Chapter 5: Little Panda


I woke up and saw a dirty old place. I don't recognize what place is it. I'm still wearing my gown.

"Look the princess already awake." A voice from the dark side.

"Who are you? Where am I? What did you need on me?"

"We don't need anything from you. But we know someone need your head." A girl wearing black and red mask.

Then I saw another girl wearing the same mask but more detail her mask.

"Kassy Kassy if I were you I will wish to back the time and never came here. I will make you suffer." She get a baseball bat. She beaten me in my back, knees and shoulder.

"Stop please I don't know you please leave me alone." But still they beaten me.

My knees getting weak I can't stand again. Looking on them but still the mask their wear can't see anything.

"For the final show." Spotlight on me a big screen is now in front of me. I saw my parents laying on the floor full of blood.

"Now my girl did you remember what happen that night? Did you know what I did just to get him."

My head hurts nooooooooooo!


While walking in the middle of the Academy. I saw someone shadow in the tree. I'm countinue walking when someone pull me.

'Hi miss, wanna joinus let's have a small party."

"No I don't want so please leave me alone." I push the guy but they surround me

"We will make sure you will remember this night."

Someone try to tear my dress. When I saw a shadow coming on my way.

"In the highest order of this Academy. Order 2 at exactly 7 pm those person outside their dorms need to face the consequence." I know that voice. He came thank you.

Then all of the sudden they leave.

I hug him so tight.

"You came." I look at him and still he's looking in the other side.

"Why are you still oitside of your dorm? You know the rule lady." I pout and try to ha teary eyes.

"I want to go in your place and see you." I saw a little smile in your face.

"You know how to make my heartbeat beating so fast." Then he pull me closer on him. OUr face is just inch way to each other.

"Mr.Emperor did you still punish this cute lady in front of you?" I lipbite.

"Yes in my own way." He kiss me in my lips deeply I close my eyes.

I put my hands around on his nape.

"I love you my queen." Then he kiss me in my forehead.

"I love you my Emperor." You flick my forehead.

"A stuborn lady should be in her dorm now. So let me escort you. This way my queen." I hold your hand.

"I want in your dorm, I want to sleep next to you."You carry me in bridal style.

In our way going on your dorm all the students got shock. Who can imagine the Emperor of this Academy carrying an ordinary girl.

"Your blushing my queen."

"No I'm not." Then I look in different way.

Out of the blue my phone ring.

Incoming call.....


"Do you want to see your parents alive Kassy?"

"Who are you? What do you need?" I hear a laugh from the other side.

"Well step back away from Kairus." I do what the person said.

"Then what?"

"Go to the rooftop of this building never look back."

I just give him a look and run away go to the rooftop quickly.

"Mom dad wait for me." When I reach the rooftop. I get inside but no one is here.

"How stupid did you think I will let you get out of here alive?" Then she smirk.

Someone hit me in my nape. Everything went black.

Next thing I know I'm in the hospital.

Me and my parents safe.


That's all what I know.

That voice I know who had the same voice with that person.

"Alexa!" I shout her name and suddenly she stop walking away on my position.

"Alexa! Did you think if I got die from your hands Kairus will love you? NO he will not love you. Because you kill the person he love the most. He will get mad on you. At this point you will be nothing on him. If I were you let me get out of here. Please leave me alone and my family." She turn around go on my way.

She kneel down get my chin and let me look at her eyes.

"I know you just want to trick me. No, Kairus will be mine again if you get lost. Kairus is just mine. And do you think I will let you had a happy ever after with my Emperor no! I will make sure you will get suffer." Then she stand up and walk away.

Please save me Kairus, please save me my Emperor.

I close my eyes and let them hit me. I don't know how can fight. I can't stand up. My feets become weak even my knees too.

Then sudddenly they stop hitting me.

I look up and I saw Rylex fighting with them.

My heartbeat stop for a while seeing him fighting those people for me.

I wish it was you but you didn't come. Where are you my Emperor.

All the people who's wearing mask laying now in the floor.

Rylex go in my way.

"I'm here stop crying little panda." When I hear little panda wait? Don't tell me he is my little koala way back in my childhood days.

I'm still in shock when Rylex carry me.

"Hey did you bite your tounge so you can't speak?" I just hug him.

"Okay okay I think your still in shock my little panda." I close my eyes and just keep my self quite.


How I wish your heart still belong on me my little panda. I know her when we are six. While playing on the play ground I saw a girl wearing a panda costume.

The funny thing is it really suite her. Her chubby body suite in the costume.

"Hey little panda why are you alone?" Then you look up and give me a look.

"I think I'm lost Koala." Ah yeah I'm wearing koala costume.

"Let me help you find them." I lay my hands then you hold them. While we are walking.

"I'm Rylex Silvereas, I can be your koala friend." Then you laugh

"Hello koala, I'm Kassy NIcklaus I can be your panda friend too." Then I pinch your cheeks they are so cute. A chubby cheeks really suite you.

Then we hear someone shouting your name.

"KASSY! WHERE ARE YOU?!" You run going where the voice is.

"Dad!" You hug the man we saw.

"Oh god thank you I found you. Where did you go?" Your father said.

"I got lost when I buy ice cream dad. Then I saw a new friend he is Rylex my koala friend." Then your father look at me.

"Nice to meet you young boy. Thank you for helping my daughter get back here."

"It's my pleasure sir to help my panda."

"Wanna take a picture with Kassy so you both have remembrance."

"Sure sir.

Kassy hug me then her father capture a photo of us.

Another shot we both hug each other.

"You can have this photo." I got amaze when I saw the black plain film turn into our photo.

"Thank you sir for this."

'You're welcome also thank you for sending my daughter here. Kassy say good bye to your friend we need to leave now."

"Bye koala see you next summer."

"Why next summer little panda?"

"Oh I forgot to tell you every summer we are here in San Francisco we lived in Korea. Don't worry I will never forget you my koala." She kiss me in my cheeks and run go to the way of her father.

"Bye little panda."


That's the last time I saw her. Because we leave the San Francisco and go to London. But sad to say we didn't make it. We already enter here in the Academy when Kairus is just 12 and I'm just 9 that time.

But when I found out that Kassy is here. I try to reach out on her that time. But she always choose Kairus. She thought that Kairus is her Koala.

That time Light think if we can play a game. Me and Kairus to know who will be choosen by Kassy.

But it just repeat the past. Kassy choose Kairus but she didn't know why Kairus need to do that.

I will protect you my little panda I promise.

When we reach her dorm. I lay her in the bed kiss her forehead and put the blanket on her.

I go to the sofa and lay down.

This time I will make sure you will be mine my little panda. I close my eyes and take a nap.


I feel someone looking at me.

"Thank you koala for saving me." Then she hug me I'm still pretending I'm sleeping.

I feel she leave the embrace and leave the room.

I open my eyes and look at the door. I stand up and get out of her room. Go to the kitchen and sit in the chair.

Watching her making a dishes.

"Oh you are here already let's eat I prepare something." Kassy said while getting the plates with the foods.

"How are you?" I said without no where.

"Fine, thank you for saving my life I know it'a hard for you to save me even though you are alone." She put the plates of egg and bacon in front of me.

"No need to thank me I just did what I think right to protect you. After what you saw last time is the past. I know it will be hard for you to forgive me after all. Maybe if I die protecting you. You will forgive me." She hold my hand.

"No after what you did I realize I don't need to get mad in my Koala. Thank you until now your protecting me. I didn't know what I did to had you on my side."

"I always be here Kassy. Even you always choose him over me I know I had place in your heart but not as like him. Thank you I know it will takes time to forget this feelings for you but I know I made the right decision to make you happy." I pull her close to me and grab her waist and hug her.

Atleast I can be on your side even we are just friends. Maybe someday in our next life I will make sure you will belong on me. And I won't make you cry like what he did in your past.

"Let's eat I wanna taste your own pancake." I get a piece of pancake and cut it and eat.

"Until now your pancake still the best taste. I really miss this." You just only smile and sit in the chair in front of me.

"Thank you I know you will love it." While we are eating.

Someone doorbell at the door.

"Did you expect some visitors to come?" I said then you gave me a look of confused.

"No I didn't expect someone." I stand and go to Kassy room silently and get my gun.

I go to the front of Kassy door and slowly I grab the door knob. I open it and....



We said when we saw each other.

"What are you doing in Kassy's house? Did you sleep here? Are you here the whole night? Why are you two just alone?"

Then Kassy go on my side grab my hand.

"Because he is my boyfriend."