny voice wishing that someone will just come and save them.

The men eyes went from the Queen to the blonde and then back again without speaking.

They were about to lurch in their direction when someone crashed through the ceiling and landed in front of the Queen, his sword drawn and a killing dark look on his face.

The arrival of this new threat made the assassins draw back and then focus on him.

The new arrival looked deadly, with a strong powerful aura, and the cold dark look in his eyes sent chills down their spine.

The tall slender man facing them was no ordinary protector, and the way he held his sword showed that he is a pro. His looks was something else remarkable about him. He looked delicate with beautiful features that one might mistake him to be a female, with slender long nose and pert full lips.

One would think him an angel if not for the vacant deadly look in his eyes. No this was no angel, but the devil himself, the men thought trembling a bit.

They weren't expecting someone like him to be guarding the Queen but it was just one of him and there is plenty of them.

This thought was like a boosting drug to their confidence that spurred them into attacking.

" Ya!!! " one of them screamed lurching with his sword raised toward the new arrival.

Lu Tiang's lips tilted upward in an arrogant excited smirk as one of the assassins moved toward him, before he leaped up in the air to meet his raised sword half way.

A loud clang echoed in the room that caused another shriek to spill from Mei's lips. She and Sally quickly found somewhere to hide as the whole shop erupted to fight.

Onyx reached out to hold Salsa's hand in hers trying to keep her from harm's way at the same time trying to keep away from the assassins.

Lu Tiang did his best to keep the assassins from getting to the Queen but the more he engaged more kept come in, from the door, and the windows until he was overwhelmed that he could barely keep track of the Queen.

He knew he needed to get her out of here before he loses her. She was the priority.

He quickly killed off the assassin he was engaged in and rushed toward the Queen who was doing her best to keep the assassins at bay.

He faught his way through the group surrounding the Queen and quickly grabbed her hand and then leaped over their heads with the Queen in his grip.

Onyx whose hand was locked in Salsa's hand slipped off as her body left the ground with Lu Tiang.

" No!!! " she screamed in protest watching back as the blonde was immediately grabbed by the assassins.

" My Queen!!!!! " Salsa screamed as they started pulling her toward the door, but the Queen and Lu Tiang were already out of the building through the roof.

" No!!!! " Salsa screamed in terror struggling against the strong grip of the men.

Unable to handle her wiggling movement one of the assassin struck the back of her head rendering her unconscious.

They lifted her unconscious body and hurried out of the building. They have gotten what they came for.

Their carriage were waiting few distance away from the shop. They threw their unconscious load into it and then dove in. Driving away just as the guards arrived at the shop to pick the Queen.

Lu Tiang continued to run and leap across the building roof until he was satisfied they were out of harms way before he leaped down safely, letting the Queen slide down his body gently.

He was not expecting what the Queen did next as soon as her feet was strongly on the ground.

Furious at her protector for making her leave the blonde behind, Onyx reached out and struck his cheek strongly.

Despite the powerful sting of the slap Lu Tiang showed no expression. He merely regarded the Queen silently not speaking.

He didn't understand why she struck him nor the furious glare of her brown orbs. He has merely done what he was tasked with and that is to keep the Queen safe.

" We have to go back, " Onyx growled, the tone of her voice making it clear that it wasn't a request but a command.

" Not safe, " Lu Tiang muttered calmly, his voice cold and curt.

His thoughts about the foolhardy of the Queen's request not revealed in his face as they remained aloof and flat.

" I don't care! we must go back for her. "

Finally his blank expression cracked as Lu Tiang wondered which her the Queen was referring to. It wasn't his place to ask questions so he remained silent and just turned around to head back in the direction they came from.

They got back to the shop to see the King's carriage waiting there with a lot of guards and two of the Queen's maid servants rambling to the guards in agitation.

Lu Tiang stood aside as the Queen continued forward to join the guards and her maids, her dark brown eyes anxiously searching for the blonde head of her servant in their midst.

" Where is Salsa? " She demanded interrupting the guard that was interrogating the two servants.

Mei and Sally turned in unison at the sound of their mistress, their scared expression morphing into one of great relief, as their eyes let down tears of joy that their mistress was safe.

" Your highness! " They both screamed in joy, laughing and crying as they hurried toward the Queen.

Onyx pushed down her anxiousness at having not seen her blonde servant to focus on the two in front of her.

" Are you two okay? " She asked searching their faces and bodies for any sign of injury.

The two younger women nodded their heads vigorously, still crying.

" We were so scared, " Mei cried. She had been so worried that something will happen to her mistress. She doesn't know what she will do if anything happens to the Queen.

Onyx stared into the eyes of her servants to see it still bleeding from the terror of their ordeal.

" Hey, it is alright. We are safe. Did you guys see Salsa. "

The two women shuddered as they recalled the blonde being carried out by the men that attacked them.

" They took her, " Sally whispered looking down.

She felt bad that there was nothing she could have done to help the blonde.

Mei hid her thoughts at the blonde's disappearance. Even though she doesn't wish the blonde dead but her disappearance might be a good thing. Maybe now the Queen will stop focusing most of her attention on the blonde and all the gossips going around the palace about her Queen and the servant.

Onyx fist tightened in worry, but before she could say something the guards interrupted.

" Your highness, " their leader said bowing his head.

Onyx nodded her head in response.

" Are you alright? " The guard asked, his expression looking worried.

" Yes, but one of my servants were abducted, " Onyx answered starting to look worried. She did her best not to make it obvious how worried she was.

It was going to look out of place should she look so worried about her servant.

" Oh, " the most senior guard mumbled, not knowing how else to respond.

They have just been instructed to pick up the Queen after her shopping, they were expecting her to be attacked.

" Do you know who the attackers were? "

Excuse me, Onyx said to him moving away, instead of answering. She went to Lu Tiang and whispered something into his ear .

Lu Tiang bowed at her before taking his leave.

The guards looked after him wondering who he was and only called back their attention to the Queen when she rejoined them.

" So about the attackers? " The guard repeated his question.

"I don't know who they are. They came out of nowhere. "

The guard nodded. " I will send some of my men to look for them why we take you back to the palace. "

The guard signaled for the Queen's servant to escort her to the carriage while he spoke to his men.

He pointed out six of them and tasked them with finding the servant without putting any emphasis on them finding her.

The disappearance of one servant wasn't a national security and hardly something they needed to worry about.

The guards bowed their head at the leader and took their leave.

The other guards returned to the Queen to escort her home.

As they drove toward the palace, Onyx threw her head against the side carriage as she lost herself in her thoughts.

It took her back to the blonde and she hoped with everything in her that she was okay, and that Lu Tiang finds her on time. She can barely tolerate the thought of something happening to the blonde.

The assassins drove their carriage through the market before switching to another road that lead to a lonely road will sparse buildings surrounding it.

The area looked rough, and filled with poor citizens of the kingdom who barely showed any concern as the men lifted their load into one of the buildings.

" Is that her? " Their leader who was waiting in the courtyard asked.

The men nodded unfolding the large cloth wrapped around the blonde to reveal her blonde tresses.

The leader gazed down her beautiful innocent face with a sly greedy smirk as he imagined the gold bars he is going to receive for this job .

He doesn't know what is important about the servant that the woman that employed them wanted her abducted.

" Did anyone follow you? " he asked his men. They will be in a load of trouble should they get caught.

The men shook their heads.

" Good. Send words to the woman that we have her. "

One of the men bowed his head and took off. While the rest disbanded to drink while two of them took Salsa to a small storage room.

Onyx arrived at the palace to the King waiting for her at the entrance with his guards and servants behind him. The news of the Queen being attacked reached before them.

As soon as Onyx stepped down from the carriage the King was hurrying in her direction.

" Are you alright, my Queen? " The King asked with a lot of concern on his face.

" I am fine, " Onyx allowed the King to assist her even though she didn't need it.

The King escorted her to her chambers and helped her to lie down before instructing for the palace physician to be called.

" I am fine, " Onyx tried to protest, feeling very uncomfortable from the King fussing over her.

The King waved her protest away and helped her to lie down before taking his seat beside her.

He gazed at her with worried eyes, blaming himself for allowing her alone with no protection.

Then he remembered that he actually left someone to protect her.

" Where is Lu Tiang? " he demanded, sounding angry that the young man had been there to protect the Queen.

Onyx looked away before speaking.

" I sent him after the assassins. "

The King frowned not understanding why she would do that.

" Why? "

" Because they abducted one of my servants, " Onyx answered tightly, feeling anger and fear at the thought of the missing blonde.

" Which one? " The King asked curiously, wondering at the look of concern on his Queen's face at the disappearance of a servant.

" Salsa, " Onyx mumbled under her tone.

" The blonde?! " The King asked with a slight inflation of his voice causing Onyx to look toward him sharply.

" Yes, " she answered with no emotions, hiding her feelings.

" Well if he finds her good, if not I will get you another servant, " The King muttered unconcerned, showing no care for the welfare of the missing servant.

The careless way he dismissed Salsa's abduction irritated Onyx but she forced herself to swallow her irritation.

"I am tired and wish to be alone, " she mumbled coldly underneath her tone, turning her back to the King.

The King noticed the change in her countenance but didn't comment on it, instead he leaned down to kiss his Queen's tresses before leaving the room.

" Please be alright, Salsa, " Onyx whispered into thin air before exhaustion from her ordeal lured her to sleep.