Chapter 6: Forget


Me and Rylex both enter the Bloody building where all the laboratory can see.

"Kassy may I ask?" Rylex said

"What is it?"

"Why did you tell Kairus that I am your boyfriend?"

"Sorry, I just got shock. Don't worry I will tell him the truth."

"No it's okay if it is the way for you to accept the fact what he did I'm will to help you."

We reach the Bloody Building where everyone looking at us.

"Did you hear the rumor that Rylex and Kassy are a couple?" One of the students said

"Yes, But how about Emperor for sure he might be in pain. After all that girl and Rylex betrayed him."

"Don't listen to them we know the truth." Rylex hold my hand and all the murmuring of the students get more suspecious about us.

Maybe someday I can forgive you Kairus and forget him.

Kairus POV

I get out of my bed and look for my phone. Yeah another day without her. I open my account in facebook and I saw a post of her with Rylex.

"A great man should be in side of a lady." I don't know why but this feeling is really pissed me off.

I never felt this way before. I know it is hard to believe.

But I miss her so much.

I stand up and go to my bathroom. I will get you back on my life.

I got my best polo and put some perfume. Wearing a black slack and get my hair fix.

I get my car key and go outside of my room. I walk down the stairs when I saw her sitting in the couch.

"Hey babe why are you here?" Rylex said and go to Kassy give her a kiss in the forehead.

That should be me.

"I just miss you. And you said we are going to have a date today. But you didn't pick up your phone so I just go here and check you."

"Sorry I forgot my phone in my room. I just got finish working out. Wait me here for a while I will just take a bath then we will leave okay. I love you don't get mad babe." Rylex kiss Kassy in her lips.

"Okay I will wait for you Mr. Silvereas go and don't waste a time. I don't want to be late in the showing."

Rylex will go on my way so I try to act that I just go out of my room.

"Hey Kairus good morning" Rylex said with a big smile in his face.

"What's with that smile?"

"Oh my smile, well I'm just happy seeing my girl early this morning. Waiting on me downstair because she's checking me."

"So Kassy is here. Then what are you doing here? Why don't you entertaine her?"

"I will just take a bath before we leave for our date. We will watch the movie five feet apart."

"Okay take care when you leave. Drive slowly so you both be safe."

"I will for my girl." He smile and walk away.

That should be me driving for her.

"Hey Kassy you are here." Leonale said.

"Ah yes, I'm waiting for Rylex." Kassy said

"Are you going out today? Can we join?" I go to the kitchen and without at looking on her.

"Let's just ask first Rylex, he is the one who plan this today."

"Did you love my brother Kassy?" Leo said I stop drinking my coffee.

"I really love him." When I got hear from her I sip again in my coffee.

"Oh Kairus I don't know you are their bro." Leonale said and tap my shoulder.

"What's happrning with you?"

"I feel so pain for you after hearing it from Kassy I know it's hard for you to move forward without her. I know how much you love her even before." I give him a look of curiosity so he wouldn't know I'm here all this time.

"Don't deny it Kairus I know you."

"I accept the fact already Kassy wouldn't be mine." I go back to my room.

I hear a knock in my door twice.

"Kairus" I hear the voice of Kassy


"Light is looking for you Alexa is here." I get up on my bed and get out off my room.

"Kairus" Alexa said

"Why are you here Alexa? Are you fine now? Someone told me you got sick." Then I put my hand on her forehead.

"I'm okay now Kairus. I go here to tell you that mom and dad visit me later and we have a family dinner. Can you come with me?" I saw Kassy in my peripheral vision that she hold tight Rylex hands.

"Sure I will but now go home and prepare for the dinner."

I kiss her forehead.

"Sure later I will pick you up in your house okay."

"Okay I go ahead." Then Alexa pick her bag and go out.

"So Light I think we need to search for a girl tonight want to join me?" Leonale said

"Sure so, how about you Kaeous?" Light said

Kaeous laugh

"Okay I join and see what you two will do later." Kaeous said.

"Teejay you should join us too. I know you boy we got you." Leonale said and look on me.

"Don't stare at me I know what you're thinking and my answer is no."

Everyone laugh hard.

"I don't say anything your just indenial dude." Leonale tap my shoulder he put something in my pocket.

"Tame you should go in your room at 8 don't come with them your still young." I said and get out the thing in my pocket. Shit it's condom.

"You fuck boy come back here." I said and throw the condom away. I'm not innocent but I value girls virginity not like Leonale.

"We need to go guys. We don't want to miss the movie." Rylex said while holding Kassy's hand.

"Sure you may go now." I said with a smile in my face.

They leave the house and my brothers came to me.

"You know what dude we know that you still like her. But you should move on she's already belong to Rylex." Teejay said

"By the way, Kairus I will out tonight to with Janna." Tame said and all of us tease him we know he really like Janna that well.

"Your a big boy now I'm so proud of you."

"So how did you invite Janna tell us." Light said

"I tell her that I like her not just a friend but more than of it. That my feelings is special for her. I thought she don't have the feelings as same as mine. But no, now I know that we had a mutual feelings. It's easy for me to show what my feelings is. We can show how we love each other. Atleast we know that we belong to each other." Tame said it really catch me with those words. Why I didn't tell her before I lost the chance.

I just look down and go to my room I hear Light shouting.

"Do it right now Kairus before it's too late."

I close my eyes.

Should I need to do it too? Or I just stay here and wait for the time me and Alexa leave for the family dinner?

What should I do?

I don't want to lose Kassy. But in the other hand I don't want to broke what relationship we had of Rylex. Still he is my brother. Should I sacrifice Kassy for him.


I get my blue and white dress and wear it. Put some make up.

"Queen I got the news for you" Sofia said

"Spill it."

"I hear that Rylex and Kassy relationship is fake. To confirm that I already talk to Jane to ask if it is real. I got the answer and yes it is fake. For Kassy broke Emperor heart."

"Wait who broke Kairus heart? Who is she to do that kind stuff? So if Kairus get jealous so she will confirm what his feeling for her."

"I think it is. What you will do to stop her?" Sofia said

"Now I know, why she react when Kairus accept my invitation for the dinner tonight. It seems that it will be easy for me to finish her. When I and Kairus left already finish her. You know what to do Sofia." I almost done putting make up when I saw Kairus calling.

Kairus Calling....

Me: Yes Kairus?

Kairus: Where are you? I'm here outside of your house.

Me: I'm almost done fixing myself. Can you wait me for another 5 minutes?

Kairus: Sure I'm just waiting you here.

Then he hang up the call.

I will make sure this time I will get you.

I walk down in the stairs when I saw him. He's eyes look so wonder.


I close his mouth using my lips. I kiss him.

"Yes Kairus?"

"You look so lovely tonight" I grab his hand and give him a wink.

"Thank you, so let's go?"

"Sure, ladies first." And kiss my forehead.

He open the door of the car. I went inside and look at him.

He's starting driving when I saw his phone vibrating.

"Kairus, Rylex is calling"

"Can you answer the call for me."


RYLEX Calling....

Me: Hello?

Rylex: Alexa where is Kairus?

Me: He's driving right now, why?

Rylex: I need to tell him something this is important matter.

Me: Sure I will loud speaker the call, so you can talk to him.

I put the call in loud speaker.

Kairus: Yes, Rylex what is it?

Rylex: Bro I need you right now, Kassy and I is in danger.

Kairus: Sure, where are you?

Me: But Kairus my parents waiting for us?

Kairus: This will be so quick I promise you, we will be on time.

Me: Make sure that will be so quick.

I rolled my eyes and look outside.

He kiss my forehead. And grab my hand.

"I promise" Kairus said

Kairus hang up the call.

"I promise this time, I will see your efforts." Kairus said then he drive faster.

I smile secretly.

"Rylex said that this is the place? Where they are?"

We are looking around, when we saw them. Rylex knee down and holding Kassy hand.

"Kassy Nicklaus, I want you to be my queen. The girl I love the most. And the lady to be in my present and future. Let me love you until the last day of my life. Be my queen not just for this day but until the last day of us. Will you be my queen for the rest of my life?"

I look at Kairus his crying.

"Let's go Alexa I think they don't need us here." He grab my hand and we went back in the car.

We reach the De Amo Tuales restaurant. He open the door. I grab his hand and went out of the car. We get inside the restaurant and look for my parents. And go on their way.

"Hi mom Hi dad" I kiss their cheeks.

"Hello princess how are you?" My dad said.

"I'm fine dad, by the way this is Kairus my-

"Your daughter boyfriend." I got shock when I hear what he said.

"Hey princess, why you look so suprise?" Mommy said while look at me.

"Nothing mom, by the way I miss the two of you. I really wonder what are you doing here in Silvenia's Academy?"

"We had important matters here. And to spend some time with you. So Kairus I heared that you are the Emperor here. At the very young age, how can you handle this whole Academy?"

"Well to be honest madam, I really don't know what I did to handle this place. We really do everything to make this place a safe and wonder for your child."

"Then if it is the matter I think my daughter safe in your arms." Dad said

"I want to get your daughter hand formally with you sir and madam. I want your daughter be my lady until we get old. I know this is the first time I met you. But I want your daughter be mine. Trust me that I will not hurt her. But I will make sure that I will do everything for her. Mr and Mrs. Oxford please allow me to be your daughter guy."

To be continue...